ETHGlobal Tokyo




The 1inch Network unites decentralized protocols whose synergy enables the most lucrative, fastest and protected operations in the DeFi space. The initial protocol of the 1inch Network is a DEX aggregator solution that searches deals across multiple liquidity sources, offering users better rates than any individual exchange. This protocol incorporates the Pathfinder algorithm which finds the best paths among different markets over 180 liquidity sources on Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimistic Ethereum, Arbitrum and Gnosis Chain. In just over two years the 1inch DEX aggregator has reached 2M users and surpassed $150B in overall trading volume. The 1inch Aggregation Protocol facilitates cost-efficient and secure swap transactions across multiple liquidity sources. 

The 1inch Network unites decentralized protocols whose synergy enables the most lucrative, fastest and protected operations in the DeFi space. The initial protocol of the 1inch Network is a DEX aggregator solution that searches deals across multiple liquidity sources, offering users better rates than any individual exchange. This protocol incorporates the Pathfinder algorithm which finds the best paths among different markets over 180 liquidity sources on Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Optimistic Ethereum, Arbitrum and Gnosis Chain. In just over two years the 1inch DEX aggregator has reached 2M users and surpassed $150B in overall trading volume. The 1inch Aggregation Protocol facilitates cost-efficient and secure swap transactions across multiple liquidity sources. 


1inch Network$20,000
   ㉧ $4,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $3,500       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $4,500   

Task 1


Raise utilisation of 1inch network fusion protocol through using Fusion API in you project.

Amount Prize:

🥇 First place: 4000 USD

🥈 Second place: 3000 USD

🥉 Third place: 2000 USD

Bounty Description

1inch recently launched a new Fusion mode. It allows users to trade with multiple features not available before. Integrate a 1inch Fusion into your project according to the docs

  • Criteria:
  1. Finality of the integration (complete swap via 1inch smart contract based on docs)
  2. Unique way of the integration: use super new type of DApp, cross chain, game integration etc
  • Nice to haves:

Documentation (how to use, how to run, main features)


Task 2


Raise transparency of 1inch Network Fusion through implementing dashboard with stats about 1inch network resolvers.

Amount Prize:

🥇 First place: 3500 USD

🥈 Second place: 2000 USD

🥉 Third place: 1000 USD

Bounty Description

1inch recently launched a new Fusion mode. To raise transparency it needs to have detailed analytics about resolvers behaviour. You need to build a dashboard that will consist of all data linked to the 1inch Fusion that can make sense for the community

  • Criteria:

Dashboard must represent at least such data: orders amount executed per resolver / total, total volume in USD per resolver / total, unique txs from orders, gas costs, profits, apr of rewards, unicorn power, delegation amount.

More details → better


Task 3


Open track focused on open source. Any project with meaningful impact to the community.

Amount Prize: 4500 USD

Bounty Description

Any project / concept with meaningful impact to the community that is open source is eligible. It can be: new EIP, new defi protocol, security tool, etc.

  • Criteria:
  1. Project must be created on ETH Tokyo without code base before the hackathon
  2. Project must be open source
  3. Project must contain description / rationale that will explain it’s impact to the community

Getting Started

Details about 1inch protocols, all documentation, examples and GitHub links can be found at


The Future of DeFi is here: introducing 1inch...

This workshop will help developers understand what is 1inch Fusion mode, how to integrate 1inch Fusion mode to have...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:00 PM JST — Friday, Apr 14, 2023 in 5th Floor | Workshop Room 2