
IPFS is a peer-to-peer network and protocol designed to make the web faster, safer, and more open. IPFS upgrades the web to work peer to peer, addressing data by what it is instead of where it’s located on the network, or who is hosting it. Filecoin, the world’s largest decentralized network offering more than 16+ Exbibytes of storage. It allows users to store, request, and transfer data via a verifiable marketplace. Filecoin is completely open-source, enabling people from all over the world to participate.  Website | Twitter | Discord | Office hours

IPFS is a peer-to-peer network and protocol designed to make the web faster, safer, and more open. IPFS upgrades the web to work peer to peer, addressing data by what it is instead of where it’s located on the network, or who is hosting it.

Filecoin, the world’s largest decentralized network offering more than 16+ Exbibytes of storage. It allows users to store, request, and transfer data via a verifiable marketplace. Filecoin is completely open-source, enabling people from all over the world to participate. 

Website | Twitter | Discord | Office hours


IPFS & Filecoin$20,000
   ㉧ $3,000 ×𝟹       ㉧ $500 ×𝟿   

IPFS/Filecoin is offering:

💽 Storage Wizard: The best use of NFT.storage or web3.storage to use IPFS for content addressing and Filecoin for persistent, decentralized storage. Use of other tooling may also qualify*

3️⃣ Top 3 Winners - 3 x $3,000 (paid in FIL)

🏊‍♀️ Pool Prize - $11,000 (Paid in FIL; Max $500 per project, up to 25 pool winners)

*For details about eligibility criteria please see this page.

Getting Started

IPFS & Filecoin Developer Resources:

Getting started with Filecoin and IPFS

Join group or 1:1 office hours

Inspiration (current projects leveraging IPFS/Filecoin)

NFT Starter Pack (hands on code walkthrough of an NFT contract leveraging NFT.Storage in react and deployed to Fleek)




Polygon is the leading platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its growing suite of products offers developers easy access to all major scaling and infrastructure solutions: L2 solutions (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups), sidechains, hybrid solutions, stand-alone and enterprise chains, data availability solutions, and more. Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 18000+ applications hosted, 1B+ total transactions processed, ~100M+ unique user addresses, and $5B+ in assets secured. Website | Twitter | Reddit | Telegram | Discord

Polygon is the leading platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its growing suite of products offers developers easy access to all major scaling and infrastructure solutions: L2 solutions (ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups), sidechains, hybrid solutions, stand-alone and enterprise chains, data availability solutions, and more. Polygon’s scaling solutions have seen widespread adoption with 18000+ applications hosted, 1B+ total transactions processed, ~100M+ unique user addresses, and $5B+ in assets secured.

Website | Twitter | Reddit | Telegram | Discord


   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000   

To be eligible for a Polygon prize you must deploy a smart contract to either the Polygon Mainnet or the Mumbai Testnet. Within your project’s README, include a link to the deployed smart contract on Polygonscan and write a short paragraph noting the prize you are targeting and describing how your hack solves the problem statement. Tell us what you’re building #onPolygon by tagging @0xPolygonDevs on twitter.

📇 $4,000 for best use of Polygon ID - Polygon ID is a solution that provides self-sovereign, decentralized and private identity for the next iteration of the Internet. Create a product that integrates Polygon ID’s on-chain verification and permissionless attestation. 

  • Find a list of Polygon ID ideas here.

🤑 $4,000 for best public goods or Refi project(s) - Public goods are good. Solve a problem relevant to any community you are part of by building either a public good or a regenerative finance app. Explain how someone would benefit from your hack and how it could scale globally.

🎮 $4,000 for best metaverse or gaming project(s) - Ready player one! Leverage Polygon’s PoS blockchain for low-cost, high speed transactions to develop an engaging gaming platform or metaverse experience.

👩🏽‍💻 $4,000 for best UX - One of the most challenging problems in Web3 is creating an intuitive and seamless User Experience for dapps. Build a dapp that raises the bar for UX in some way. Hint: check out Rahat’s EthOnline talk on UX. Within your README, explain what you’ve done to hack together a MDP (minimum delightful product).

🧰 $4,000 for best Developer Tool or DAO Tooling - IWe believe improving the developerBuilder experience (DX) is one of the key ways of gaining mass adoption of web3. Hack together an SDK, API, or tool for improving collaboration amongst DAOs and general web3 teams.

Getting Started


Polygon 🛠 On Chain Verified Credentials with...

Learn to build Soul Bound NFTs on Polygon tied to credentials that can be verified with Polygon ID.

This workshop is happening in-person

06:00 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 4


Optimism is a low-cost, lightning-fast Ethereum-equivalent L2 blockchain. Working to scale Ethereum’s technology and values, OP Labs is on a mission to build the most secure, stable, and decentralized blockchain, and the Optimism Foundation is seeding and growing an ecosystem that drives global adoption of the Optimism protocol.

Optimism is a low-cost, lightning-fast Ethereum-equivalent L2 blockchain. Working to scale Ethereum’s technology and values, OP Labs is on a mission to build the most secure, stable, and decentralized blockchain, and the Optimism Foundation is seeding and growing an ecosystem that drives global adoption of the Optimism protocol.


Optimism $20,000
   ㉧ $2,500 ×𝟹       ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $2,500 ×𝟸       ㉧ $2,500 ×𝟸       ㉧ $250 ×𝟷𝟶   

Optimism is offering:

🛠 Developer Infrastructure/tooling: 3 teams win $ 2,500 per team

No matter how amazing we make the Optimism network it will never succeed without developers! This prize is for developer tooling and infrastructure. You could win if your project makes it easier to build on Optimism, makes development more approachable or generally improves the development process!

👯‍♀️ Best Bedrock/OP Stack Hack: 1 team wins $2,500

The OP Stack is a series of modules that make it easy as pie to build your own blockchain. Although the OP Stack is still heavily in development, we’re looking for teams to start experimenting by modifying our Bedrock node to do new and wacky things! Maybe you’ll try modifying the data availability layer to support EIP-4844, maybe you’ll modify op-geth to support EIP-1153, or maybe you’ll replace the entire execution engine with a Game Boy emulator (yes, someone did that). The sky’s the limit, give it a shot and see what kind of wild ideas you can come up with!

🎮 Optimism Games & NFT Infrastructure: 2 teams wins $ 2,500 per team

From NFT card games to open-world explorations, we want it all! If your project is a game or makes the NFT world better (i.e no code NFT deployers) then you qualify for this prize!

🫡 govTech & Community Infrastructure: 2 teams win $ 2,500 per team**

Crypto would be a sad, empty space without communities. It would also be very web2 if not for the decentralising force of DAOs and governance! This category is super broad but we are looking for things that make managing a web3 community easier, or make governance more accessible. If you are not sure if your project would count, message us! This category also includes retroPGF-style projects!

🏊‍♀️ Top 10 projects (that don’t win another OP prize!) to deploy on Optimism (mainnet, Goerli testnet or Bedrock testnet) get $250 for the team.

Getting Started

Optimism Documentation

Need help?

If you are unsure about anything or need help, make sure to join our discord. We have NERDs waiting to help, as well as tons of opportunities for your project to grow and develop after the hackathon!

Click >> here << for more info and a list of ideas!


Optimism 🛠 The Spirit of Optimism

Come hear Binji talk about the spirit of Optimism. In this workshop Binji covers the origins of Optimism, the the...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 4


SKALE is the only Ethereum native, modular blockchain network composed of 18+ high-throughput, low-latency SKALE Chains that are optimized for Web3 user experience. SKALE offers ZERO gas fees to end-users and has advanced features such as on-chain file storage, interchain messaging, zero-cost minting, ML/AI smart contracts, and enhanced security features. SKALE enables developers to deploy their own EVM blockchain in minutes without sacrificing speed, security, or decentralization. Welcome to the SKALEverse. Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord

SKALE is the only Ethereum native, modular blockchain network composed of 18+ high-throughput, low-latency SKALE Chains that are optimized for Web3 user experience. SKALE offers ZERO gas fees to end-users and has advanced features such as on-chain file storage, interchain messaging, zero-cost minting, ML/AI smart contracts, and enhanced security features.

SKALE enables developers to deploy their own EVM blockchain in minutes without sacrificing speed, security, or decentralization. Welcome to the SKALEverse.

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord


SKALE Network$20,000
   ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $2,000 ×𝟺       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $312 ×𝟷𝟼   

🏆 SKALE is offering: $20K in bounties

Requirement: Must be built on SKALE

  • 🥇 $5,000 in SKL - Grand Prize. Awarded for the best use of SKALE with opportunities for follow-up investments and further grants 
  • 🎮 $8,000 in SKL - Metaverse, Gaming, NFTs. Can be numerous winners. 
  • 🤝 $2,000 in SKL - Partner Integration. For teams integrating SKALE plus an ecosystem partner - ie Livepeer + SKALE or The Graph + SKALE. Can be numerous winners. 
  • 🏊 $5,000 in SKL - Prize pool divided among all teams that launch any product on SKALE

Getting Started

Developer Resources:


SKALE 🛠 How to Leverage SKALE Tools to Build...

A developer experience with limitless scaling. Come learn how decentralized projects building in the SKALEverse can...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 4


Worldcoin is a Privacy-Preserving Proof-of-Personhood Protocol (PPPoPP).We’re super excited to give you the first opportunity to build on top of the World ID protocol. Wold ID enables Proof-of-Personhood so that any developer can build anonymous sybil resistant apps.

Worldcoin is a Privacy-Preserving Proof-of-Personhood Protocol (PPPoPP).We’re super excited to give you the first opportunity to build on top of the World ID protocol. Wold ID enables Proof-of-Personhood so that any developer can build anonymous sybil resistant apps.


   ㉧ $4,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟼       ㉧ $350 ×𝟸𝟶   

🏆 $20,000 USD are up for grabs at the hackathon for people that build on top of World ID, distributed as follows:

  • 🥇 $4,000 to the Best overall 
  • 🧑‍⚖️ $3,000 to the Best governance app
  • 🤝 $3,000 to the Best social app 
  • 🧞 $3,000 to the most creative use case
  • ✨ Up to 4x $1,000 to Honorable mentions 
  • 🏊 $3,000 Prize Pool - distributed equally among all qualifying submissions 

Any prizes not awarded will be distributed in the prize pool


Worldcoin 🛠 Proof of Personhood with World I...

World ID is a protocol that lets you prove a human is doing an action only once without revealing any personal data...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:00 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 4


Cartesi: The Blockchain OS, is building Cartesi Rollups, a modular execution layer that elevates simple smart contracts to decentralized Linux runtimes. It allows developers to launch highly scalable rollup chains, and code decentralized logic with their favorite languages and software components. \- Every DApp has its own high-performing rollup chain; \- No cannibalization of resources from other DApps in Cartesi’s ecosystem; \- No network gentrification; \- Enable an entirely new class of DApps that currently cannot run on EVM chains; \- Preserve the strong security guarantees of the underlying blockchain Welcome to The Blockchain OS, home to what’s next.

Cartesi: The Blockchain OS, is building Cartesi Rollups, a modular execution layer that elevates simple smart contracts to decentralized Linux runtimes. It allows developers to launch highly scalable rollup chains, and code decentralized logic with their favorite languages and software components.

- Every DApp has its own high-performing rollup chain;

- No cannibalization of resources from other DApps in Cartesi’s ecosystem;

- No network gentrification;

- Enable an entirely new class of DApps that currently cannot run on EVM chains;

- Preserve the strong security guarantees of the underlying blockchain

Welcome to The Blockchain OS, home to what’s next.


   ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000   

🥇 - $5,000

🥈 - $3,000

🥉 - $2,000

Getting Started


Cartesi 🛠 Build more powerful DApps using fa...

Imagine using blockchain without understanding Solidity. In this workshop, you will experience how to use your bel...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:00 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 1


Lens Protocol is a composable and decentralized social graph. It lets creators take ownership of their content wherever they go in the digital garden of the decentralized internet. With Lens Protocol, you are in control. You own your profile, where you use it, how you use it, and even how you monetize it. That means you have the power over your content, and it’s all right there, as an NFT, in your wallet. It’s not just easy. It’s how digital identity should be: yours.

Lens Protocol is a composable and decentralized social graph. It lets creators take ownership of their content wherever they go in the digital garden of the decentralized internet. With Lens Protocol, you are in control. You own your profile, where you use it, how you use it, and even how you monetize it. That means you have the power over your content, and it’s all right there, as an NFT, in your wallet. It’s not just easy. It’s how digital identity should be: yours.


Lens Protocol$10,000
   ㉧ $3,500 ×𝟸       ㉧ $100 ×𝟹𝟶   

Lens is offering:

🥇 Top 2 Winners - 2 x $3,500

🤝 Lens will also offer $100 per project to any project that integrates Follow-on Lens and Sign-in with Lens or uses the Lens API in some way (up to 30 projects)

Getting Started


Hackathon Hub

Check out docs.lens.xyz to enter the developer garden, discover ideas for how to leverage Lens, and much more!


Lens 🛠 Web3 Social: Under the Hood

A dive into the design of Lens Protocol and how it improves on Web2 & Web2.5 Social Graphs

This workshop is happening in-person

04:00 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 4


## What is Livepeer? Livepeer is the world's open video infrastructure. Founded in 2017, Livepeer provides cost-efficient, secure, scalable, and reliable infrastructure that can handle today's high demand for video processing. Livepeer's decentralized network includes over 70,000 GPUs and currently processes millions of minutes a week. Learn about how Livepeer works. ## What is Livepeer Studio?👩‍💻 Livepeer Studio, which you’ll be using in your hack, is a video toolkit that makes it easy for builders to access the decentralized Livepeer network.

What is Livepeer?

Livepeer is the world's open video infrastructure. Founded in 2017, Livepeer provides cost-efficient, secure, scalable, and reliable infrastructure that can handle today's high demand for video processing. Livepeer's decentralized network includes over 70,000 GPUs and currently processes millions of minutes a week. Learn about how Livepeer works.

What is Livepeer Studio?👩‍💻

Livepeer Studio, which you’ll be using in your hack, is a video toolkit that makes it easy for builders to access the decentralized Livepeer network.


   ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $1,000   

Wow us with the best hacks using Livepeer Studio’s video Livestream or On Demand API in social or creator applications, community and DAO video applications.

  • 🥇 $5,000
  • 🥈 $3,000
  • 🥉 $2,000


Livepeer 🛠 Building the Killer Web3 Consumer...

Web3 has reached a tipping point where consumers are ready to adopt this new paradigm. With 2.5m DAUs, there is a ...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 1


The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) enables you to have a cross-platform web3 username and profile, to simplify crypto payments for any blockchain, and decentralized websites. ENS supports .ETH names natively, as well as importing DNS names you already own. ENS is integrated in over 300 services, including wallets, dapps, and browsers.

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) enables you to have a cross-platform web3 username and profile, to simplify crypto payments for any blockchain, and decentralized websites. ENS supports .ETH names natively, as well as importing DNS names you already own. ENS is integrated in over 300 services, including wallets, dapps, and browsers.


   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $111 ×𝟹𝟼   

🏆 ENS if offering:

  • 🥇 1st - $3,000
  • 🥈 2nd - $2,000
  • 🥉3rd - $1,000
  • 🤝 Integration Bounty - $4,000

Getting Started


ENS 🛠 Identity in your dApps

ENS is your web3 identity. Learn how to integrate web3 identity into your dApp, how to build on-top of it, how it w...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 1


XMTP (Extensible Message Transport Protocol) is an open protocol and network for secure, private messaging between Ethereum accounts. With the XMTP SDK, developers can enhance their applications with a universal inbox for direct messages, alerts, and announcements, or build new tools for dapps, DAOs, creators, and protocols to re-engage users via web3 messaging. Its primary contributor, XMTP Labs, is funded by some of the industry’s top venture capital funds including a16z Crypto and Coinbase Ventures. ## 📥 Want to try out XMTP? To try out XMTP, we have built a reference client at xmtp.chat - you can then send a message to petermdenton.eth and experience native, secure web3 messaging. You can also fork this example client and build your own here.

XMTP (Extensible Message Transport Protocol) is an open protocol and network for secure, private messaging between Ethereum accounts. With the XMTP SDK, developers can enhance their applications with a universal inbox for direct messages, alerts, and announcements, or build new tools for dapps, DAOs, creators, and protocols to re-engage users via web3 messaging. Its primary contributor, XMTP Labs, is funded by some of the industry’s top venture capital funds including a16z Crypto and Coinbase Ventures.

📥 Want to try out XMTP?

To try out XMTP, we have built a reference client at xmtp.chat - you can then send a message to petermdenton.eth and experience native, secure web3 messaging. You can also fork this example client and build your own here.


   ㉧ $2,500 ×𝟸       ㉧ $1,500 ×𝟸       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $100 ×𝟸𝟹   

🏆 XMTP is offering:

  • 🥇 Grand Prizes x2 - $2,500 each
  • 🏃🏽 Runner Up (2x) - $1,500 each
  • ❤️ Honorable Mention - $1000
  • 🏊 Prize Pool - $1,000

Getting Started

You can get started by checking out the XMTP developer resources, specifically: 

Developer Resources

Previous Hackathon Project Examples

Helpful UI Examples

Connect with Us


XMTP 🛠 Add messaging to any dapp in under an...

Description coming soon..

This workshop is happening in-person

06:00 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 1


UMA is an optimistic oracle (OO) that can verify any statement proposed on the blockchain. Using economic incentives, the OO tells smart contracts “things about the world” so contracts and markets asking for that data can be settled.  Across, UMA's sister project is a cross-chain bridge that supports cheap, secure, and near-instantaneous transfers between L2s and to L1. Across transfers are secured by UMA’s optimistic oracle.  Builders can use OO as a decentralized truth machine that is flexible enough to handle ambiguity and real-world data with human-powered dispute resolution. UMA’s OO secures and empowers a diverse set of Web3 applications, including cross-chain bridges, insurance protocols, prediction markets and customizable DAO tooling products.

UMA is an optimistic oracle (OO) that can verify any statement proposed on the blockchain. Using economic incentives, the OO tells smart contracts “things about the world” so contracts and markets asking for that data can be settled. 

Across, UMA's sister project is a cross-chain bridge that supports cheap, secure, and near-instantaneous transfers between L2s and to L1. Across transfers are secured by UMA’s optimistic oracle. 

Builders can use OO as a decentralized truth machine that is flexible enough to handle ambiguity and real-world data with human-powered dispute resolution. UMA’s OO secures and empowers a diverse set of Web3 applications, including cross-chain bridges, insurance protocols, prediction markets and customizable DAO tooling products.


UMA & Across$10,000
   ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $300 ×𝟷𝟶   

UMA's OO expands what can be built in Web3 and there are many use cases that haven't been thought of yet. We're looking for submissions that build new and innovative on-chain protocols that require off-chain, cross-chain, or aggregated data verified by our oracle.

By hacking on Across you will help to strengthen and broaden the bridging ecosystem and increase adoption of L2s. To do this, we need projects that improve scalability, security, and simplicity — and help to provide solid bridging infrastructure that people use without hesitation. 

  • 🥇- $5,000
  • 🥈 - $2,000
  • 🏊‍♀️ - $3,000 pool prize


UMA & Across 🛠 Optimistic Oracles: How to ve...

Description coming soon..

This workshop is happening in-person

06:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 2


Hyperlane is an interoperability platform providing an interchain messaging API empowering you to easily and securely communicate between blockchains. You can use Hyperlane to build interchain applications, or you can use it to conduct actions on remote chains without deploying any contracts by leveraging Hyperlane's Interchain Accounts.

Hyperlane is an interoperability platform providing an interchain messaging API empowering you to easily and securely communicate between blockchains. You can use Hyperlane to build interchain applications, or you can use it to conduct actions on remote chains without deploying any contracts by leveraging Hyperlane's Interchain Accounts.


   ㉧ $4,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000   

🏆 Top prize - 4k 'Best use of Hyperlane' messaging API

  • To win this prize you simply need to build an application that utilizes the messaging API to establish interchain connectivity. You could be passing messages or assets. You could be making cross-chain view calls or oraclize data between blockchains. There is really no end to what you could build, but given that time is of the essence you don’t want to expand scope too much.
  • A great way to shoot for the top prize is to attempt to make an interchain version of a popular app, i.e. an interchain Compound or Sudoswap.

💸 2k - Best use of Hyperlane - DeFi related

  • As noted above there are many ways you can win our prizes, but here are some DeFi related ideas:
  • You could use our Interchain Accounts API to create an app that allows for interchain swaps without having to deploy any contracts on remote chains.
  • You could create an interchain Stableswap, accepting deposits of assets on multiple chains and creating unified liquidity pools.
  • You could create a contract that allows you to control multiple SAFEs or DAOs on remote chains. Using Interchain Accounts you could do this without having to deploy any additional logic on the receiving chains.
  • You could create interchain payment streaming contracts, collecting deposits on a number of chains and directing assets to their destinations.

🌠 2k - Best use of Hyperlane - NFT related

  • You could create an interchain minting contract that acts as a load balancer between chains, i.e collecting orders on several chains (with lower fees or higher throughput) and executing the mint on a different chain.
  • You could create an interchain nft collection where the NFTs have different properties based on the chain they’re currently on.

🏗 2k - Best use of Hyperlane - Infrastructure

  • With respect to infrastructure, here’s a chance to build infrastructure either for Hyperlane or build infrastructure for other protocols that uses Hyperlane.
  • For example, a previous Hyperlane prize winner built infrastructure that supports Hyperlane relayers


Hyperlane 🛠 Go Interchain With Hyperlane!

Building applications that interoperate between blockchains is very hard. But Hyperlane makes it easy! Join us to l...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 3


Mina is the world’s lightest blockchain, powered by participants. With its elegant design, Mina is the first Layer-1 enabling easy programmability of zero knowledge smart contracts, zkApps. The unique privacy and security features and ability to connect to any website via its zkApps enable a more secure and private Web3—paving the way to the democratic future we all deserve. Mina is stewarded by the Mina Foundation, a public benefit corporation headquartered in the United States. Website | Twitter | Discord | GitHub

Mina is the world’s lightest blockchain, powered by participants. With its elegant design, Mina is the first Layer-1 enabling easy programmability of zero knowledge smart contracts, zkApps. The unique privacy and security features and ability to connect to any website via its zkApps enable a more secure and private Web3—paving the way to the democratic future we all deserve. Mina is stewarded by the Mina Foundation, a public benefit corporation headquartered in the United States.

Website | Twitter | Discord | GitHub


Mina Protocol$10,000
   ㉧ $4,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟸       ㉧ $142 ×𝟽   

🏆 Mina is offering:

  • 🥇 First Prize - $4,000
  • 🥈 Second Prize - $3,000
  • 🥉 Third Prize - $2,000
  • 🏊 Prize Pool - $1,000


Mina zkApps 🛠 Zero-Knowledge Programming wit...

Mina is the first Layer-1 blockchain with support for zero-knowledge smart contracts, zkApps. This workshop will di...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 2


Push Protocol is the communication protocol of web3. Push protocol enables cross-chain notifications and messaging for dapps, wallets, and services tied to wallet addresses in an open, gasless, and platform-agnostic fashion. The open communication layer allows any crypto wallet / frontend to tap into the network and get the communication across. Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | YouTube | Linktree

Push Protocol is the communication protocol of web3. Push protocol enables cross-chain notifications and messaging for dapps, wallets, and services tied to wallet addresses in an open, gasless, and platform-agnostic fashion. The open communication layer allows any crypto wallet / frontend to tap into the network and get the communication across.

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | YouTube | Linktree


Push Protocol$10,000
   ㉧ $3,500       ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $500 ×𝟻   

🏆 Push is offering:

  • 🥇 1st Prize - $3,500
  • 🥈 2nd Prize - $2,500
  • 🥉 3rd Prize - $1,500
  • ✨ Runner up x5 - $500 each

Getting Started

Push Documentation:


Alluo is carving out a new space in financial services with their user-friendly platform that offers the flexibility, control, transparency, and access to great rates that DeFi can bring. Alongside the usability and customer-centric experience of Fintech, Alluo removes the need for financial middlemen and gives both first-time users and seasoned Web3 natives full control of their finances with absolute transparency and lightning speed.

Alluo is carving out a new space in financial services with their user-friendly platform that offers the flexibility, control, transparency, and access to great rates that DeFi can bring. Alongside the usability and customer-centric experience of Fintech, Alluo removes the need for financial middlemen and gives both first-time users and seasoned Web3 natives full control of their finances with absolute transparency and lightning speed.


   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $857 ×𝟽   

Alluo if offering:

🏊‍♀️ $6,000: Pool prize for all projects building on the Superfluid Super token feature of the IbAlluoXXX token

🥇 $2,000: Best overall project building on either of the Alluo Boosted Pool, Alluo Cross chain governance or IbAlluo standard

🔮 $2,000: Most futuristic use case of the IbAlluoUSD

Getting Started


Alluo 🛠 Interest bearing streamble USD/ETH/B...

Alluo's founder and core contributors interactive workshop on the Interest Bearing Streamble Super token (built wit...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 3


Fuel is the fastest execution layer for the modular blockchain stack, delivering maximum security and the highest flexible throughput for decentralized applications. Sway, the language you will need to use for this bounty is a DSL Inspired by Rust and Solidity, designed from the ground up to target the Fuel Virtual Machine.

Fuel is the fastest execution layer for the modular blockchain stack, delivering maximum

security and the highest flexible throughput for decentralized applications.

Sway, the language you will need to use for this bounty is a DSL Inspired by Rust and Solidity,

designed from the ground up to target the Fuel Virtual Machine.


   ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000   

🏆 Fuel is offering:

All prizes will be distributed in stablecoins.

  • 🥇 - $5,000
  • 🥈 - $3,000
  • 🥉 - $2,000 

How to qualify? ☑️

For this bounty, you must build a dApp using the Sway language.

If you don't know what to build yet, here are some ideas:

  • 🎮 Games
  • 🏦 DeFi Projects (Uniswap V3, Flash loans, a collateralized stablecoin, etc.)
  • 🏭 Generic factories
  • 🔮 Oracles

Judging Criteria ⚖️

  1. Your project must be Open-Source and built with Sway.
  2. Your project must show creativity.
  3. Your code quality will be taken into consideration.
  4. The security of your protocol / App will be analyzed.

Getting Started

Understand Fuel's vision: Introducing Fuel, the Fastest Modular Execution Layer.

The best way to start Fueling up is through the following docs:

You can begin playing around with Sway by installing Fuelup, the Fuel toolchain manager:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf
https://fuellabs.github.io/fuelup/fuelup-init.sh | sh

If you have any questions, you can find technical support at the venue itself, or ask on our Discord server.


Fuel 🛠 Bringing Superior Devex to Web3: Buil...

Fuel Labs is building Fuel, a layer 2 but better. The highlights: superior developer experience with integrated too...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 2


Dune is the leading community-powered crypto analytics platform. Every day, thousands of Dune wizards 🧙 create, find and fork dashboards on Dune to discover and share insights in crypto. Just by writing SQL, you can query data from all popular L1 + L2 blockchain networks, decoded contracts, and community built “spells” for DEXes, NFTs, stablecoins and more. Our API is the #1 requested feature and is available in private beta today. With the Dune API, you can custom build an endpoint for your application, and query that data programmatically. Whether you’re building a web3 market intelligence tool or powering the latest in trading strategies, Dune is ready to power your data layer. Looking for inspiration? Take a look at our ETHBerlin winners! We're kickstarting a revolution in transparent crypto analytics. What will you build?

Dune is the leading community-powered crypto analytics platform. Every day, thousands of Dune wizards 🧙 create, find and fork dashboards on Dune to discover and share insights in crypto.

Just by writing SQL, you can query data from all popular L1 + L2 blockchain networks, decoded contracts, and community built “spells” for DEXes, NFTs, stablecoins and more.

Our API is the #1 requested feature and is available in private beta today. With the Dune API, you can custom build an endpoint for your application, and query that data programmatically. Whether you’re building a web3 market intelligence tool or powering the latest in trading strategies, Dune is ready to power your data layer.

Looking for inspiration? Take a look at our ETHBerlin winners!

We're kickstarting a revolution in transparent crypto analytics. What will you build?



Dune if offering:

  • 🥇 5x bounties of $2,000 each
  • 🧢 Limited edition swag for winners
  • 👕 Swag for everyone who uses Dune in their project

How to qualify ☑️

Projects must successfully integrate the Dune API to qualify. Projects are free to use other tools and can also qualify for other award submissions.

To hand in your submission: indicate Dune in your project submission on the ETHSanFrancisco Hacker Dashboard (Sun, Nov 6th, 9AM PST).

Judging criteria ⚖️

  • How useful is your application
  • How integral is the Dune API
  • General epic-ness

Getting Started

For API keys, come find the Dune team IRL at our ETHSanFrancisco booth.

To learn how to use our API, with quickstarts and language specific examples, see our API documentation.

We'll have a dedicated support channel on our community Discord at #dune-api.


Dune 🛠 Build the frontier of web3 data analy...

Web3 data is radically open. For the first time in history, data communities worldwide can build on the same data t...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 1


0x Labs is a global web3 technology company. We are the creator of and a core contributor to 0x Protocol, an open-source, decentralized exchange protocol that serves as the global backbone of 0x, trusted exchange infrastructure for the internet. 0x Labs specializes in building services and products on 0x Protocol, such as the 0x API and Matcha. Since its inception, the 0x Protocol has enabled the exchange of more than $130 billion in tokenized value across approximately 30 million crypto trades.  0x Labs offers professional-grade APIs to enable developers to build the best DeFi applications powered by 0x. Swap API allows developers to incorporate ERC20 trading functionality into their apps by providing aggregated liquidity and smart order routing. This is the API that powers the swaps behind the most popular exchanges and wallets including: Metamask, Coinbase, Matcha, Zapper, and more. Website | Twitter | Discord

0x Labs is a global web3 technology company. We are the creator of and a core contributor to 0x Protocol, an open-source, decentralized exchange protocol that serves as the global backbone of 0x, trusted exchange infrastructure for the internet. 0x Labs specializes in building services and products on 0x Protocol, such as the 0x API and Matcha. Since its inception, the 0x Protocol has enabled the exchange of more than $130 billion in tokenized value across approximately 30 million crypto trades. 

0x Labs offers professional-grade APIs to enable developers to build the best DeFi applications powered by 0x. Swap API allows developers to incorporate ERC20 trading functionality into their apps by providing aggregated liquidity and smart order routing. This is the API that powers the swaps behind the most popular exchanges and wallets including: Metamask, Coinbase, Matcha, Zapper, and more.

Website | Twitter | Discord


   ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000   

🏆 0x Labs is offering the following:

Build the next generation of DeFi apps using the APIs from 0x Labs.

Best projects that use the 0x API swap endpoint for ERC20 token swaps: 

  • 🥇 - $5,000
  • 🥈 - $3,000
  • 🥉 - $2,000

Please see eligibility criteria here. See list of hackathon project ideas here.


0x Labs 🛠 Building Token Swaps with 0x API

Adding ERC20 trading functionality into your app is easy with the 0x Swap API. Learn how this professional-grade AP...

This workshop is happening in-person

04:00 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 3


ApeCoin is an ERC-20 governance and utility token for decentralized communities building at the forefront of culture and web3. Yuga Labs, the company behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club ecosystem, is a contributor to the APE ecosystem and is adopting ApeCoin as the primary token for the BAYC ecosystem as well as upcoming metaverse and gaming experiences. APE adoption will be driven largely by communities who are driving culture forward through NFTs, art, gaming, entertainment, community and events.  ApeCoin serves several purposes including:  * Governance - allows ApeCoin holders to participate in the ApeCoin DAO  * Unification of Spend - shared and open currency across more NFT native communities  * Access - exclusive games, merch, events, and services  * Incentivization - tool for third-party developers to incorporate APE into their services, games, and other projects

ApeCoin is an ERC-20 governance and utility token for decentralized communities building at the forefront of culture and web3. Yuga Labs, the company behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club ecosystem, is a contributor to the APE ecosystem and is adopting ApeCoin as the primary token for the BAYC ecosystem as well as upcoming metaverse and gaming experiences. APE adoption will be driven largely by communities who are driving culture forward through NFTs, art, gaming, entertainment, community and events. 

ApeCoin serves several purposes including: 

  • Governance - allows ApeCoin holders to participate in the ApeCoin DAO 
  • Unification of Spend - shared and open currency across more NFT native communities 
  • Access - exclusive games, merch, events, and services 
  • Incentivization - tool for third-party developers to incorporate APE into their services, games, and other projects


   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $500       ㉧ $3,500       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $1,000   

We encourage all developers to come build on ApeCoin. Whether you’re interested in governance improvements, security infrastructure, or a better way to drop custom merch, ApeCoin wants to make sure you have the resources to build it! 

We are open to all ideas, but if you’re looking for some inspiration here are some areas our community has been interested in:

  • Governance - DAO tooling, dashboards, analytics, etc 
  • Staking - ApeCoin uses a new mechanic for staking that involves rewards accruing to the NFT rather than a wallet 
  • Community - expanding ApeCoin reach to more NFT communities 
  • Security - tooling or resources for NFT holders to protect their collectibles 

ApeCoin is offering the following prizes:

🤝 Best Integration

Prizes go to the projects that can show the most innovative use of ApeCoin in a dApp. In general this should include projects that push the entire NFT and metaverse ecosystems forward in an innovative, new way.  

  • 🥇 First Place - $2,000 
  • 🥈 Second Place - $1,000
  • 🥉 Third Place - $500

💡 Best Contribution

Prizes go to the projects that help the ApeCoin community the most. This could be governance tracking, an improved staking UI, or other infrastructure that supports ApeCoin expansion.

  • 🥇 First Place - $3,500
  • 🥈 Second Place - $2,000
  • 🥉 Third Place - $1,000


NEAR Protocol is a climate-neutral, high-speed & low transaction fee layer-1 blockchain powering the open web. NEAR’s flexible account model and human-readable addresses allow for the most optimal developer and end-user experience and its WASM-based execution provides optionality for developers to write secure smart contracts in multiple languages.

NEAR Protocol is a climate-neutral, high-speed & low transaction fee layer-1 blockchain powering the open web. NEAR’s flexible account model and human-readable addresses allow for the most optimal developer and end-user experience and its WASM-based execution provides optionality for developers to write secure smart contracts in multiple languages.


NEAR Protocol$10,000
   ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000   

We are looking for the most imaginative and exciting builds using NEAR Protocol’s new JavaScript SDK. JavaScript is the most popular programming language, used by nearly 14 million developers worldwide. With the NEAR JS SDK you can write smart-contracts in JavaScript or Typescript, and our SDK will pack them with a lightweight runtime. This can then be compiled into a single WASM file that can be deployed into the NEAR network.

  • 🥇 ​1st Prize: $5k in $USDC
  • 🥈 2nd Prize: $3k in $USDC
  • 🥉 3rd Prize: $2k in $USDC

Here are some suggested hackathon projects: https://www.nearhacks.com/bounty-ideas


The Uniswap Foundation is the first Foundation of a major protocol to go through the community governance process, its mandate is to support the Uniswap protocol’s decentralized growth, reinvigorate governance, and serve as a Protocol advocate. Uniswap is the leading decentralized crypto trading protocol. The Uniswap protocol is a peer-to-peer system designed for exchanging cryptocurrencies (ERC-20 Tokens) on the Ethereum blockchain. The marketplace is open and accessible to all and anyone can build applications leveraging token swaps, oracles, liquidity pools (LP), and more.

The Uniswap Foundation is the first Foundation of a major protocol to go through the community governance process, its mandate is to support the Uniswap protocol’s decentralized growth, reinvigorate governance, and serve as a Protocol advocate.

Uniswap is the leading decentralized crypto trading protocol. The Uniswap protocol is a peer-to-peer system designed for exchanging cryptocurrencies (ERC-20 Tokens) on the Ethereum blockchain. The marketplace is open and accessible to all and anyone can build applications leveraging token swaps, oracles, liquidity pools (LP), and more.


Uniswap Foundation$10,000
   ㉧ $3,500       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $3,500       ㉧ $500   

🏆 Uniswap Foundation is offering $10,000 in bounties

Requirement: Must be an integration built on top of Uniswap (more than just swapping!)

For LP:

  • 🥇 $3,500 - Top LP Tool. Awarded for the most novel solution for LPing on Uniswap v3
  • 🦄 $1,500 - Runner-up LP Tools!

For Data:

  • 🥇 $3,500 - Data Platform, Awarded to the best on-chain data alternative.
  • 🦄 $1,500 - Runner-up for data solutions!

Getting Started


Uniswap Foundation 🛠 Uniswap SDK Overview

Zach Pomerantz talks through the Uniswap SDK and how you might build on top of it. He will answer questions on fron...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 1


Tellor is a decentralized oracle protocol that incentivizes an open, permissionless network of data reporting and data validation, ensuring that data can be provided by anyone and checked by everyone. Built for any data type, our network of reporters supports your basic spot prices, more sophisticated pricing specs (TWAP/VWAP), Random Numbers, Snapshot Vote Results, or any custom data needs you have. If your data can be verified, Tellor can bring it on-chain.

Tellor is a decentralized oracle protocol that incentivizes an open, permissionless network of data reporting and data validation, ensuring that data can be provided by anyone and checked by everyone.

Built for any data type, our network of reporters supports your basic spot prices, more sophisticated pricing specs (TWAP/VWAP), Random Numbers, Snapshot Vote Results, or any custom data needs you have. If your data can be verified, Tellor can bring it on-chain.


   ㉧ $3,500       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $500   

🎉 Tellor is offering a $5000 prize pool for integrations with the top amounts going to projects that meet these two requirements:

  • ✅ Submit link to deployed and verified contract that integrates “Using Tellor”
  • ✅ Use the Tellor contracts to configure incentives for tipping/paying testnet reporters to provide your data - must submit a tx hash of this tip/payment. OR submit transaction using Tellor Playground Refer to Hacker’s Guide to learn more.

The key take-away is that we want to see true usage of Tellor demonstrated by those two requirements. (Don’t worry, we’ll guide you through it!)

Getting Started


Tellor 🛠 Getting Tellor Data For Any Use-cas...


This workshop is happening in-person

05:00 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 2


Tenderly is a leading blockchain development platform that simplifies building innovative blockchain products for seasoned and new developers alike. The company works closely with the Web 3.0 community to provide the right tools, services, and infrastructure to help developers build groundbreaking products, with less friction. For more information, visit <https://tenderly.co/>.

Tenderly is a leading blockchain development platform that simplifies building innovative blockchain products for seasoned and new developers alike. The company works closely with the Web 3.0 community to provide the right tools, services, and infrastructure to help developers build groundbreaking products, with less friction. For more information, visit https://tenderly.co/.


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,000   

🏆 Tenderly is offering:

  • 🥇 1st - $2,500
  • 🥈 2nd - $1,500
  • 🥉 3rd - $1,000

Getting Started

Tenderly Documentation


Tenderly 🛠 How to Improve Dapp User Experien...

Have you tried to create a dapp, but ended up struggling to onboard new users? Panicking in front of a screen is on...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 3


The Graph is an indexing protocol for organising and efficiently accessing data from blockchains and storage networks. The Graph has been running a hosted service since January 2019 with over 2,300 subgraphs deployed for Web3 and DeFi applications built on Ethereum and IPFS, like Synthetix, Uniswap, Aave, Balancer, Gnosis, Aragon, and more.

The Graph is an indexing protocol for organising and efficiently accessing data from blockchains and storage networks. The Graph has been running a hosted service since January 2019 with over 2,300 subgraphs deployed for Web3 and DeFi applications built on Ethereum and IPFS, like Synthetix, Uniswap, Aave, Balancer, Gnosis, Aragon, and more.


The Graph$5,000
   ㉧ $2,200       ㉧ $800       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $500   

Best new subgraph on The Graph Explorer:

  • 🥇 1st prize: $2200
  • 🥈 2nd prize: $800

Best use of existing subgraph(s) on The Graph Explorer:

  • 🥇 1st prize: $1500
  • 🥈 2nd prize: $500

Getting Started

The Graph Documentation

Subgraph Building Demos:


The Graph 🛠 Full-Stack Web3 Development with...

In this half day workshop. we will create a full stack decentralized dapp together. From smart contracts to subgrap...

This workshop is happening in-person

05:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 2


Unlock is an open source, Ethereum-based protocol designed to streamline membership benefits for online communities. Unlock is meant to help creators find ways to monetize or manage membership without relying on a middleman. It’s a protocol — and not a centralized platform that controls everything that happens on it.Unlock’s mission is about taking back subscription and access from the domain of middlemen — from a million tiny silos and a handful of gigantic ones — and transforming it into a fundamental business model for the web.The Unlock Protocol can be applied to DAO tooling (e.g. token gating) content locking (paywalls), newsletters, software licenses or even the physical world, such as NFT ticketing.

Unlock is an open source, Ethereum-based protocol designed to streamline membership benefits for online communities. Unlock is meant to help creators find ways to monetize or manage membership without relying on a middleman. It’s a protocol — and not a centralized platform that controls everything that happens on it.Unlock’s mission is about taking back subscription and access from the domain of middlemen — from a million tiny silos and a handful of gigantic ones — and transforming it into a fundamental business model for the web.The Unlock Protocol can be applied to DAO tooling (e.g. token gating) content locking (paywalls), newsletters, software licenses or even the physical world, such as NFT ticketing.


   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $500   

🏆 Most inventive use of Unlock Protocol:

  • 🥇 1st Prize $3,000
  • 🥈 2nd Prize $1,500
  • 🥉 3rd Prize $500


Unlock 🛠 Integrating Memberships Into Your P...

In this 30-minute session, you'll learn directly from Unlock Protocol Founder Julien Genestoux, and dig into topics...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:00 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 2


QuickNode is the premier Web3 developer platform, helping today's most cutting-edge apps run with speed, reliability, and scale. Powering top projects & businesses, and empowering developers with instant access to 15+ chains across a global node network.

QuickNode is the premier Web3 developer platform, helping today's most cutting-edge apps run with speed, reliability, and scale. Powering top projects & businesses, and empowering developers with instant access to 15+ chains across a global node network.


   ㉧ $2,500       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,000   

🏆 The best use of QuickNode's NFT API or Token API will be eligible to receive the following:

  • 🥇 1st - $2,500
  • 🥈 2nd - $1,500
  • 🥉 3rd - $1,000


Triangle powers businesses to embed Web3 experiences across DeFi, NFTs, payments, social, gaming, and many more by using our wallet infrastructure API to build frictionless products and services. The Triangle API helps you programmatically manage wallets, also known as a Wallet as a Service (WaaS). It's as simple as 1) an endpoint to spin up wallets for your users (with multi-chain support), and 2) endpoints to transact and interact with a protocol/smart contract/etc. We do all the heavy lifting and remove the onboarding friction so that you can focus on building/growing your core business and your users can spend their time engaging with your product. Website | Twitter | Discord

Triangle powers businesses to embed Web3 experiences across DeFi, NFTs, payments, social, gaming, and many more by using our wallet infrastructure API to build frictionless products and services.

The Triangle API helps you programmatically manage wallets, also known as a Wallet as a Service (WaaS). It's as simple as 1) an endpoint to spin up wallets for your users (with multi-chain support), and 2) endpoints to transact and interact with a protocol/smart contract/etc. We do all the heavy lifting and remove the onboarding friction so that you can focus on building/growing your core business and your users can spend their time engaging with your product.

Website | Twitter | Discord


   ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $1,000   

🥇 1st Place

  • 🏆 Best Overall use of Triangle - $2,000

6️⃣ Runner-ups

  • 📈 Best DeFi use of Triangle - $500
  • 🖼 Best NFT use of Triangle - $500
  • 👥 Best Social use of Triangle - $500
  • 🎮 Best Gaming use of Triangle - $500
  • 👛 Best Payments use of Triangle - $500
  • 🔥 Best Unexpected use of Triangle - $500


We at Covalent believe that access to organized blockchain data can unlock a billion possibilities and so we provide the best single unified API to bring full transparency and visibility to assets across all blockchain networks. With the Covalent API, there is no need to invest developer resources in writing SQL or other queries since granular, decoded, multi-chain data is immediately available for 30+ blockchain networks including Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Fantom and Avalanche. Covalent is fast becoming the go-to data provider, with the Covalent API powering over 1,000 industry-leading projects such as Zerion, ChainGuardians, 0x and Reef.The Covalent Unified API is the fastest way to get blockchain data for your ETHSanFrancisco 2022 Hackathon project!

We at Covalent believe that access to organized blockchain data can unlock a billion possibilities and so we provide the best single unified API to bring full transparency and visibility to assets across all blockchain networks. With the Covalent API, there is no need to invest developer resources in writing SQL or other queries since granular, decoded, multi-chain data is immediately available for 30+ blockchain networks including Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Fantom and Avalanche. Covalent is fast becoming the go-to data provider, with the Covalent API powering over 1,000 industry-leading projects such as Zerion, ChainGuardians, 0x and Reef.The Covalent Unified API is the fastest way to get blockchain data for your ETHSanFrancisco 2022 Hackathon project!


   ㉧ $700 ×𝟹       ㉧ $600 ×𝟹       ㉧ $500 ×𝟸       ㉧ $400       ㉧ $200 ×𝟹       ㉧ $100 ×𝟹   

Covalent is offering a $5,000 USD (equivalent in USDC/USDT) prize pool for all projects that make meaningful use of any Covalent API endpoints for their ETHSanFrancisco BUIDLs. Prizes will be awarded at Covalent's discretion, according (but not limited) to the following metrics:

  • Quality of use case
  • Whether there’s a working demo
  • Number of Covalent API endpoints used

To qualify, projects must, at the very least, use one Covalent API endpoint and pull on-chain data from any of our 40 supported chains.

Our API is ideal for building multi-chain projects related to:

  • NFT storefronts / marketplaces / galleries
  • On-Chain Analytics / Dashboards
  • Wallets
  • Asset tracking, ROI, cost basis and tax calculators

Getting Started

Developer Resources

  • API Docs - Use the Covalent API directly from the browser with our API docs
  • Use case templates - Build off our ready-to-ship Web3 use case templates for wallets, NFT collections, DEXs and price trackers
  • Knowledge Base - check out our developer support resources and details on every supported blockchain network.


The Gnosis Chain is a stable payments EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) blockchain designed for fast and inexpensive transactions. The chain uses a unique dual-token model; xDai is a stable token used for transactions, payments, and fees, and Proof of Stake protection will be provided by GNO with the consensus-layer Gnosis Beacon Chain.

The Gnosis Chain is a stable payments EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) blockchain designed for fast and inexpensive transactions. The chain uses a unique dual-token model; xDai is a stable token used for transactions, payments, and fees, and Proof of Stake protection will be provided by GNO with the consensus-layer Gnosis Beacon Chain.


Gnosis Chain$5,000
   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $500   
  • 🥇 1st prize: 3,000$
  • 🥈 2nd prize: 1,500$
  • 🥉 3rd prize: 500$

Getting Started


Scaling privacy for the future of Web3. Findora builds privacy through advanced zero-knowledge proof cryptography. An innovative layer-1, it combines a native UTXO ledger optimized for privacy with an EVM extension for programmability and interoperability. Developers can leverage either model as they build dApps with auditable privacy. We appreciate our developers and would love to onboard you to the Findora ecosystem. Please reach out, and join our social channels for more. Discord | Twitter | Telegram | Medium | LinkedIn | Facebook | Reddit

Scaling privacy for the future of Web3.

Findora builds privacy through advanced zero-knowledge proof cryptography. An innovative layer-1, it combines a native UTXO ledger optimized for privacy with an EVM extension for programmability and interoperability. Developers can leverage either model as they build dApps with auditable privacy.

We appreciate our developers and would love to onboard you to the Findora ecosystem. Please reach out, and join our social channels for more.

Discord | Twitter | Telegram | Medium | LinkedIn | Facebook | Reddit



🏆 Findora is offering:

$5,000 for single winner

Developers can pick from either two option below when building their Findora EVM Dapps.

  • Best use of Private Transfer (or Private Cross-chain Transfer) SDK
  • Best Use of zkDID SDK 

Getting Started

Findora Private Transactions

Findora’s Privacy Routing SDK will allow developers to mask certain attributes from on-chain transactions: sender/receiver address, asset type, and asset amount. Using the SDK, developers can send private transactions from one Findora EVM address to another Findora EVM address.

Learn more about the Privacy Routing SDK

Zero-Knowledge Decentralized ID (zkDID)

Findora’s zkdid-js SDK consists of a collection of APIs to create decentralized identifiers (DIDs), credentials and proofs to enable DID holders to prove credential data (i.e. private information) about themselves in a zero-knowledge (zk) manner.

Zero-knowledge refers to the ability to cryptographically verify data without disclosing the exact credential value (i.e. cryptographically enable the verification that a DID holder’s credential contains credit score is above 700 — without revealing the exact number to the verifier).

For a conceptual overview of DIDs, credentials and the stakeholders in the credentialing and verification processes, visit the zkDID and Credentials modules section of Findora’s documentation. Also, please see the official W3C DID specification.

Learn more about the zkDID SDK

Support & Resources

Findora developers will be attending the onsite event in San Francisco to help support the hackathon participants. Additionally, developers may use the Findora Discord channel to ask questions and speak to a specialist from the team.


Evmos is an EVM-compatible chain that is interoperable with Ethereum Mainnet, Cosmos, and many more—making it easy for users and developers to move value between chains. Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | Blog

Evmos is an EVM-compatible chain that is interoperable with Ethereum Mainnet, Cosmos, and many more—making it easy for users and developers to move value between chains.

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | Blog


   ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $1,000       ㉧ $500       ㉧ $250 ×𝟸   

🏆 $3,000 - Grand Prize

Awarded for the most exciting dApp deployed to Evmos.

💡 $1,000 - Most Innovative DeFi dApp

Teams may build tried and true primitives that leverage unique Cosmos assets or opt to build something entirely new. This prize goes to a dApp that does something novel within Evmos' DeFi ecosystem.

🖼️ $500 - Sleekest UI

Enhance the ability of users to visualize Evmos chain data via dashboards and data visualizations. A focus on Evmos' Cosmos SDK modules is recommended. Examples:

🏊 Pool Prize

Top two runner-up projects to deploy on Evmos get $250 each.

Submission Criteria:

  • Should be deployed either on the Evmos testnet or mainnet
  • Should be open-sourced

After the Hackathon…

Prize winners and other hackathon participants are encouraged to continue building their projects with help from the Evmos Core Team and Community. Here are some of the ways projects are supported:

  • Community Calls: held every two weeks as a Twitter Space, teams building on Evmos are given a platform to speak on the merits of their respective projects.
  • Governance Grants: apply for a funding from the network's Community Pool. Evmos got started in a similar way!

Getting Started

💻 Developer Documentation: https://evmos.dev/


Empiric Network is a first-party data oracle network that is purpose-built to take advantage of the cheap & verifiable computation available on rollups. Empiric provides high-quality, proprietary market data from data providers such as Jane Street, Alameda Research, FTX, Gemini, and more. All of Empiric's data is aggregated & computed on-chain, making our data just as verifiable, secure, and robust as the underlying smart contracts. We will be deployed on Optimism, Polygon, and Starknet for the hackathon

Empiric Network is a first-party data oracle network that is purpose-built to take advantage of the cheap & verifiable computation available on rollups. Empiric provides high-quality, proprietary market data from data providers such as Jane Street, Alameda Research, FTX, Gemini, and more. All of Empiric's data is aggregated & computed on-chain, making our data just as verifiable, secure, and robust as the underlying smart contracts. We will be deployed on Optimism, Polygon, and Starknet for the hackathon


Empiric Network $5,000
   ㉧ $1,000 ×𝟹       ㉧ $200 ×𝟷𝟶   

🏆 Empiric is offering:

  • 🥇 $1,000 each to the top 3 teams that utilize Empiric
  • 🏊 $200 each for each of the next 10 teams that integrate Empiric

Getting Started

For information on Empiric Network refer to our Hackathon Documentation landing page


Midpoint is the easiest way to connect your blockchain application to traditional web endpoints. Midpoint makes it easy for developers to make any HTTP call from within a smart contract, without running any infrastructure and in one line of Solidity. Unlike traditional oracle networks, Midpoint allows developers to make requests with on-chain parameters, multi-step authentication workflows, and private off-chain data. Midpoint is natively multi-chain and can respond to requests across EVM chains. Every day developers use Midpoint to connect their contracts to new services and endpoints - ones that we (Midpoint Labs) - have never heard of. Documentation | Platform | Discord | Twitter | Telegram

Midpoint is the easiest way to connect your blockchain application to traditional web endpoints.

Midpoint makes it easy for developers to make any HTTP call from within a smart contract, without running any infrastructure and in one line of Solidity. Unlike traditional oracle networks, Midpoint allows developers to make requests with on-chain parameters, multi-step authentication workflows, and private off-chain data. Midpoint is natively multi-chain and can respond to requests across EVM chains. Every day developers use Midpoint to connect their contracts to new services and endpoints - ones that we (Midpoint Labs) - have never heard of.

Documentation | Platform | Discord | Twitter | Telegram


   ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $500       ㉧ $2,000       ㉧ $500   

Best use of a midpoint that runs a GET request.

  • 🥇First Place $2,000
  • 🥈Second Place $500

Endpoint ideas: Get token prices with CoinGecko, Get music data with Spotify, Read an email with Mailgun, Check a record with Salesforce, Confirm a signature with DocuSign, Get traffic data with Google Maps, Get housing prices with Zillow. 

Best use of a midpoint that runs a POST/PATCH/PUT/DELETE request.

  • 🥇First Place $2,000
  • 🥈Second Place $500

Endpoint ideas: Post a tweet with Twitter, Send a payment with Stripe, Send a text with Twilio, Track an event with Mixpanel, Ban a user with Discord, Deploy a website with Github, Query blockchain data with Alchemy, Spin up a lambda with AWS.

Getting Started

Message us right away if you have any questions: https://t.me/+pMYh0LecRB45ZmQx


The EY Blockchain team’s mission is to put in place the tools, systems and services that will be needed to help both public and private companies take advantage of blockchain technology with privacy, security and regulatory compliance. As a trusted advisor to the world’s largest enterprises, EY’s ability to test and audit transactions in a blockchain environment is essential to giving businesses the confidence to transition from simply tracking on a blockchain to transacting. Visit us at blockchain.ey.com.

The EY Blockchain team’s mission is to put in place the tools, systems and services that will be needed to help both public and private companies take advantage of blockchain technology with privacy, security and regulatory compliance. As a trusted advisor to the world’s largest enterprises, EY’s ability to test and audit transactions in a blockchain environment is essential to giving businesses the confidence to transition from simply tracking on a blockchain to transacting. Visit us at blockchain.ey.com.


   ㉧ $1,500       ㉧ $1,000   

EY is offering:

🥇 - $1,500

🥈 - $1,000

Submissions will be judged based on the following factors:

  • Code deployment and execution including use of privacy parameters
  • Use case consideration including user interaction with privacy features
  • Contributions/feedback to the existing repository

Getting Started

More to come!


EY 🛠 Meet Starlight - Write ZKP smart contra...

Description coming soon..

This workshop is happening in-person

04:00 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 2


Samudai is the interoperability layer of DAO tools where any DAO can add, manage and automate their tools in a composable manner. We offer a collaborative workspace with shared visibility so that DAOs and contributors can get work done and all contributions are noticed. We're the DAO OS.
Prize details coming soon


Buy, sell, & discover the internet of goods.
Prize details coming soon
Prize details coming soon
Prize details coming soon
Prize details coming soon