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Enhancing Web3 Security with ZKreport. The future of smart contract auditing made more transparent thanks to storing the audit reports on Filecoin with on-chain proof of audit.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Amount of all kinds of hacks related to blockchain are growing which made a lot of WEB3 startups consider doing external smart contract audits. They help to ensure that contracts are secure and operate as intended, protecting users assets from attackers. The demand for secure and transparent security solutions is at all-time high. This project aims to address the issue of security & transparency by implementing an audit report platform on FVM.

This platform mission is to align resources in best way to make sure that the audit reports are stored on the Filecoin network after getting uploaded by the auditors for the projects requesting security check for their protocol or dApp.

The startups can:

  • Start process of audit request by sharing encrypted files with chosen auditors
  • Accept correct audit report by auditor
  • Once the fixes to code were made and audit is made public the startup obtains proof of audit NFT

The auditors can:

  • Accept request for audit from startup
  • Access encrypted project files for verification
  • Send finished audit report
  • Get NFT showcasing on-chain proof that they performed an audit

It also allows the normal users to access critical information about smart contract security and help them make informed decisions about their investments for the protocol and dApps that they are using. It's because the audits are stored on Filecoin and proof of the audit is NFT on the FVM.

How it's Made

The smart contracts are created using standard setup for this type of project: Solidity + hardhat with 'Filecoin Solidity' library by Zondax to interact with the Filecoin on FVM and lighthouse sdk for data encryption.

The frontend was created using React, Vite & Tailwind.

Connecting to Filecoin specific functionalities required some overhead and wasn't as simple as I thought it would be but after looking at some examples I was able to make it work before the deadline although it's important to mention that the project is not fully ready yet and requires more features to be considered complete.

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