Check out the projects created at past events
zKare is a decentralized, zero knowledge based healthcare data distribution platform leveraging EAS and the convenience of digital wallets to keep patient data in the hands of the patients while enabling researchers to access data.
A TypeScript open-source framework leveraging EIP 6551, OpenAI API, and Tribes messenger to bring an NFT to life (i.e. NPC). The NPC's characteristics stem from its ERC721 metadata and is able to chat and transact with other users or NPCs
SIREN, a new Slither plugin that creates sequence diagrams for smart contracts! Protocols are becoming increasingly complex, making it hard to assess for vulnerabilities/critical errors. Generate flow visualizations that help you validate your contract logic!
Next-gen multichain crypto wallet based on account abstraction (ERC-4337)
Privacy preserving location sharing DID method to enable associating wallet address with POIs/locations without sharing actual location information, allowing others to establish if these registered POIs are in proximity of their locations with the use of Homomorphic Encryption.
Digitalization of the Flight Log Book because now the flight Log books is paper.
Safe module to automatically sell received tokens via Cowswap.