ETHSanFrancisco 2022


Dune is the leading community-powered crypto analytics platform. Every day, thousands of Dune wizards 🧙 create, find and fork dashboards on Dune to discover and share insights in crypto. Just by writing SQL, you can query data from all popular L1 + L2 blockchain networks, decoded contracts, and community built “spells” for DEXes, NFTs, stablecoins and more. Our API is the #1 requested feature and is available in private beta today. With the Dune API, you can custom build an endpoint for your application, and query that data programmatically. Whether you’re building a web3 market intelligence tool or powering the latest in trading strategies, Dune is ready to power your data layer. Looking for inspiration? Take a look at our ETHBerlin winners! We're kickstarting a revolution in transparent crypto analytics. What will you build?

Dune is the leading community-powered crypto analytics platform. Every day, thousands of Dune wizards 🧙 create, find and fork dashboards on Dune to discover and share insights in crypto.

Just by writing SQL, you can query data from all popular L1 + L2 blockchain networks, decoded contracts, and community built “spells” for DEXes, NFTs, stablecoins and more.

Our API is the #1 requested feature and is available in private beta today. With the Dune API, you can custom build an endpoint for your application, and query that data programmatically. Whether you’re building a web3 market intelligence tool or powering the latest in trading strategies, Dune is ready to power your data layer.

Looking for inspiration? Take a look at our ETHBerlin winners!

We're kickstarting a revolution in transparent crypto analytics. What will you build?



Dune if offering:

  • 🥇 5x bounties of $2,000 each
  • 🧢 Limited edition swag for winners
  • 👕 Swag for everyone who uses Dune in their project

How to qualify ☑️

Projects must successfully integrate the Dune API to qualify. Projects are free to use other tools and can also qualify for other award submissions.

To hand in your submission: indicate Dune in your project submission on the ETHSanFrancisco Hacker Dashboard (Sun, Nov 6th, 9AM PST).

Judging criteria ⚖️

  • How useful is your application
  • How integral is the Dune API
  • General epic-ness

Getting Started

For API keys, come find the Dune team IRL at our ETHSanFrancisco booth.

To learn how to use our API, with quickstarts and language specific examples, see our API documentation.

We'll have a dedicated support channel on our community Discord at #dune-api.


Dune 🛠 Build the frontier of web3 data analy...

Web3 data is radically open. For the first time in history, data communities worldwide can build on the same data t...

This workshop is happening in-person

06:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 1