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A mobile first Tiktok/Tinder like frictionless NFT explore and mint Dapp


Created At

NFTHack 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ NFTPort Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ Covalent Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ IPFS Pool Prize

Project Description

NFTly is a mobile first Tiktok like NFT explorer. The existing NFT mobile application is quite complicated for new users to get on board and navigate around, so I am inspired to create a Tiktok like mobile focus NFT explorer, which allows casual users to quickly browse through popular NFTs. NFTly also offers a simple and free option to mint an NFT powered by NFTPort.

How it's Made

NFTly is built with React and Ant mobile components. NFTly uses OpenSea API to load popular NFT assets to show users on the Home page and render NFTs with Zora nft-components. NFTly uses Colavent API to load top collection data with collection metadata from OpenSea API. I use Rarible Graph to load Deals data to show recent NFT sales. Moreover, NFTly enables users to mint NFT free on Polygon through NFTPort API. NFTPort is also used to load NFTs owned by users. Finally, the application is deployed to IPFS through Fleek

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