Check out the projects created at past events
Build NFT oriented games from scratch
Distributing vouchers, for employees, which are valid at participating merchants.
Layer-Agnostic Optimistic Roll-In For Self-State Management
Combine paper and digital currencies to transform people’s livelihood
XAIToken let's avoid liquidity even if the ETH price drops 50%
Preventing people getting rekt from DeFi scams.
A money market protocol with an integrated financial model designed to address the loss potential due to price volatility of the crypto assets to improve profit margins and promote crypto adoption.
A decentralized wallet manager, trading/DeFi interface and block explorer metaverse. Blockhead aims to provide a comprehensive, provider-agnostic interface that allows you to perform common blockchain-related activities in a fun, flexible, and transparent way.
A decentralized chit fund platform where participants have to deposit collateral amount in the pool and they can bid to win the loan. The deposited amount will be used to earn interest from lending pools.
PermanentLoss allows liquidity providers of ETH/Stable pairs to hedge against impermanent loss by utilizing options. The tool will help the user visually construct options strategies like strangles and straddles.
yearn vault using hegic
A platform to match people and groups who need and who perform security audits for smart contracts along with an insurance to cover potential risks.
Uniswap powered by Chainlink price feed for more accurate prices
Private and decentralised escrow contracts for FIAT to ETH trading, facilitating Paypal and Revolut P2P Crypto purchases using Chainlink oracles and Textile.
Non-transferable tokens used to mark a user's reputation and trust level.
We make it easy to automatically distribute tokens to reward social media engagement.
Interest bearing platform for esports and streamers
DeFi lending broker protocol
A plateforme to help Kickstart startups working on DApps.
Co-op is a multiplayer game verse- an intersection between 3D games and onchain activity and economy, defi and yeild farming, or is it yield gaming? is battle royal rpg maybe
Interactive Fiction, on-chian
Singleton offers client-preferred payment methods to replace service providers' original payment methods.
Create an index of unlockable achievements (represented by NFTs and NTNFTs) based on a user’s wallet interactions with popular DeFi protocols. Our goal is to gamify the DeFi experience and provide a tangible incentive for users to explore the limits of each DeFi platform.
Decentralized stable earning platform for independent music creators!
Running a node is expensive, earn money by sharing your RPC interface and decentralize Infura
The open, permissionless and user-owned AR/VR metaverse of the future
A hardware wallet and reader to trade or transfer Ethereum. Using short range 2-way wireless to communicate transactions.
A dapp that allows people to send money as ERC20 to their favorite musicians
Lowering the technical bar to ethereum with a simple and elegant wrapper.
Watch defi capital markets mature before your eyes as the first ever ethereum based yield curves go live
A decentralized protocol for develop digital skills and digitize value on cities.
A visualization tool for Vega trades. Part audio, part visual. Could be described as an art project...
A smart way to hedge forex exchange rate risks