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NFTHack 2022
VRNFT banner


DApp prototype, that allows any person to purchase entry tickets for virtual reality concerts and events as NFT, and uses livepeer as a decentralized video streaming protocol to connect fans with the artist.

NFTHack 2022
NFTickets bannerprizeprize


NFTickets is a ticketing dApp that allows customers to select and reserve seats for restaurants, concerts, gatherings, and even Metaverse events!

NFTHack 2022
Tasker bannerprize


A task assignment system that rewards with NFTs (built with educational institutions in mind). Teachers can assign Tasks and create NFTs to be rewarded on completion. Students report done, and win NFTs.

NFTHack 2022
DecentralisedCoupons banner


NFT-ising consumer coupons. The goal of this project is to create a complete ecosystem around the coupon creation and redemption for all companies.

NFTHack 2022
Accred Badges bannerprize

Accred Badges

Decentralized Application to Draft, Design and Issue Certificates, Badges and any type of Credential to Individuals as Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to your Recipients, Participants and Community

NFTHack 2022
ZoraPlayer banner


Spotify for NFTs (specifically Zora). Streaming platform to find and listen to the latest music NFTs

NFTHack 2022
LetterLoops Unlocked! bannerprize

LetterLoops Unlocked!

Our project uses the Unlock-Protocol to provide paid game access to Discord guild members.

NFTHack 2022
NFT Viewer bannerprize

NFT Viewer

A better NFT viewer for EVM testnets that reduces the friction to view and debug NFTs.

NFTHack 2022
dPaaS bannerprize


A decentralized PaaS for DAO and Metaverse founders to connect Web3 with their ideas.

NFTHack 2022
Grocery Quest bannerprize

Grocery Quest

Grocery Quest is a NFT turn-based battle play-to-earn game. Progress through the world by defeating enemies with your weapon arsenal - your groceries.

NFTHack 2022
JPEGs Pay It Forward banner

JPEGs Pay It Forward

Leveraging rivalries between NFT communities to see which can one-up the other to donate the most to Girls Who Code

NFTHack 2022
NFTinBio banner


NFTinBio’s platform allows users to showcase their NFTs on their customizable page along with links to other social media channels for their audience. In the future, we hope users will be able to auction off their tokens to the highest bidder.

NFTHack 2022
Exclusive EveNFT bannerprizeprizeprize

Exclusive EveNFT

Dapp created for events like wedding websites where guests can mint party gifts after the event on Polygon

NFTHack 2022
Reality dApp bannerprize

Reality dApp

A decentralized real estate platform that uses NFTs as deeds

NFTHack 2022
Blockchain Elections banner

Blockchain Elections

A simple voting system to solve transparency issues by moving elections onto the blockchain!

NFTHack 2022
MyAvatar bannerprize


A fundamental web3 protocol that provides PFP NFTs utilization with ownership proven as an avatar in everywhere.

NFTHack 2022
Toque´n Chef banner

Toque´n Chef

Recipe license management and royalties payment automation for Chefs.

NFTHack 2022
Scholar banner


The scholarship automation platform democratizing the ability to EASILY generate yield on your Axies with no management required.

NFTHack 2022
Multi-Contract Battle Royale w/ Rolling Queue bannerprize

Multi-Contract Battle Royale w/ Rolling Queue

A fully on chain battle royale, queueing system, & analytics with multi-contract support. The actual battle royale heavily utilizes chainlink VRF for determining power levels and dice rolls to determine winner.

NFTHack 2022
NFTix bannerprize


A decentralised event organizing app, for selling NFT-based tickets & enabling a secure resell market - to make it simple - the Eventbrite of blockchain.

NFTHack 2022
COOODE: Code One of Ones bannerprize

COOODE: Code One of Ones

a code sandbox where you can get creative and mint anything you make

NFTHack 2022
Soul Minter bannerprize

Soul Minter

PFP collection that harnesses the VQGan+Clip machine learning model to create unique one of one NFT’s per user wallet

NFTHack 2022
Survey DAPP banner

Survey DAPP

Dapp using which users can fill up surveys as well as get their surveys filled

NFTHack 2022
LINKE bannerprize


LINKE is a decentralized image-sharing platform that is similar to Instagram

NFTHack 2022
NFT Widget bannerprize

NFT Widget

Currently, there aren't any NFT specific widgets that a user or collection can add to their website, blog, storefront, or newsletter. It is usually links and all. So built an NFT widget that people can add to their website just like the Github fork widget.

NFTHack 2022
NFTly bannerprizeprizeprize


A mobile first Tiktok/Tinder like frictionless NFT explore and mint Dapp

NFTHack 2022
NFTastic bannerprize


Simple tool to pull some NFT Collection metrics across all Chains/Collections available from Covalent APIs

NFTHack 2022
zarena bannerprize


Zarena is a video livestream for decentralized communities for NFT drops

NFTHack 2022
Instant Blockchain Domain Search bannerprizeprize

Instant Blockchain Domain Search

Search domain availability across various blockchain name providers

NFTHack 2022
FluidNFTs bannerprizeprize


Concept to bring streambale NFts with the aim of providing platform for developer to build streamable NFTs on top of SuperFluit

NFTHack 2022
dHub bannerprize


Event Management for Web3 Audience. On dHub you can create exclusive events for your token holders.

NFTHack 2022
ZeusDAO bannerprize


Web3 Open Protocol for Community Management (If Discord was to take the Web3 Pill)

NFTHack 2022
Trophy Case bannerprizeprize

Trophy Case

A dead simple way for developers to let users mint NFTs from in-app achievements, and a wallet for users to view all their achievements & discover others with similar interests.

NFTHack 2022