ETHSanFrancisco 2022


Fuel is the fastest execution layer for the modular blockchain stack, delivering maximum security and the highest flexible throughput for decentralized applications. Sway, the language you will need to use for this bounty is a DSL Inspired by Rust and Solidity, designed from the ground up to target the Fuel Virtual Machine.

Fuel is the fastest execution layer for the modular blockchain stack, delivering maximum

security and the highest flexible throughput for decentralized applications.

Sway, the language you will need to use for this bounty is a DSL Inspired by Rust and Solidity,

designed from the ground up to target the Fuel Virtual Machine.


   ㉧ $5,000       ㉧ $3,000       ㉧ $2,000   

🏆 Fuel is offering:

All prizes will be distributed in stablecoins.

  • 🥇 - $5,000
  • 🥈 - $3,000
  • 🥉 - $2,000 

How to qualify? ☑️

For this bounty, you must build a dApp using the Sway language.

If you don't know what to build yet, here are some ideas:

  • 🎮 Games
  • 🏦 DeFi Projects (Uniswap V3, Flash loans, a collateralized stablecoin, etc.)
  • 🏭 Generic factories
  • 🔮 Oracles

Judging Criteria ⚖️

  1. Your project must be Open-Source and built with Sway.
  2. Your project must show creativity.
  3. Your code quality will be taken into consideration.
  4. The security of your protocol / App will be analyzed.

Getting Started

Understand Fuel's vision: Introducing Fuel, the Fastest Modular Execution Layer.

The best way to start Fueling up is through the following docs:

You can begin playing around with Sway by installing Fuelup, the Fuel toolchain manager:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

If you have any questions, you can find technical support at the venue itself, or ask on our Discord server.


Fuel 🛠 Bringing Superior Devex to Web3: Buil...

Fuel Labs is building Fuel, a layer 2 but better. The highlights: superior developer experience with integrated too...

This workshop is happening in-person

03:30 PM PDT — Friday, Nov 4, 2022 in Workshop Room 2