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ZK Oracle Network

Introducing ZK Oracle Network, a revolutionary blockchain-based solution that leverages Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) to securely and efficiently validate external data inputs for decentralized applications in a free and permissionless manner

ZK Oracle Network

Created At

ETHGlobal Sydney

Project Description

Introducing ZK Oracle Network, a revolutionary blockchain-based solution that leverages Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) to securely and efficiently validate external data inputs for decentralized applications in a free and permissionless manner.

Traditional Oracle solutions have a centralisation network with limitations on what Oracle data they can provide at a high cost and lack of privacy. ZK Oracle Layer is here to disrupt this, it utilise ZK to provide any answers in a permissionless way.

How it's Made

ZK Oracle Network runs on a storage network similar to Arweave to store the operator's aggregated response. Then, it utilises ZK to generate ZK Merkle proof and upload the Merkle tree to any destination network for validation. All of this is provided free and without permission.

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