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A fictional initiative created to preserve photographs of the Zinneke Parade, rescued from the Brussels summer river floods, by smuggling them through blockchains.


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Project Description

This is an artistic project that seeks to bridge photographs in the form of NFTs by distributing them to various user-owned accounts on a variety of Ethereum rollups.
It begins with a fictional story that seeks to preserve the last remaining visual memories of joyful events that occurred during the 2024 Zinneke Parade.
In order to preserve Zinneke's souvenirs without loss of value, visitors to Brussels are invited to send them to their friends around the world, similar to postcards.

How it's Made

This project builds on scaffold-eth-2, integrates ENS identity, uses Circle's CCIP protocol, and experiments with transferring NFTs from one chain to another.

The hack consists of reusing the Scaffold dApp template as a one-page app. As a hacker-in-training, the developer participated in workshops held by buidlguild.eth during ETHCC[7], and in the same week, the ETHGlobal Hackathon served as a fertile ground to facilitate the ideation, trial and execution of this artistic initiative.

The CCIP protocol is relied upon as a one-day delivery mechanism. Both the sender and recipient of the photo-filled package are notified to expect delivery at sunrise the next day. Blockscout is used to verify on-chain transfer and delivery records. ENS is required to locate the address, retrieve names and blockchain addresses.

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