ETHGlobal Tokyo logoETHGlobal Tokyo


The Ethereum Foundation (EF) is a non-profit organization that supports the Ethereum ecosystem. We are part of a larger community of organizations and individuals that fund protocol development, grow the ecosystem, and advocate for Ethereum. Website

The Ethereum Foundation (EF) is a non-profit organization that supports the Ethereum ecosystem. We are part of a larger community of organizations and individuals that fund protocol development, grow the ecosystem, and advocate for Ethereum.



Ethereum Foundation$20,000
   ㉧ $2,500 ×𝟺       ㉧ $2,500 ×𝟺   

Ecosystem Support Program (ESP)

ESP is the public-facing allocation arm of the Ethereum Foundation focused on strengthening Ethereum's foundations and enabling future builders: improving infrastructure, expanding the range of tools available to those building on Ethereum, deepening our understanding of cryptographic primitives, and growing the builder ecosystem through education and community development.

Website | Twitter

🏆 Prize - Account Abstraction: Wallets, Paymasters, & Developer Tooling

We encourage building in any of the 3 domains listed below, and recommend using Trampoline for all domains. The top 4 projects submitted (regardless of domain) will each receive $2,500.

Wallets: Demonstrate creative use of ERC-4337 (e.g. an innovative recovery method, access control, privacy, automation).

Paymasters: An interesting implementation of a paymaster contract into an application flow (e.g. Sybil-resistant gas sponsoring, paymasters swapping tokens for ETH) or tools for paymasters to manage their paymaster contract.

Developer Tooling: Simplify the developer experience by enhancing an existing devtool to support ERC-4337 (e.g. Hardhat plugin, ethers.js support) or create a new devtool to support ERC-4337.

🏅 - $2,500

🏅 - $2,500

🏅 - $2,500

🏅 - $2,500

Privacy & Scaling Explorations (PSE)

The PSE team explores new use cases for zero-knowledge proofs and other cryptographic primitives through research and proof-of-concepts.

Website | Twitter

🏆 Prize - ZK, Semaphore, RLN, & Unirep

We encourage building in any of the 4 domains mentioned above, and are looking for the best integration for any use case.

🎯 Note: general ZK mentorship is available at booth on April 14, 6-10pm, and April 15 2-6pm.

Semaphore Protocol: The ZK protocol for proving you belong to a group and signaling without revealing you identity. Great for developers who want to build:

  • • private voting and governance mechanisms
  • • privacy-preserving attestations and credentials
  • • anonymous endorsements
  • • anonymous social networks

🎯 Note: mentorship is available at booth on April 14, 8-10pm, and April 15 4-6pm.

RLN Protocol: A ZK gadget designed to limit spam and denial of service attacks in privacy-preserving environments. Great for developers who want to build:

  • • anonymous chat or messaging
  • • privacy-preserving communications platforms
  • • anonymous environments resistant to spam

🎯 Note: mentorship is available at booth on April 14, 6-8pm, and April 15, 2-4pm.

Unirep Protocol: A ZK protocol that expands reputation to include anonymous identifiers for user preferences, alignment, and ownership. Great for developers who want to build:

  • • apps where users are anonymous and their data is never stored
  • • systems that allow users to prove they control their data
  • • apps that require reputation for social interactions

🎯 Note: Unirep mentorship is not available on-site, please join Unirep's Discord and ask your question.

🏅 - $2,500

🏅 - $2,500

🏅 - $2,500

🏅 - $2,500



The 1inch Network unites decentralized protocols whose synergy enables the most lucrative, fastest and protected operations in the DeFi space. The initial protocol of the 1inch Network is a DEX aggregator solution that searches deals across multiple liquidity sources, offering users better rates than any individual exchange. This protocol incorporates the Pathfinder algorithm which finds the best paths among different markets over 180 liquidity sources on Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimistic Ethereum, Arbitrum and Gnosis Chain. In just over two years the 1inch DEX aggregator has reached 2M users and surpassed $150B in overall trading volume. The 1inch Aggregation Protocol facilitates cost-efficient and secure swap transactions across multiple liquidity sources. 

The 1inch Network unites decentralized protocols whose synergy enables the most lucrative, fastest and protected operations in the DeFi space. The initial protocol of the 1inch Network is a DEX aggregator solution that searches deals across multiple liquidity sources, offering users better rates than any individual exchange. This protocol incorporates the Pathfinder algorithm which finds the best paths among different markets over 180 liquidity sources on Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimistic Ethereum, Arbitrum and Gnosis Chain. In just over two years the 1inch DEX aggregator has reached 2M users and surpassed $150B in overall trading volume. The 1inch Aggregation Protocol facilitates cost-efficient and secure swap transactions across multiple liquidity sources. 


1inch Network$20,000
   ㉧ $4,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $3,500       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $4,500   

Task 1


Raise utilisation of 1inch network fusion protocol through using Fusion API in you project.

Amount Prize:

🥇 First place: 4000 USD

🥈 Second place: 3000 USD

🥉 Third place: 2000 USD

Bounty Description

1inch recently launched a new Fusion mode. It allows users to trade with multiple features not available before. Integrate a 1inch Fusion into your project according to the docs

  • Criteria:
  1. Finality of the integration (complete swap via 1inch smart contract based on docs)
  2. Unique way of the integration: use super new type of DApp, cross chain, game integration etc
  • Nice to haves:

Documentation (how to use, how to run, main features)


Task 2


Raise transparency of 1inch Network Fusion through implementing dashboard with stats about 1inch network resolvers.

Amount Prize:

🥇 First place: 3500 USD

🥈 Second place: 2000 USD

🥉 Third place: 1000 USD

Bounty Description

1inch recently launched a new Fusion mode. To raise transparency it needs to have detailed analytics about resolvers behaviour. You need to build a dashboard that will consist of all data linked to the 1inch Fusion that can make sense for the community

  • Criteria:

Dashboard must represent at least such data: orders amount executed per resolver / total, total volume in USD per resolver / total, unique txs from orders, gas costs, profits, apr of rewards, unicorn power, delegation amount.

More details → better


Task 3


Open track focused on open source. Any project with meaningful impact to the community.

Amount Prize: 4500 USD

Bounty Description

Any project / concept with meaningful impact to the community that is open source is eligible. It can be: new EIP, new defi protocol, security tool, etc.

  • Criteria:
  1. Project must be created on ETH Tokyo without code base before the hackathon
  2. Project must be open source
  3. Project must contain description / rationale that will explain it’s impact to the community

Getting Started

Details about 1inch protocols, all documentation, examples and GitHub links can be found at


The Future of DeFi is here: introducing 1inch...

This workshop will help developers understand what is 1inch Fusion mode, how to integrate 1inch Fusion mode to have...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:00 PM JST — Friday, Apr 14, 2023 in 5th Floor | Workshop Room 2


Gnosis Chain is an EVM-compatible Layer-1 blockchain that aspires to be the most secure, resilient and credibly neutral blockchain, buttressed by a deeply decentralized network secured by over 100K validators.

Gnosis Chain is an EVM-compatible Layer-1 blockchain that aspires to be the most secure, resilient and credibly neutral blockchain, buttressed by a deeply decentralized network secured by over 100K validators.


Gnosis Chain$20,000
   ㉧ $8,000       ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000   

Gnosis Chain will be awarding the following prizes for use of Gnosis Chain:

Most innovative dApps on Gnosis Chain:

  • 🥇 Gold Prize: $8,000
  • 🚀 Silver prize: $5,000
  • 🤝 Bronze prizes: $3,000
  • 🌉 Best project on Hashi: $2000
  • 🌉 Best project on Safe: $2000

Hashi is an EVM Header Oracle Aggregator designed to facilitate a principled approach to cross-chain bridge security. The primary insight is that most bridge-related security incidents could have had a minimal impact if the systems relying on them had built in some redundancy. In other words, requiring messages to be validated by multiple independent mechanisms, rather than just one, is much more secure.

Learn more about Hashi here:

With the advent of Account Abstraction (AA), a new world of possibilities has opened up. One of its most notable advantages is the ability to execute "sponsored transactions," which are covered by a third party rather than the user. To take advantage of this feature, we have teamed up with Safe to sponsor all transactions carried out using Safe on Gnosis Chain. This makes it possible for developers to create gasless experiences that feel like web2 interactions.

We are offering a $2,000 bounty to the best project utilizing the Safe{Core} Account Abstraction stack on Gnosis Chain. Be sure to also check out Safe's designated ETHGlobal Tokyo bounty for further resources and instructions

Getting Started

Recommended Things for Builders


Taiko is building a decentralized Ethereum-equivalent ZK-Rollup (Type-1 ZK-EVM). Taiko enables developers and users to experience Ethereum securely, with lower transaction fees, and without needing to consider any changes. Additionally, Taiko empowers a vibrant community of block proposers, provers, and node runners due to its decentralized design. Website | Twitter

Taiko is building a decentralized Ethereum-equivalent ZK-Rollup (Type-1 ZK-EVM). Taiko enables developers and users to experience Ethereum securely, with lower transaction fees, and without needing to consider any changes. Additionally, Taiko empowers a vibrant community of block proposers, provers, and node runners due to its decentralized design.

Website | Twitter


   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,000   

Best Dapps 👷

Build a DeFi, NFT, identity, social, or gaming dapp – or anything you are passionate about. Just build the dapps you love, scale Ethereum, and make it more accessible for people around the world. Remember: you can build on Taiko exactly as you would on Ethereum!

🥇 $3,000

🥈 $2,000

🥉 $1,000

Infrastructure Improvements 🧱

We "operate" Taiko just like the Ethereum Foundation "operates" Ethereum, where the open source codebase is the deliverable that we offer to the community, not some for-profit service. That’s your chance to make Taiko’s ZK-Rollup infrastructure to make it more usable and convenient.

🥇 $2,500

🥈 $1,000

Ideas to consider:

Helpful links for this prize and Taiko infrastructure:


MEV is everywhere. Even where you think there is no MEV – there is MEV. And of course Layer 2 is no exception, L2 transactions are a source of MEV! Whatever you come up with to catch, auction, or direct MEV on Taiko L2 will be useful here. And since we are Ethereum-equivalent, the existing MEV tooling and infrastructure on Ethereum L1 is reusable on Taiko.

🥇 $2,500

🥈 $1,000

Ideas to consider:

  • Integrate flashbots into Taiko proposers.
  • Improve block proposing mechanism (ex. take into account calldata cost)
  • Craft a kind of “mev-boost” for Taiko L2
  • Integrate fancy shared sequencers (Taiko supports those out of the box)

Helpful links for this prize and MEV on Taiko ZK-EVM:

ZK-Zone 🥷

The core of the Taiko ZK-EVM are the ZK-EVM circuits! And the rollup makes use of ZKPs elsewhere as well. Sharpen your circuit writing skills and help improve Taiko while doing so.

🥇 $2,500

🥈 $1,000

Ideas to consider:

Improve the efficiency of bridging on L2 by replacing the (standard!) Ethereum Patricia Merkle Proof checks in the bridging smart contract by a zero knowledge proof verification that verifies the Merkle proofs in a circuit. This exchanges data costs (higher on L2) for computation costs (lower on L2).

Helpful links for this prize and ZK on Taiko:

Protocol Economics (no-code bounty!) 🤓

Help us to design the Taiko Protocol Economics to make it solid, reliable, and robust. No formal rules or constraints, just be creative and think out of the box. Keep in mind that Taiko has decentralized both proposers and provers, for more details about the protocol design check this workshop.


Ideas to consider:

There are two aspects of the tokenomics. 1) the tokenomics between proposers and provers with the protocol mediating it, 2) the proposers need to buy L2 block space through EIP-1559 or similar mechanism. How may one change EIP-1559 to adapt to the fact that L2 blocks do not have constant intervals (block times).

Helpful links for this prize and Taiko protocol economics:

Ethereum Public Goods 🌏

We’re here to scale and expand Ethereum. And because we are Ethereum-equivalent, anything you build for Ethereum, we can likely make use of. So build something that pushes Ethereum and its overarching mission forward.

🥇 $1,500

Fun bounty 💃🏽

Just build the most crazy, weird, and fun thing you can and you’re done. No constraints, no instructions: just think out of the box and build whatever you’re passionate about!

🥇 $1,000

Getting Started


Lens Protocol is a composable and decentralized social graph. It lets creators take ownership of their content wherever they go in the digital garden of the decentralized internet. With Lens Protocol, you are in control. You own your profile, where you use it, how you use it, and even how you monetize it. That means you have the power over your content, and it’s all right there, as an NFT, in your wallet. It’s not just easy. It’s how digital identity should be: yours.

Lens Protocol is a composable and decentralized social graph. It lets creators take ownership of their content wherever they go in the digital garden of the decentralized internet. With Lens Protocol, you are in control. You own your profile, where you use it, how you use it, and even how you monetize it. That means you have the power over your content, and it’s all right there, as an NFT, in your wallet. It’s not just easy. It’s how digital identity should be: yours.


Lens Protocol$20,000
   ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟷𝟷   

🥇 - $5,000 USDC

🥈 - $3,000 USDC

🥉 - $2,000 USDC

🎖 10 best Lens Integrations for $1,000 USDC each

Getting Started

Check out to enter the developer garden, discover ideas for how to leverage Lens, and much more!



Mina is the world’s lightest blockchain, powered by participants. Rather than apply brute computing force, Mina uses advanced cryptography and recursive zk-SNARKs to design an entire blockchain that is about 22kb, the size of a couple of tweets. It is the first layer-1 to enable efficient implementation and easy programmability of zero knowledge smart contracts (zkApps). With its unique privacy features and ability to connect to any website, Mina is building a private gateway between the real world and crypto—and the secure, democratic future we all deserve. Mina is stewarded by the Mina Foundation, a public benefit corporation headquartered in the United States.

Mina is the world’s lightest blockchain, powered by participants. Rather than apply brute computing force, Mina uses advanced cryptography and recursive zk-SNARKs to design an entire blockchain that is about 22kb, the size of a couple of tweets. It is the first layer-1 to enable efficient implementation and easy programmability of zero knowledge smart contracts (zkApps). With its unique privacy features and ability to connect to any website, Mina is building a private gateway between the real world and crypto—and the secure, democratic future we all deserve. Mina is stewarded by the Mina Foundation, a public benefit corporation headquartered in the United States.


Mina Protocol$20,000
   ㉧ $8,000       ㉧ $6,000       ㉧ $2,000 ×𝟸       ㉧ $285 ×𝟽   

We will be providing prizes for zkApps built for Mina Protocol using SnarkyJS

  • 🥇 1st Prize $8,000
  • 🥈 2nd Prize $6,000
  • 🥉 3rd prize $4,000

🏊 $2,000 pool for for anybody who submits a qualifying project (i.e. built using SnarkyJS) that didn't win 1st, 2nd or 3rd prizes.



Polygon is the leading platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its growing suite of products offers developers easy access to all major scaling and infrastructure solutions: L2 solutions (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups), sidechains, hybrid solutions, stand-alone and enterprise chains, data availability solutions, and more. Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 18000+ applications hosted, 1B+ total transactions processed, ~100M+ unique user addresses, and $5B+ in assets secured.Website | Twitter | Reddit | Telegram | Discord

Polygon is the leading platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its growing suite of products offers developers easy access to all major scaling and infrastructure solutions: L2 solutions (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups), sidechains, hybrid solutions, stand-alone and enterprise chains, data availability solutions, and more. Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 18000+ applications hosted, 1B+ total transactions processed, ~100M+ unique user addresses, and $5B+ in assets secured.Website | Twitter | Reddit | Telegram | Discord


   ㉧ $1,666       ㉧ $2,500 ×𝟸       ㉧ $1,250 ×𝟺       ㉧ $37 ×𝟷𝟹𝟻   

ZM builders, we’re challenging you to hack with Polygon solutions to solve real-world problems.--❌ $5,000 Best Cross-Chain Hacks with Polygon zkEVMgm anon, or should we say ZM. We’ve officially entered the zkVerse with the launch of Polygon zkEVM Mainnet Beta. We’re challenging you to create a cross-chain or x-chain hack connecting Polygon zkEVM with Ethereum or Polygon PoS. Check out the universal bridge repo, a unified interface for sending messages from Ethereum to other chains and rollups to get started.Cross-Chain ideas from the Polygon zkEVM team Implement an OpenZeppelin Governor that allows token holders to vote on Polygon zkEVM with proposals that are still on Ethereum or Polygon PoS Create a snapshot strategy that accounts for token balance on Ethereum, Polygon PoS, & Polygon zkEVM Build a zkEVM NFT project with mint logic that depends on owning an asset on Ethereum or Polygon PoS --🆔 $5,000 Best use of Polygon ID's Verifiable Credentials to preserve user privacySelf Sovereign Identity is the future. Use Polygon ID to represent identity-based information as verifiable credentials in your dapp so your users can prove access rights to dapp features without giving up their private data.Ideas from the Polygon ID team Anonymous voting - On-chain voting exposes the choices made by different public addresses. Create a hack that proves DAO membership with a VC while making sure members don’t double vote. Social proof of influence or activity - Create a proof of influence issuer that issues VCs based on numbers of followers or number of posts across social platforms Bot protection - Create a decentralized verification system providing individual VCs of liveliness & uniqueness that could be combined to prevent sybil attacks --🤝 $5,000 Best Public Good with Account Abstraction or Gasless transactions on PolygonCreate a permissionless public good dapp with an app-like UX by sponsoring your users’ gas fees using gasless transactions or by batching transactions into a single transaction. Learn more by reading up on ERC-4337: Account Abstraction and Gasless transactions.Account Abstraction SDKsSafe{Core} Account Abstraction SDKs support Polygon PoS Mainnet and Polygon PoS Mumbai Testnet.Biconomy’s Gasless Transactions SDKs support Polygon PoS Mumbai Testnet with Mainnet and zkEVM networks coming soon.In your project’s README, explain the UX optimization strategies you chose and link to relevant sections of code with your account abstraction implementation.--🏊‍♂️ $5,000 Build #onPolygon in Public Pool PrizeDeploy your smart contract on Polygon (Polygon PoS Mainnet, Polygon PoS Mumbai Testnet, Polygon zkEVM Mainnet, or the Polygon zkEVM Testnet) and provide a link to the smart contract and your tweet. All teams that satisfy these requirements will split the pool prize.Pool prize eligibility: In your project’s README✅ Link to your deployed smart contract(s) on Polygonscan. For example:✅ Link to your tweet: Use this link to Tweet out the link to your deployed smart contract and build in public by sharing your code with the Polygon Devs community


Worldcoin is building the world’s largest identity and financial network as a public utility, giving ownership to everyone. Introducing the beta SDK for World ID. World ID is the protocol to bring global proof of personhood to the internet. World ID is privacy-first, decentralized and self-custodial.

Worldcoin is building the world’s largest identity and financial network as a public utility, giving ownership to everyone. Introducing the beta SDK for World ID. World ID is the protocol to bring global proof of personhood to the internet. World ID is privacy-first, decentralized and self-custodial.


   ㉧ $4,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟹       ㉧ $214 ×𝟷𝟺   
  • $4,000 to the Best Overall 🥇
  • $3,000 to the Best Public Good Use Case 🤝 (this can include non-profits, public goods funding, welfare programs, UBI, …)
  • $3,000 to the Best Governance App 🧑‍⚖️ (this can include governance of AI, democratic voting, DAOs governance, …)
  • $3,000 to the Most Creative Use Case 🧞
  • **$1,000 **to the Best Sign in with Worldcoin App 🔑
  • Up to 3x $1,000 to Honorable Mentions 🏆
  • $3,000 Prize Pool - distributed equally among all qualifying submissions 🏊

Getting Started;


Global Proof of Personhood in the Age of AI

As we venture into the exciting new Age of AI, solving proof of personhood is more important than ever. Intelligenc...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:30 PM JST — Friday, Apr 14, 2023 in 5th Floor | Workshop Room 2


A crypto wallet & gateway to blockchain apps. MetaMask is the leading self-custodial wallet. The safe and simple way to access blockchain applications and web3. Trusted by millions of users worldwide. <>

A crypto wallet & gateway to blockchain apps.

MetaMask is the leading self-custodial wallet. The safe and simple way to access blockchain applications and web3. Trusted by millions of users worldwide.


   ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟺       ㉧ $1,500 ×𝟸       ㉧ $500       ㉧ $1,500 ×𝟻   

1️⃣ Build on MetaMask SDK

We have $3k max for up to 2 winners ($1.5 each or $3k for one team).

Beyond your winnings, you have the opportunity to work alongside ConsenSys post-hackathon to apply for a MetaMask Grant or be part of our Ambassador or Accelerator program. We want to build with you, and with a well-fleshed-out submission, we can help you take your idea to the next level, finish those features you couldn’t get to, or take your project to production.

Valid submissions must include one of the various MetaMask SDKs at minimum, enabling users to connect to MetaMask Extension and/or MetaMask Mobile (Unity, JavaScript, React Native/iOS)


  • Use the MetaMask SDK in your code
  • Each submission should have a short video that describes scope and functionality of the dapp
  • Code available on GitHub
  • Derp: Repos must contain a text file named “tokyo.txt” with the phrase “Keep calm and love Tokyo”
  • This attention to detail helps us reward genuine effort and identify quality projects.

Helpful materials:


  • Utility Technical sophistication Fundability
  • Bonus points for number of ConsenSys products used (Truffle, Infura, and zkEVM)

2️⃣ Best Snap Use-case

We have $3k max for up to 2 winners ($1.5 each or $3k for one team).

Extend the functionality of MetaMask. The most popular wallet is now an extensible platform for permissionless innovation. Bring your features and APIs to MetaMask with Snaps. A Snap is a program run in an isolated environment that customizes and extends the wallet experience. We are looking for new and interesting use cases to modify MetaMask using Snaps.


  • Novel - We are looking for new and interesting use cases made possible only via the Snaps platform. Snaps must extend wallet functionality in a meaningful way. Simple use cases where the dapp could have existed without a Snap will not be awarded.
  • Derp - Repos must contain a text file named “tokyo.txt” with the phrase “Keep calm and love Tokyo” This attention to detail helps us reward genuine effort and identify quality projects.
  • Monorepo - Use a monorepo structure (scaffold projects with the guide or the CLI to get started). Feel free to construct a more complex front-end React.
  • README - README should detail what the project is, what it aims to accomplish, steps for running locally etc.
  • Run It - Submissions must hosted or runnable locally

The winning project that launches their dapp within 2 months after the hackathon will have their projects fast tracked for consideration in the MetaMask Grants DAO.

Helpful materials:


  • Utility
  • Technical sophistication
  • Fundability
  • Bonut points for number of ConsenSys products used (Truffle, Infura, MetaMask SDK, and Linea)

3️⃣ Unity & MetaMask <3 Builders

We have $1500 for one winner.

Develop a game using the Unity engine that utilizes the MetaMask Unity SDK for secure and seamless integration with the MetaMask wallet. The winning project should demonstrate innovative use of the MetaMask Unity SDK’s features, and offer a unique and engaging gaming experience. The game should be designed with on-chain interactions.

Beyond your winnings, you have the opportunity to work alongside ConsenSys post-hackathon to apply for a MetaMask Grant or be part of our Ambassador or Accelerator program. We want to build with you, and with a well-fleshed-out submission, we can help you take your idea to the next level, finish those features you couldn’t get to, or take your project to production.


  • Use the MetaMask Unity SDK in your code
  • Use the Unity Engine
  • A short video demonstrating game play and MetaMask interaction Code available on GitHub
  • Derp: Repos must contain a text file named “tokyo.txt” with the phrase “Keep calm and love Tokyo”
  • This attention to detail helps us reward genuine effort and identify quality projects.

Helpful materials:


  • Utility
  • Technical sophistication
  • Fundability
  • Bonus points for number of ConsenSys products used (Truffle, Infura, and Linea)

4️⃣ Build a dapp on Linea

We have $7500 max for up to 5 winners

Linea public testnet launched 3/28, and we want to see you build a dapp that will quickly grow our user base. Linea is an EVM equivalent zk-rollup that offers faster finality and low gas fees to help you scale your dapps. Learn more at

Winners will be featured on our ecosystem portal and celebrated within the Linea community!

Beyond your winnings, you have the opportunity to work alongside ConsenSys post-hackathon to apply for a MetaMask Grant or be part of our Ambassador or Accelerator program. We want to build with you, and with a well-fleshed-out submission, we can help you take your idea to the next level, finish those features you couldn’t get to, or take your project to production.


  • Deployment: on Linea
  • Link to the deployed contract address on blockscout
  • Linea network configured in your code
  • Derp:
  • Repos must contain a text file named “tokyo.txt” with the phrase “Keep calm and love Tokyo”
  • This attention to detail helps us reward genuine effort and identify quality projects.
  • Code needs to be viewable on GitHub
  • Each submission should have a short video that describes scope and functionality of the dapp


  • Utility
  • Technical sophistication
  • Fundability
  • Bonus points for number of ConsenSys products used (Truffle, Infura, and MetaMask SDK)


Build with Linea: An L2 crash course

In this workshop, we’ll be giving an L2 crash course - what they are, how they work, and how to choose where to bui...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:30 PM JST — Friday, Apr 14, 2023 in 5th Floor | Workshop Room 2


# Build with Airstack Airstack is a developer platform that enables you to easily query and integrate any web3 on-chain data and related off-chain data into your apps. More powerful than previous solutions, Airstack enables complex queries in GraphQL that cut across on-chain/off-chain, cross-chain, cross-project, and identity data, and enables developers to not have to host their own infrastructure to integrate and serve relevant ecosystem data to end-users. The Airstack AI Assistant enables you to query natural language inputs (e.g. “show me all tokens held by Vitalik.eth”) — a great way to get started if you’re new to GraphQL. Airstack x ETH Global | Developers Telegram | Developer Docs | Ideas List

Build with Airstack

Airstack is a developer platform that enables you to easily query and integrate any web3 on-chain data and related off-chain data into your apps. More powerful than previous solutions, Airstack enables complex queries in GraphQL that cut across on-chain/off-chain, cross-chain, cross-project, and identity data, and enables developers to not have to host their own infrastructure to integrate and serve relevant ecosystem data to end-users.

The Airstack AI Assistant enables you to query natural language inputs (e.g. “show me all tokens held by Vitalik.eth”) — a great way to get started if you’re new to GraphQL.

Airstack x ETH Global | Developers Telegram | Developer Docs | Ideas List


   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $1,750       ㉧ $1,750       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,500   

🔥 Best overall use of Airstack APIs -- $3,000

👯 Best use of Airstack APIs in a consumer application -- $1750

🗄 Best use of Airstack APIs in a business application or dev tooling -- $1,750

🪄 Best implementation of a project on our Ideas List -- $2,000

**Implementation of Airstack schemas for writing an in-demand Subgraph **from our Ideas List

  • 🥇 $1,000
  • 🥈 $250
  • 🥉 $250

Getting Started


Building data-aware applications

Airstack enables devs to easily query and integrate any web3 on-chain data and related off-chain data into their ap...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:00 PM JST — Friday, Apr 14, 2023 in 5th Floor | Workshop Room 1


Hyperlane is the permissionless interoperability layer pioneering a modular security architecture that empowers developers to own and customize their security stack. With Hyperlane, anyone can bring interoperability anywhere, the interoperability layer purpose built for the modular blockchain world.

Hyperlane is the permissionless interoperability layer pioneering a modular security architecture that empowers developers to own and customize their security stack. With Hyperlane, anyone can bring interoperability anywhere, the interoperability layer purpose built for the modular blockchain world.


   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $4,000       ㉧ $1,000   

🥇Top prize - $4,000 - Best use of Permissionless Interoperability To qualify to win this prize you simply need to deploy Hyperlane on a new blockchain or Rollup. Once deployed, how you utilize your new-found interoperability capabilities will dictate how likely you are to win the grand prize! Could you be the first one to bring Hyperlane to Scroll? Or Fuel? What about other chains participating in the hack? You could even deploy to your own chain! Examples would include deploying to your own rollup created via Celestia, Optimism, Polygon, or any rollup toolkit you’d like to use! Permissionless Interoperability related submissions will be eligible for smaller prizes, such as the Warp Route or Scaling Infrastructure prizes 💸 $2,000 - Best use of Hyperlane Warp Routes Warp Routes are Hyperlane’s unique take on token bridging. They are unique and instanced expression of bridging as opposed to the traditional omnibus token bridge design. Each Warp Route can have its own security model, using Hyperlane’s Interchain Security Modules. Perhaps most importantly, Warp Routes are completely permissionless! No one can stop you from bringing whichever asset you’d like to any chain you’d like. So how can you win this prize? While the only strict requirement is that you use Warp Routes in your submission, the more creative you get with it the better! Here are some ideas about what you could do Create the first bridge to a new chain! This would also make you eligible for the grand prize 😉 Leverage Warp Route’d assets in an app of your design for a boost to an already strong submission Use Warp Routes to create interchain NFTs or bridge existing collections 🌐 $2,000 - Write new Interchain Security Modules (ISMs) Hyperlane’s Modular Security Stack is premised on a variety of available Interchain Security Modules that developers can use to secure how applications can communicate between chains. While a few ISM’s are already available, and more are in the works, the hackathon is a great opportunity to build new ones. Some suggestions for ISMs Hyperlane developers would like to see: An Optimistic ISM; this would implement an ISM that secures messages with an Optimistic system, in the mold of the Optics protocol, one that allows for a challenge period of some time, during which a fraud proof can be submitted by anyone. A successful submission will include the ISM itself, and any necessary offchain agent software such as the Watchtower and any Relayer changes. A Telepathy ISM; the newly released Telepathy client allows for interchain messaging from Ethereum secured by ZK-SNARKs. A Telepathy ISM would use the Telepathy client to secure outbound messages from Ethereum. A successful submission will include the ISM itself, and any necessary changes to the Relayer. A Native/Rollup Bridge ISM; this ISM would leverage the native bridge for a rollup, i.e. the native Optimism or Arbitrum bridges, to secure messaging. A successful submission will include the ISM itself, and any necessary changes to the Relayer.


Building the Interchain with Hyperlane

Get your first taste of permissionless interoperability! In this workshop you'll learn how to deploy Hyperlane to y...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:30 PM JST — Friday, Apr 14, 2023 in 5th Floor | Workshop Room 3


Aave Grants DAO is a community-led grants program, focused on growing a thriving ecosystem of contributors within Aave through funding ideas, projects and events that benefit the ecosystem. 

Aave Grants DAO is a community-led grants program, focused on growing a thriving ecosystem of contributors within Aave through funding ideas, projects and events that benefit the ecosystem. 


Aave Grants DAO$10,000
   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000   

🥇 - $5,000 USDC

🥈 - $3,000 USDC

🥉 - $2,000 USDC


This will be the first hackathon for GHO and we can’t wait to see what you build!

  • Payments: Build utility around the future of payments on the web. You could create an app or plugin to buy and pay with GHO anywhere.

  • Direct Debit Network: Create a direct debit network for GHO where any user can charge an account with a predefined amount of GHO. GHO would then be transferred immediately but not unlocked until a set period of time passes. During this time, anyone can dispute the function if they have a balance.

  • Account Abstraction: Build a tool that uses Account Abstraction with GHO to allow users to pay gas fees with GHO, and has rebates. E.g., if the gas used is more than GHO paid, users can claim a rebate or pay it forward.

  • DeFi Yield Strategies: Construct new DeFi yield strategies and opportunities for GHO and the entire DeFi community.

  • Analysis: Create a website to monitor and analyze GHO.


Help to build the future of financial applications with Aave V3, the most significant upgrade to the Aave Protocol.

  • Aave Forex Tool: Build a tool where you can short assets. Enhance the ability of users to access forex liquidity by using one or all of eMode, flash loans, and other DeFi integrations such as Curve.

  • ZK Proofs: Utilize ZK proofs for critical vulnerabilities while not disclosing the vulnerability, i.e. prove there’s a vulnerability to the DAO so they can vote on it informed but not actually say what the vulnerability is.

  • Health Factor Simulator: Build a UI component that displays a price slider per each collateral and borrowed asset, so you can simulate prices and see how your Health Factor changes under those conditions. Allowing you to take informed decisions to mitigate liquidation risks.

  • Debt Swap: Right now you can swap your collateral from one asset to another but imagine if you built a new feature for swapping debt from one asset to another.

Be sure you do not expose private keys or other sensitive information through hardcoding or pushing .env files. Make sure your code is well documented on GitHub and preferably has a front end that is available to be used on a public website. If you created smart contracts, deploy them to a testnet and ensure your front end properly interacts with them.

Tell us what you are building by tagging @GHOAave @AaveAave on Twitter and Lens!


Introduction to GHO: Payments Workshop

An overview of GHO, a decentralized multi-collateral stablecoin that is fully backed, transparent and native to the...

This workshop is happening in-person

07:30 PM JST — Friday, Apr 14, 2023 in 5th Floor | Workshop Room 1


Safe makes it easy for anyone to make and use smart accounts (aka Account Abstraction) on the blockchain.

Safe makes it easy for anyone to make and use smart accounts (aka Account Abstraction) on the blockchain.


   ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟻       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟻   

Safe will be giving $10,000 for the best hacks using Safe {Core}. To be eligible, developers must use at least one of the Safe {Core} Account Abstraction SDK kits listed below.

🧰 Protocol Kit

The Protocol Kit uses the Safe Core SDK to interact with Safe contracts using a Javascript interface. This SDK can be used to create new Safe accounts, update the configuration of existing Safes, and propose and execute transactions.

Auth Kit

The Auth kit creates an Ethereum address and authenticates a blockchain account using an email address, social media account, or traditional crypto wallets like Metamask.

💳 Onramp Kit

The Onramp kit allows users to buy cryptocurrencies using a credit card and other payment options.

🏃🏻‍♀️ Relay Kit

The Relay Kit allows users to pay transaction fees (gas fees) using the native blockchain token or ERC-20 tokens. This allows you to pay gas fees using any ERC-20 token in your Safe, even if you don't have ETH.

Other Account Abstraction bounties

If you are planning to hack on Safe{Core}, make sure to also check out some of the other bounties as your hack may qualify for them as well:


Build a Group Wallet to Buy things with Frens...

Create a group wallet that allows you to buy things like event tickets with a group of friends. Using the new Safe...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:30 PM JST — Friday, Apr 14, 2023 in 5th Floor | Workshop Room 1


UMA is an optimistic oracle (OO) that can verify any statement proposed on the blockchain. Using economic incentives, the OO tells smart contracts “things about the world” so contracts and markets asking for that data can be settled.  Across, UMA's sister project is a cross-chain bridge that supports cheap, secure, and near-instantaneous transfers between L2s and to L1. Across transfers are secured by UMA’s optimistic oracle.  Builders can use OO as a decentralized truth machine that is flexible enough to handle ambiguity and real-world data with human-powered dispute resolution. UMA’s OO secures and empowers a diverse set of Web3 applications, including cross-chain bridges, insurance protocols, prediction markets and customizable DAO tooling products.

UMA is an optimistic oracle (OO) that can verify any statement proposed on the blockchain. Using economic incentives, the OO tells smart contracts “things about the world” so contracts and markets asking for that data can be settled. 

Across, UMA's sister project is a cross-chain bridge that supports cheap, secure, and near-instantaneous transfers between L2s and to L1. Across transfers are secured by UMA’s optimistic oracle. 

Builders can use OO as a decentralized truth machine that is flexible enough to handle ambiguity and real-world data with human-powered dispute resolution. UMA’s OO secures and empowers a diverse set of Web3 applications, including cross-chain bridges, insurance protocols, prediction markets and customizable DAO tooling products.


UMA & Across$10,000
   ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $600 ×𝟼       ㉧ $2,000   
  • 🥇 First Winner - $5,000 in UMA tokens
  • 🥈 Second winner - $2,000 in UMA tokens
  • 🏊 Pool Prize - $3,000 in UMA tokens


ApeCoin is an ERC-20 governance and utility token for decentralized communities building at the forefront of culture and web3. Yuga Labs, the company behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club ecosystem, is a contributor to the APE ecosystem and is adopting ApeCoin as the primary token for the BAYC ecosystem as well as upcoming metaverse and gaming experiences. APE adoption will be driven largely by communities who are driving culture forward through NFTs, art, gaming, entertainment, community and events.  ApeCoin serves several purposes including:  * Governance - allows ApeCoin holders to participate in the ApeCoin DAO  * Unification of Spend - shared and open currency across more NFT native communities  * Access - exclusive games, merch, events, and services  * Incentivization - tool for third-party developers to incorporate APE into their services, games, and other projects

ApeCoin is an ERC-20 governance and utility token for decentralized communities building at the forefront of culture and web3. Yuga Labs, the company behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club ecosystem, is a contributor to the APE ecosystem and is adopting ApeCoin as the primary token for the BAYC ecosystem as well as upcoming metaverse and gaming experiences. APE adoption will be driven largely by communities who are driving culture forward through NFTs, art, gaming, entertainment, community and events. 

ApeCoin serves several purposes including: 

  • Governance - allows ApeCoin holders to participate in the ApeCoin DAO 
  • Unification of Spend - shared and open currency across more NFT native communities 
  • Access - exclusive games, merch, events, and services 
  • Incentivization - tool for third-party developers to incorporate APE into their services, games, and other projects


ApeCoin DAO$10,000
   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000   


Best Integration:

  • 🥇 First Place - $3,000
  • 🥈 Second Place - $2,000

Best Contribution:

  • 🥇 First Place - $3,000
  • 🥈 Second Place - $2,000


Celo is the carbon-negative, mobile-first, EVM-compatible PoS blockchain where developers can build decentralized applications that create the conditions for prosperity — for everyone.

Celo is the carbon-negative, mobile-first, EVM-compatible PoS blockchain where developers can build decentralized applications that create the conditions for prosperity — for everyone.


   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000   

We will award 5 x $2,000 prizes for teams who deploy their contracts on Alfajores Testnet or Celo Mainnet building real world solutions and creating positive impact within the following categories:

  • 🌱 Climate, ReFi x $2,000
  • 💱 Payments, DeFi, Stablecoins x $2,000
  • 🌏 Public Goods, Community x $2,000
  • 👾 DAOs, NFTs, Gaming x $2,000
  • 🏆 Wildcard! Best overall x $2,000

Please see our Hackathon Ideas list for inspiration and to learn more and come chat with us at the booth, we want to hear what you're building!

Getting Started

ReFi Tutorials


Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) is a runtime environment for smart contracts (also called actors) on the Filecoin network. FVM brings user programmability to Filecoin, unleashing the enormous potential of an open data economy. FVM unlocks boundless possibilities, ranging from dataDAOs, to perpetual storage, to financial services for miners (e.g. collateral lending, liquid staking, insurance protocols), to decentralized compute and Layer 2 networks (such as reputation systems, and incentive-aligned content delivery networks, and more. Website | Twitter | Discord | Office hours

Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) is a runtime environment for smart contracts (also called actors) on the Filecoin network. FVM brings user programmability to Filecoin, unleashing the enormous potential of an open data economy.

FVM unlocks boundless possibilities, ranging from dataDAOs, to perpetual storage, to financial services for miners (e.g. collateral lending, liquid staking, insurance protocols), to decentralized compute and Layer 2 networks (such as reputation systems, and incentive-aligned content delivery networks, and more.

Website | Twitter | Discord | Office hours


Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM)$10,000
   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000   

🪄 DataDAOs: Best use and development of data organizations on FVM to incentivize storage of datasets on the Filecoin network. Examples include vertically-focused dataDAOs for decentralized science, machine learning models, biotech etc. We want to highlight DAOs that specifically incentivize the curation, editing, storage and analysis of datasets that are critical to humanity. Prize: 1 x $2,000

🚀 Programmable Storage markets: Best use of FVM to orchestrate, aggregate and broker storage on the Filecoin network. Examples include storage bounties, full sector auctions, Filecoin sector rebates and incentive schemes to drive a more efficient data economy. Prize: 1 x $2,000

💻 Compute over Data: Best use of FVM to facilitate decentralized compute. Examples include scheduling decentralized compute, paying for compute jobs, or cataloging resources globally, or integrations with Bacalhau. Prize: 1 x $2,000

🧰 Primitives, Infra & Tooling: Best use of FVM to build tools to support Filecoin economy participants (e.g., storage providers, storage clients etc.) or facilitate intra and inter-protocol transactions. Examples include improving development workflow, cross-chain transactions and bridges, access controls and more. Prize: 1 x $2,000

🃏 Wild Card: Awarded to projects with the best overall use of Filecoin’s Virtual Machine. Bonus points for projects drawing on the uniqueness of Filecoin and its storage capabilities, let your imagination run free! Find project examples here. Prize: 1 x $2,000


Store data on Filecoin with EVM smart contrac...

Learn how to program on Filecoin EVM and write automatic storage deals through smart contracts on the Filecoin Virt...

This workshop is happening in-person

07:00 PM JST — Friday, Apr 14, 2023 in 5th Floor | Workshop Room 2


zkBob is a zk-based privacy application that works with the BOB stablecoin. We’ve introduced a new Direct Deposit functionality into zkBob, where BOB can be sent directly from a smart contract on Polygon or Optimism into the privacy pool.

zkBob is a zk-based privacy application that works with the BOB stablecoin. We’ve introduced a new Direct Deposit functionality into zkBob, where BOB can be sent directly from a smart contract on Polygon or Optimism into the privacy pool.


   ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000   

We want you to use direct deposits to build out use cases where responsible privacy is preferred 🔥

  • 🥇 1st prize - 5,000 BOB
  • 🥈 2nd prize - 2,000 BOB
  • 🏅 Notable projects: pool of 3,000 BOB will be evenly distributed among all other notable submissions

Ideas for implementations

  • Integration within open-source wallets
  • Apps for DAO accounting
  • Browser extension for zkBob
  • Donation/fundraising/tipping apps
  • Privacy for P2P micro-transactions
  • Integration with DEXs/bridges/aggregators

We are also open to novel use cases which make sense for privacy-preserving transactions

Acceptance Criteria

  • Creativity, novelty, usefulness for end users and implementation quality.
  • Importance of zkBob integration to the overall application/product (i.e. is it integral to app functionality, usefulness and purpose or is it an add-on without a lot of added value).
  • Coherent integrations between zkBob and other existing protocols/dApps are appreciated
  • Alignment with the BOB and zkBob ecosystem values of on-chain privacy protection within accepted limits.
  • Incorporate some UI functionality so that users can send BOB privately through a browser or mobile based application.
  • *extra credit will apply to solutions using other zkBob components on top of integration with direct deposits (zkBob SDK libraries, gift cards, compliance tooling, deep smart contract integrations, etc.)


Integrating zkBob privacy into DeFi workflows

Financial privacy is important for lots of on-chain use-cases. Although fully public ledgers make this really hard ...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:00 PM JST — Friday, Apr 14, 2023 in 5th Floor | Workshop Room 3


The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum, Polygon and IPFS. Anyone can build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, making data easily accessible.

The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum, Polygon and IPFS. Anyone can build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, making data easily accessible.


The Graph$7,500
   ㉧ $1,400       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $150 ×𝟷𝟺       ㉧ $1,400       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $600   

Best New Subgraph(s): Build and deploy a custom GraphQL API that indexes data from a smart contract to query blockchain data to your dapp.

  • 🥇 Grand Prize: $1800
  • 🥈 1st Runner-up: $1400
  • 🥉 2nd Runner-up: $1000

Best use of Existing Subgraph(s): Query an existing subgraph on the Graph Explorer or hosted service using the public query URL from the subgraph dashboard.

  • 🥇 Grand Prize: $1500
  • 🥈 1st Runner-up: $1100
  • 🥉 2nd Runner-up: $700


Indexing your smart contract with The Graph

In this workshop, we will talk about The Graph and its underlying subgraphs, explain the technical architecture, lo...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:30 PM JST — Friday, Apr 14, 2023 in 5th Floor | Workshop Room 3


Superfluid is the leading asset streaming protocol that enables Web3 native subscriptions, salaries, and rewards for DAOs and crypto-native businesses. Superfluid streams transfer value in a constant flow over time between wallets in a non-custodial and permissionless manner. Superfluid Protocol can be used to describe cash flows and execute them automatically on-chain, over time, and in a non-interactive way. Money streams are programmable, composable, and modular, allowing developers to build custom applications on top of the protocol. No capital is locked up, and all inflows and outflows are netted in real-time at every block without consuming any gas. Ongoing streams can be forwarded as they are received to both wallets and applications, eliminating delays and drastically increasing capital efficiency. Website | App | Docs | Twitter | Discord

Superfluid is the leading asset streaming protocol that enables Web3 native subscriptions, salaries, and rewards for DAOs and crypto-native businesses. Superfluid streams transfer value in a constant flow over time between wallets in a non-custodial and permissionless manner. Superfluid Protocol can be used to describe cash flows and execute them automatically on-chain, over time, and in a non-interactive way. Money streams are programmable, composable, and modular, allowing developers to build custom applications on top of the protocol. No capital is locked up, and all inflows and outflows are netted in real-time at every block without consuming any gas. Ongoing streams can be forwarded as they are received to both wallets and applications, eliminating delays and drastically increasing capital efficiency.

Website | App | Docs | Twitter | Discord


   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,000   
  • 🥇 $2,000 Top Project Built on Superfluid
  • 💸 $1,000 Best Financial Project Built on Superfluid
  • 🎮 $1,000 Best Use of Superfluid and Gaming
  • 🚀 $1,000 Most futuristic Project Built on Superfluid

Getting Started


Secured Finance is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform on the Ethereum blockchain that provides a secure OTC marketplace and advanced financial instruments. Our platform utilizes blockchain technology to enable retail-sized trades with the same level of security as traditional finance, while drastically reducing operating and legal compliance costs. We are thrilled to be sponsoring the ETHGlobal Tokyo hackathon, and we are offering a $5000 prize for the best DeFi project that utilizes our platform. Our team will be available throughout the hackathon to provide support and guidance to all participants. Developers can use Secured Finance to create DeFi applications that offer advanced financial instruments, including interest rate swaps (IRS) and structured lending products. Although we currently focus on lending, we aim to expand our platform with more user-friendly interfaces and market analysis tools. We look forward to seeing participants' innovative solutions that enhance the DeFi space and make it more accessible to everyone. Our platform's smart-contract-based settlement enforcement provides the perfect framework for developers to build and test these advanced financial products on the Ethereum blockchain. Join us at ETHGlobal Tokyo to learn more about our platform and how you can leverage our advanced financial instruments to shape the future of DeFi. Good luck to all participants!

Secured Finance is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform on the Ethereum blockchain that provides a secure OTC marketplace and advanced financial instruments. Our platform utilizes blockchain technology to enable retail-sized trades with the same level of security as traditional finance, while drastically reducing operating and legal compliance costs.

We are thrilled to be sponsoring the ETHGlobal Tokyo hackathon, and we are offering a $5000 prize for the best DeFi project that utilizes our platform. Our team will be available throughout the hackathon to provide support and guidance to all participants.

Developers can use Secured Finance to create DeFi applications that offer advanced financial instruments, including interest rate swaps (IRS) and structured lending products. Although we currently focus on lending, we aim to expand our platform with more user-friendly interfaces and market analysis tools. We look forward to seeing participants' innovative solutions that enhance the DeFi space and make it more accessible to everyone. Our platform's smart-contract-based settlement enforcement provides the perfect framework for developers to build and test these advanced financial products on the Ethereum blockchain.

Join us at ETHGlobal Tokyo to learn more about our platform and how you can leverage our advanced financial instruments to shape the future of DeFi. Good luck to all participants!


Secured Finance$5,000
   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,500   

Join Secured Finance at ETHGlobal Tokyo and compete for a chance to win our exciting prizes:

  • 💸 Top DeFi Award: $2000
  • 💻 Best UI/UX Award: $1500
  • 💰 Excellence Finance Award: $1500

The Top DeFi Award is reserved for the most innovative and impactful DeFi project that utilizes our platform. With our smart-contract-based settlement enforcement and advanced financial instruments, the possibilities are endless.

The Best UI/UX Award recognizes the project with the most user-friendly interface and seamless experience. Show us your design skills and create a DeFi project that is intuitive and easy to use.

The Excellence Finance Award is given to the project that demonstrates excellence in financial analysis, modeling, and market research. Use our platform's market analysis tools to craft a compelling DeFi solution that stands out. In this topic, we accept non-engineering submissions

Our team will be available throughout the hackathon to provide support and guidance to all participants. Join us at ETHGlobal Tokyo and showcase your skills and creativity in building the future of DeFi!

Getting Started


Lit Protocol lets you create and manage distributed cryptographic key-pairs for condition-based encryption and programmatic signing. A decentralized key management network, Lit can be used in place of centralized key custodians and other key management solutions. Some examples of what to build with Lit is... DeFi Automation Use PKPs and Actions to automate your interactions across decentralized finance. * Condition-based transactions (ex. on-chain limit orders). * Recurring payments. Infrastructure Build powerful infrastructure that harnesses the power of Lit! * Cross-chain bridges. * Oracles for off-chain data. * Decentralized key custodians. Example Projects: Web3 Social Social applications that empower users with privacy and true data ownership. * Credentialing systems for privacy-preserving web3 login. * Decentralized chat bots. * Verifiable, on-chain reputation building. Gaming Improve the state of web3 gaming. * Signing and wallet abstraction for blockchain-based games. * NPCs! * Condition-based reward systems and achievements.

Lit Protocol lets you create and manage distributed cryptographic key-pairs for condition-based encryption and programmatic signing. A decentralized key management network, Lit can be used in place of centralized key custodians and other key management solutions.

Some examples of what to build with Lit is...

DeFi Automation Use PKPs and Actions to automate your interactions across decentralized finance.

  • Condition-based transactions (ex. on-chain limit orders).
  • Recurring payments.

Infrastructure Build powerful infrastructure that harnesses the power of Lit!

  • Cross-chain bridges.
  • Oracles for off-chain data.
  • Decentralized key custodians. Example Projects:

Web3 Social Social applications that empower users with privacy and true data ownership.

  • Credentialing systems for privacy-preserving web3 login.
  • Decentralized chat bots.
  • Verifiable, on-chain reputation building.

Gaming Improve the state of web3 gaming.

  • Signing and wallet abstraction for blockchain-based games.
  • NPCs!
  • Condition-based reward systems and achievements.


Lit Protocol$5,000
   ㉧ $2,000 ×𝟸       ㉧ $500 ×𝟸   

Best Use of Lit Actions and PKPs Description: Create compelling use cases for programmatic signing with a focus on user experience.

Web3 technology can be complex, and the learning curve can be steep for users of all backgrounds. This is a major barrier to adoption and prevent people from fully engaging with the decentralized ecosystem. Use Lit Actions and Programmable Key Pairs to build out programmatic signing capabilities that will simplify using web3 technology.

  • 🥇 $3,500 1st Prize
  • 🥈 $1,500 2nd Prize


Mantle is a high-performance Ethereum layer-2 network built with modular architecture delivering low fees and high security. Builders can leverage Mantle’s unique design to build dApps with exceptional UX, all while relying on Ethereum’s unrivaled security.

Mantle is a high-performance Ethereum layer-2 network built with modular architecture delivering low fees and high security. Builders can leverage Mantle’s unique design to build dApps with exceptional UX, all while relying on Ethereum’s unrivaled security.


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,000   

Build on Mantle ($5,000 in bounties paid out in $BIT)

This bounty seeks to reward innovative projects that leverage the Mantle testnet to improve the web3 ecosystem. We will consider any project deployed on Mantle, but here are some ideas:

NFT/Gaming - Build an NFT or web3 gaming-related project that uses novel NFT use cases, improves wallet interactions for games, or addresses one of the challenges outlined in the Game7 report.

Developer Infrastructure or Tooling - Create an SDK, API, or tool to facilitate collaboration among DAOs and web3 teams, such as multisig tooling, transaction tracing, etc..

DeFi - Create an implementation on Mantle that enhances the DeFi ecosystem, such as core protocol tools, ecosystem tools, use cases for NFTs and the Metaverse, DAOs, DeFi, and dApps.

Prizes: 1st Prize: $2,500 in $BIT 2nd Prize: $1,500 in $BIT 3rd Prize: $1,000 in $BIT


  • All submissions must be deployed on Mantle testnet
  • A video demo and GitHub repo must be submitted
  • Link to your contract on the Mantle Explorer

Judging Criteria: Overall quality of the submission, including innovation, impact on the web3 ecosystem, and technical feasibility.

Getting Started


Huddle01 is the communication toolkit for web3. It enables cross-chain a/v calls and chat for wallets, dApps, DAOs, NFT Communities & users. The Huddle01 SDK is built upon the infrastructure that powers the Huddle01 Video Conferencing dApp. Huddle01 provides web3-rich features such as: * Token-gated meetings * NFTs as profile pictures * Decentralised storage for meeting recordings (on IPFS and Filecoin) * Decentralised live streaming (on Livepeer), and much more! Website | Discord | Twitter | Builders’ Kit

Huddle01 is the communication toolkit for web3. It enables cross-chain a/v calls and chat for wallets, dApps, DAOs, NFT Communities & users. The Huddle01 SDK is built upon the infrastructure that powers the Huddle01 Video Conferencing dApp.

Huddle01 provides web3-rich features such as:

  • Token-gated meetings
  • NFTs as profile pictures
  • Decentralised storage for meeting recordings (on IPFS and Filecoin)
  • Decentralised live streaming (on Livepeer), and much more!

Website | Discord | Twitter | Builders’ Kit


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,000   

The most innovative dApps #BuiltOnHuddle01's communication infrastructure win:

  • 🥇 $2500
  • 🥈 $1500
  • 🥉 $1000

Getting Started


Push Protocol is the communication protocol of web3. Push protocol enables cross-chain notifications and messaging for dapps, wallets, and services tied to wallet addresses in an open, gasless, and platform-agnostic fashion. The open communication layer allows any crypto wallet / frontend to tap into the network and get the communication across. Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | YouTube | Linktree

Push Protocol is the communication protocol of web3. Push protocol enables cross-chain notifications and messaging for dapps, wallets, and services tied to wallet addresses in an open, gasless, and platform-agnostic fashion. The open communication layer allows any crypto wallet / frontend to tap into the network and get the communication across.

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | YouTube | Linktree


Push Protocol$5,000
   ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $750       ㉧ $750       ㉧ $200 ×𝟷𝟶   
  • 🥇 $1,500 - Grand Prize for the most innovative project using Push Protocol
  • 💬 $750 - Best use case for integrating Push group chat / AI + Push chat
  • 🤝 $750 - Best UX for Push integration (Push Notification and/or Push Chat)
  • 🏊 $2,000 - Pool prize for top 10 projects

Getting Started

🔧 Getting started with Push in 10 minutes

💡 Inspiration for builders:


Building Native Web3 Messaging & Notification...

Join us as we explore Push Protocol, the key to building native Web3 messaging and notification. Gain insights into...

This workshop is happening in-person

07:30 PM JST — Friday, Apr 14, 2023 in 5th Floor | Workshop Room 3


QuickNode is the premier Web3 developer platform, helping today's most cutting-edge apps run with speed, reliability, and scale. Powering top projects & businesses, and empowering developers with instant access to 15+ chains across a global node network.

QuickNode is the premier Web3 developer platform, helping today's most cutting-edge apps run with speed, reliability, and scale. Powering top projects & businesses, and empowering developers with instant access to 15+ chains across a global node network.


   ㉧ $2,000 ×𝟷𝟶𝟶       ㉧ $1,500 ×𝟸   

Build an app that uses QuickAlerts (real-time blockchain data and advanced alerting to power your apps) and/or utilizes one of QuickNode APIs (NFT API or Token API).

Prize pool split:

  • Best use of QuickAlerts: $2,000
  • Best 2 projects on NFT/Token API: $1,500 each

Getting Started

  • Docs -
  • Guides -
  • YouTube -
  • Faucet -


INTMAX is the stateless zkRollup achieving near-zero gas cost, privacy, interoperability, and decentralized sequencers. * 🛸Intmax protocol, a completely stateless Layer2 with interoperability.

INTMAX is the stateless zkRollup achieving near-zero gas cost, privacy, interoperability, and decentralized sequencers.

  • 🛸Intmax protocol, a completely stateless Layer2 with interoperability.


   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000   

🏆 Prizes for building Layer2 Interoperable applications with INTMAX.🏆

Build an application over the Scroll testnet, Polygon zkEVM testnet, or both testnets.

  • 🥇 1st place: $3,000
  • 🥈 2nd place: $2,000

Getting Started


Bunzz is a browser-integrated DApp development platform, functioning like Firebase for DApps with Smart Contract as a Service. Developers can create DApps by combining modules, deploying them to any EVM networks, and integrating with front-ends using libraries like ethers.js or web3.js. Bunzz InteractionUI enables direct contract interaction, and its GUI streamlines DApp configuration to deployment. Bunzz provides audited modules for the most frequently used contracts, cutting development time by 99% and saving on auditing process. Developers can utilize the open-source Smart Contract Hub to upload, publish, and when the module is used, $bunzz token is paid to the user as a reward in the future. This fosters a dev-to-earn ecosystem, and Bunzz has the potential to become a Docker Hub in the Web3 space. We're sponsoring the ETHGlobal Tokyo hackathon, offering a $5000 prize for the best projects using our platform. Our core team will support participants via our Discord server. Join us to learn about leveraging our advanced DApp infrastructure for your web3 projects.

Bunzz is a browser-integrated DApp development platform, functioning like Firebase for DApps with Smart Contract as a Service. Developers can create DApps by combining modules, deploying them to any EVM networks, and integrating with front-ends using libraries like ethers.js or web3.js.

Bunzz InteractionUI enables direct contract interaction, and its GUI streamlines DApp configuration to deployment. Bunzz provides audited modules for the most frequently used contracts, cutting development time by 99% and saving on auditing process.

Developers can utilize the open-source Smart Contract Hub to upload, publish, and when the module is used, $bunzz token is paid to the user as a reward in the future. This fosters a dev-to-earn ecosystem, and Bunzz has the potential to become a Docker Hub in the Web3 space.

We're sponsoring the ETHGlobal Tokyo hackathon, offering a $5000 prize for the best projects using our platform. Our core team will support participants via our Discord server. Join us to learn about leveraging our advanced DApp infrastructure for your web3 projects.


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $2,500   

Join Bunzz at ETHGlobal Tokyo and compete for a chance to win our amazing prizes:

💡 Best Innovation Award: $2500

🛠 Best Web3 Functionality Dapp Award: $2500

The Best Innovation Award goes to the most innovative use case and jaw-dropping project that utilizes our infrastructure platform to upload their own custom innovative module to our Smart Contract Hub in order to complete the development of their DApp.

The Best Web3 Functionality Dapp Award recognises the project that ends up using as many features from the platform as possible in order to complete the development of their DApp.

  1. Requirement:

Use Bunzz to upload your own smart contract module to develop your Dapp

  1. Optional:

Use as many features from Bunzz as you need according to your project needs, as this will increase your chances to win. This might be:

a) Using Bunzz to deploy your custom smart contract or any smart contract module from the existing in Bunzz catalogue

b) Import your own smart contract that you have previously deployed in order to combine them with any existing smart contract module in Bunzz catalogue


The Uniswap Foundation is the first Foundation of a major protocol to go through the community governance process, its mandate is to support the Uniswap protocol’s decentralized growth, reinvigorate governance, and serve as a Protocol advocate. Uniswap is the most renowned decentralized exchange (DEX) in the world, built on the Ethereum network. The revolutionary platform has transformed the way digital assets are traded, allowing users to swap tokens without the need for intermediaries or centralized exchanges. Uniswap's innovative approach to liquidity provision, driven by its Automated Market Maker (AMM) system, has disrupted the traditional financial landscape and set the standard for other decentralized finance (DeFi) projects. The launch of Uniswap V3 brought forth even more groundbreaking features, including concentrated liquidity, customizable fee tiers, and optimized capital efficiency. These improvements keep pushing Uniswap's position as the leading DEX and a cornerstone of the rapidly evolving DeFi ecosystem. With its massive user base, exceptional trading volume, and cutting-edge technology, Uniswap continues to inspire new ideas and drive the future of decentralized finance. Despite boasting impressive features like concentrated liquidity and adjustable fee tiers, Uniswap V3 has untapped potential for further enhancements. We invite you to join us in driving these advancements and shaping the future of the Uniswap ecosystem

The Uniswap Foundation is the first Foundation of a major protocol to go through the community governance process, its mandate is to support the Uniswap protocol’s decentralized growth, reinvigorate governance, and serve as a Protocol advocate.

Uniswap is the most renowned decentralized exchange (DEX) in the world, built on the Ethereum network. The revolutionary platform has transformed the way digital assets are traded, allowing users to swap tokens without the need for intermediaries or centralized exchanges. Uniswap's innovative approach to liquidity provision, driven by its Automated Market Maker (AMM) system, has disrupted the traditional financial landscape and set the standard for other decentralized finance (DeFi) projects.

The launch of Uniswap V3 brought forth even more groundbreaking features, including concentrated liquidity, customizable fee tiers, and optimized capital efficiency. These improvements keep pushing Uniswap's position as the leading DEX and a cornerstone of the rapidly evolving DeFi ecosystem. With its massive user base, exceptional trading volume, and cutting-edge technology, Uniswap continues to inspire new ideas and drive the future of decentralized finance.

Despite boasting impressive features like concentrated liquidity and adjustable fee tiers, Uniswap V3 has untapped potential for further enhancements. We invite you to join us in driving these advancements and shaping the future of the Uniswap ecosystem


Uniswap Foundation$5,000
   ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,500   

Uniswap Grants Program

🏆 Open/Innovation Track - $1,500 - Unleash Uniswap V3 Potential

To win this prize, build a project that brings fresh ideas and pushes the boundaries of the Uniswap V3 ecosystem. The sky's the limit – let your creativity run wild! Your project must integrate the Uniswap V3 Protocol or SDK.

🌍 Ecosystem Track - $2,500 - Expand and Connect the Uniswap World

Project Ideas:

  • Decentralized Social: Create unique social token integrations, fostering community engagement and growth.
  • Governance Innovators: Develop tools to enhance voting, proposal submission, and communication among UNI token holders, promoting a more democratic and inclusive governance process.
  • Liquidity Trailblazers: Craft inventive and efficient liquidity management solutions.
  • Gaming Pioneers: Integrate Uniswap into a game (extra points for automatic liquidity pool creation).
  • ZK Visionaries: Construct groundbreaking ZK solutions for the Uniswap ecosystem – the interpretation is up to you!
  • NFT Maestros: Utilize NFTs to bring new value to Uniswap LPs or swappers in a novel and distinctive manner.

All projects in the Ecosystem Track must integrate the Uniswap V3 Protocol or SDK.

🛠 Developer Tooling Track - $1,500 - Empower Uniswap Developers

Project Ideas:

  • Developer Infrastructure: Forge tools that simplify Uniswap integration for developers across various chains.
  • LP Analytics Gurus: Develop analytics tools for LPs, aiding them in building positions and devising strategies.

Projects in the Developer Tooling Track must integrate the Uniswap V3 Protocol or SDK.


To be eligible for any of the prizes, your project must integrate the Uniswap V3 Protocol or SDK. We will only accept projects that meet this requirement. Showcase your innovative ideas and groundbreaking solutions while adhering to this integration.

Getting Started


Empowering sovereign identities with Sismo Connect (SSO) and ZK Badges (SBTs) - get the most out of user data and preserve privacy 💜 Sismo enables on-chain and off-chain apps to fully leverage user’s data with two core products: 1️⃣ Sismo Connect: a single sign-on to verify user sovereign data using ZK Proofs for reputation importation or access control 2️⃣ ZK Badges: a tokenization of user’s data - and can likewise be utilized as an access or reputation tool for apps

Empowering sovereign identities with Sismo Connect (SSO) and ZK Badges (SBTs) - get the most out of user data and preserve privacy 💜

Sismo enables on-chain and off-chain apps to fully leverage user’s data with two core products:

1️⃣ Sismo Connect: a single sign-on to verify user sovereign data using ZK Proofs for reputation importation or access control

2️⃣ ZK Badges: a tokenization of user’s data - and can likewise be utilized as an access or reputation tool for apps


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $500 ×𝟸   

Sismo is offering the following prizes:

  • 🥇 Best on-chain Sismo Connect App - $2,500
  • 🥈 Best off-chain Sismo Connect App - $1,500
  • 🥉 Best ZK Badge / Data Group / Data Provider - $1,000


## What is Livepeer? Livepeer is the world's open video infrastructure. Founded in 2017, Livepeer provides cost-efficient, secure, scalable, and reliable infrastructure that can handle today's high demand for video processing. Livepeer's decentralized network includes over 70,000 GPUs and currently processes millions of minutes a week. Learn about how Livepeer works. ## What is Livepeer Studio?👩‍💻 Livepeer Studio, which you’ll be using in your hack, is a web3 video toolkit that makes it easy for builders to access the decentralized Livepeer network.

What is Livepeer?

Livepeer is the world's open video infrastructure. Founded in 2017, Livepeer provides cost-efficient, secure, scalable, and reliable infrastructure that can handle today's high demand for video processing. Livepeer's decentralized network includes over 70,000 GPUs and currently processes millions of minutes a week. Learn about how Livepeer works.

What is Livepeer Studio?👩‍💻

Livepeer Studio, which you’ll be using in your hack, is a web3 video toolkit that makes it easy for builders to access the decentralized Livepeer network.


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,500   

Livepeer is awarding a total of $5000 for the best Web3 Creator Economy applications built with Livepeer Studio 🏆 📺 🪄 :

📺 🔐 Best token-gated video streaming application - $2,500

📺 🖼️ Best video-based NFT application - $1,500

📺 ⚒️ Best integration of Livepeer with other web3 technology in a consumer application - $1,000

Getting Started

🏎️ Livepeer Studio Developer Quickstart Guide:

🔑 Access Control for Token Gated Video Streaming:

🌟 Awesome Livepeer:


Quantstamp is a global leader in blockchain security, on a mission to secure the future of web3. We have performed hundreds of audits and protected billions in digital asset risk from hackers. Quantstamp is honored to have worked with some of the top projects in the industry, including Maker, Compound, Polygon, Arbitrum, Sandbox, and many more. come!

Quantstamp is a global leader in blockchain security, on a mission to secure the future of web3. We have performed hundreds of audits and protected billions in digital asset risk from hackers. Quantstamp is honored to have worked with some of the top projects in the industry, including Maker, Compound, Polygon, Arbitrum, Sandbox, and many more. come!


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $2,500   


We will be awarding the following prizes based on the following categories :

🛠 $2,500 for the Best Use Case

🎨 $2,500 for the Most Creative Solution

Quantstamp was recently awarded three Ethereum Foundation grants related to rollups. For this hackathon, we will award our prize(s) to projects that are related to rollup security, compression, or block explorer APIs. The winning project should choose one of these topics and explore questions related to it; the winning project should produce some artifacts that explain, expand, or experiment with related ideas. Some ideas might include:

  • Documenting how a rollup operator can upgrade contracts quickly or sneakily.

You could deploy Optimism on a testnet, and try to upgrade their contracts. During this process, are pending transactions affected? Why or why not? Can you replace your contract with anything? Are there difficulties that you, as the operator, face during this process?

  • How much more (in-)effective would it be to use a particular compression algorithm for calldata on a rollup?

You could evaluate changing the compression algorithm for an open-source rollup’s calldata. You could swap out the compression algorithm for another, and evaluate if it performs better or worse.

  • What data would you like to see on a ZK rollup block explorer that might not exist on Etherscan, and how would that data be presented?

You could mock up a Layer 2 block explorer of your dreams, paying special attention to features unique to zero knowledge rollups.

Getting Started

The topics are open-ended, so you’ll likely need to find specific resources that you might need. We provide some links to background reading that you might find useful.


Scroll is a zero-knowledge rollup built to scale Ethereum. We're committed to Ethereum's ethos, and like to call ourselves the community-first zkEVM.If you’re experienced in building on Ethereum, your code, dependencies, and tooling work with Scroll out of the box. This is possible because our network is compatible with EVM bytecode and designed to feel just like developing on Ethereum. With the launch of the Alpha testnet on Goerli, Scroll is inviting the developer community to join early and begin innovating.

Scroll is a zero-knowledge rollup built to scale Ethereum. We're committed to Ethereum's ethos, and like to call ourselves the community-first zkEVM.If you’re experienced in building on Ethereum, your code, dependencies, and tooling work with Scroll out of the box. This is possible because our network is compatible with EVM bytecode and designed to feel just like developing on Ethereum. With the launch of the Alpha testnet on Goerli, Scroll is inviting the developer community to join early and begin innovating.



📜 Deploy your smart contract on Scroll - $5,000 total (Pool Prize)This should just mean changing your RPC! Try out Scroll's next-generation zk-rollup by deploying your project's smart contracts on the Scroll Alpha testnet on Goerli. With Scroll's zkEVM, users will benefit from lower costs, shorter block times, and higher throughput -- without you needing to modify your Solidity code. Make sure to verify your contracts so we can confirm your deployment!


NETH is a technology company with the goal of creating a society that well-being. We are using Blockchain to create a society where people can live in wellbeing. In order to realise such a society, has made it mandatory for all blockchain addresses to be registered with KYC to ensure identity authentication/AML, making it difficult for fraud, cheating and hacking to occur. 私たちはいい感じの社会をつくるを目標としたテクノロジーカンパニーです. Blockchainを活用して人々がウェルビーイングに暮らすことができる社会を実現します。 neth.networkはそうした社会を実現するために全てのブロックチェーンアドレスにKYCの登録を必須とさせることで本人認証/AMLを行い詐欺や不正、ハッキングなどが起こりづらいブロックチェーンを実現しました。

NETH is a technology company with the goal of creating a society that well-being. We are using Blockchain to create a society where people can live in wellbeing. In order to realise such a society, has made it mandatory for all blockchain addresses to be registered with KYC to ensure identity authentication/AML, making it difficult for fraud, cheating and hacking to occur.

私たちはいい感じの社会をつくるを目標としたテクノロジーカンパニーです. Blockchainを活用して人々がウェルビーイングに暮らすことができる社会を実現します。 neth.networkはそうした社会を実現するために全てのブロックチェーンアドレスにKYCの登録を必須とさせることで本人認証/AMLを行い詐欺や不正、ハッキングなどが起こりづらいブロックチェーンを実現しました。


Wellbeing NETH Prize - いい感じの社会をつくろう$5,000
   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,500   

We support projects that might contribute to creating a wellbeing society.


Most innovative use of NETH - $USD 2,000 This award is given to the most innovative and practical blockchain project. Criteria include technical difficulty, market impact, originality and smoothness of implementation.

Most Ecosystem Impact use of NETH - $1,500 This award is given to projects that can interact with or contribute to the NETH ecosystem. Evaluation criteria include relevance to the NETH ecosystem, feasibility, sustainability and scalability.

Social Contribution of Blockchain - USD 1,500 This award is given to projects that utilise blockchain technology to address social issues. Evaluation criteria include social impact, feasibility, sustainability and scalability.

These awards celebrate outstanding projects at the ETH Tokyo event and aim to promote innovation and social contribution using blockchain technology, and the NETH project hopes to use this opportunity to collaborate with more developers to build a better future.

すべての利用ユーザーがKYC/AMLを実施し、 完全実名性のブロックチェーンを前提とした信頼性が高いプロジェクトに対しての支援を行います。

Getting Started

The main engineer missed his flight, We don't have enough documentation in place, If you have any questions, please ask them here on Twitter! 😆

Even if the implementation is not complete, just the concept is appreciated.

メインエンジニアが飛行機に乗り遅れて、 ドキュメントの整備が十分じゃないので、 わからないことがあればこちらのTwitterでご質問ください!😆



REAZON is a technology company which provides web services not only in Japan but also worldwide. We will contribute to the realization of the future digital economy and society through blockchain technology.

REAZON is a technology company which provides web services not only in Japan but also worldwide. We will contribute to the realization of the future digital economy and society through blockchain technology.


Reazon Holdings$5,000
   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟸   

🏆 REAZON is offering prizes for products and ideas that contribute to mass adoption of blockchain technology (especially in Japan) so that more users can experience the convenience of blockchain technology.

  • 🥇 — $3000 USD
  • 🥈 — 2x$1000 USD

Getting Started

Please send DMs to our twitter account below for any inquiries.


Curvegrid is a leading Japanese provider of blockchain application development tools. Curvegrid helps developers implement blockchain faster, easier, and more cost effectively so they can concentrate on what really matters to their business - art, real estate, shipping containers, in-game items, or anything else they want to build on the blockchain. Curvegrid's flagship product, MultiBaas, offers a web interface and a REST API, allowing developers and customers to build on the blockchain without needing any prior blockchain knowledge. MultiBaas supports development on multiple blockchain platforms and significantly improves development speed, integration with existing systems, and smart contract management. Find out more at Website | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Discord

Curvegrid is a leading Japanese provider of blockchain application development tools. Curvegrid helps developers implement blockchain faster, easier, and more cost effectively so they can concentrate on what really matters to their business - art, real estate, shipping containers, in-game items, or anything else they want to build on the blockchain. Curvegrid's flagship product, MultiBaas, offers a web interface and a REST API, allowing developers and customers to build on the blockchain without needing any prior blockchain knowledge. MultiBaas supports development on multiple blockchain platforms and significantly improves development speed, integration with existing systems, and smart contract management. Find out more at

Website | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Discord


   ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $700       ㉧ $300   

The Curvegrid Prize will be awarded to the best projects that use MultiBaas. Judging is based on your idea, technical execution, and use of MultiBaas.

  • 🥇 1st place: $1,000
  • 🥈 2nd place: $700
  • 🥉 3rd place: $300

Some ideas to consider: a DeFi dashboard, a soulbound token minter, or an ERC-4337 smart contract suite and toolkit. But don't just listen to us, we're excited to see your ideas!

Getting Started

Curvegrid Documentation


A 30 Minute DApp

There is a lot of work to do when it comes to creating a Decentralised Application. You need a smart contract, a fr...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:00 PM JST — Friday, Apr 14, 2023 in 5th Floor | Workshop Room 3