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Welcome to ZKlash, beat the rest of the players and smash on your favourite NFT, to win prizes! Based on Aztec noir, erc6551 and deployed on Scroll using the keynesian beauty contest!


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

In this project, we wanted to create a framework to use gamemaker and zero knowledge use case for the games that we can build. We utilize the economics behind a keynesian beauty contest to create a interesting game between various parties. The idea is that if you are placing a vote with payment then you stand to win higher rewards if you can correctly guess what people that do not vote will be voting on.

We allow any NFT's to be added to vote PvP style.

Next, to improve the elements of the gameplay we created a burner address that will create an NFT account using erc6551 and then use that account to collect the rewards. This then will be reassigned to the user's wallet at the end of the game.

How it's Made

We used Aztec Noir and this is the first time that the team worked on zk. We used zk so that no one can see the votes and collude.

We used scroll since it was easy to deploy and low gas costs. However, we really felt like the in game currency just be ether and apecoin so we need to check again on where we can deploy it for the final version.

The particularly hacky thing that we did was around how we solved the problem of using noir js in gamemaker, the wasm files were tricky to handle, so we came with a wrapper outside that is using index.html and then the games sits inside it and all the noir js stuff works in the outer shell and we use local storage to intercommunicate.

We also felt that the way we used erc6551 to create burner accounts with NFT was novel and interesting and sort of works with how game profiles are in general.

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