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ZKJob -Fully Anonymous Video based Linkedin-

Anonymous job matching, and maximize your appeal by submitting your own PR video! Fully Anonymous Video based LinkedIn powerd by web3 with meeting app buildin.

ZKJob -Fully Anonymous Video based Linkedin-

Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Winner of


✨ Worldcoin — Honorable Mention


🏊 Push Protocol — Prize Pool


🥇 zkBob — Best Use

Project Description

Users on decentralized networks are security-conscious and tend to be hair-trigger about having their personal and wallet information tied together. Therefore, we propose ZKJob. ZKJob allows users to create resumes, hire, and pay salaries with a single Wallet, all without personal information. This allows users to use ZKJob without knowing their actual names. On the other hand, there is a possibility that people will say that they cannot trust a person whose face they cannot see, but since the system uses an optical color authentication system, it is impossible to counterfeit. In addition, clients can use the system with confidence because their past history can be verified on the platform.

How it's Made

First of all, the use of ZKBob was different from the expected API, which caused a loss of about half a day. Also, the wifi was very slow, making it difficult to concentrate on development, which made it hard to adjust the schedule. We also encountered a situation where the API key for World Coin was wrong. In addition, there were many differences in the use of the SDK and other tools within the team due to the fact that others were developing, and as a result, there was often not enough time for development.

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