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Defi NFT financing RWA platform for ecommerce sellers, tap into the power of web3


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🔀 Polygon — Best Use of zkEVM

🏊 Tableland — Prize Pool

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

With the Zeppelin Finance RWA NFT platform, ecommerce businesses can empower the community to support their growth while also winning and growing together.

This is what web3 is all about, and with Zeppelin Finance, we provide the tools and platform to tap into that powerful force.


Introducing Zeppelin Finance - a defi platform to allow investors to tap into ecommerce brands and products growth. 

As an investor on the Zeppelin Finance platform, you will review different deals offered to you from the ecommerce business owners. These will list out the information on their brand and product that they are raising money for. They also display their payback plans, their affiliate payouts, bonus pools, and other benefits for being a holder of their RWA NFT. 

You select which you are interested in buying into and buy 1 or more of the NFTs for sale in their collection. 

Once their public sale is complete, they will begin to develop and sell that product. Join the ecommerce business’s community (discord, most common) and follow their journey. As a holder, get access to their private channels to see behind the scenes on what is happening and participate.

Once their products are ready and for sale, you will be able to use your unique affiliate link built into the RWA NFT you purchased. This will route the traffic to their product page, and measure the amount of traffic and sales you have contributed.

Now is where the fun begins, measure your performance versus other holders and see who is the top affiliate. The ecommerce business will also share incentives and bonus pools over time, and you will be aligned and grow together with the business. 

NOW - are you an Ecommerce business owner? Want to tap into the power of the community and build an army of invested affiliates? Get your wallet whitelisted in our Loadpipe protocol which will give you ability to list in the Zeppelin Finance ecosystem.

Once whitelisted, create a campaign. Here you will set the details such as which product you are selling is connected to the NFT collection (for affiliate sales), what the payback period is, what the commission rate is, and other bonuses you are offering. 

Share this out to the community, and unleash the power of the crowd. Let your top customers, ambassadors, and investors at large align with the success of your ecommerce business by investing in these RWA NFTs and gaining income on their affiliate efforts and your growth in that product’s success.

How it's Made

The on-chain architecture is a system of contracts (hardhat, Solidity) that is modular, flexible, decoupled, and fairly well covered with tests (will be continually adding more, plus Echidna tests, security tests, and other automated tests). It has role-based security implemented through SecurityManager using OpenZeppelin's AccessControl.

For testing, we've deployed to scroll sepolia, polygon zkevm testnet, sepolia, polygon mumbai, and others (our demo is on mumbai). We plan to deploy our project to multiple chains. We like scroll and polygon zkevm for the low gas fees and high security. Our project can be considered a bridge between ecommerce and defi.

verified contracts on scroll sepolia: securityManager: 0xd1714394e1B8aFC2F8e8cc088C8689909A83416c productNftFactory: 0x1c8Bb31cda73B2A44bdCf1fFE8E56a62067f6C8c productNftStore: 0xD6DF02147ADc18d37C571A9490D9e26aDBccA847 productNftIssuer: 0xf487017Dfd5F1a74dD07e1c93AB3782b3701508d zeppelinOracle: 0x8DC4b788f987F45599C3FEe7998746c8c9bF3815 affiliatePayout: 0x69389553b45790964797af408b41155A3f843Ea1

verified contracts on polygon zkevm testnet: securityManager: 0x0e36956c9be3B09A4a22DFb58C726bBc9F8b9F84 productNftFactory: 0x129086dCB12a4D03944084330c84941F17Abb08F productNftStore: 0x72Ea52E44624aFe3FBc4A07837d73d9C21374598 productNftIssuer: 0x70E37D8627b91273F0dD0282aA272442811Ed468 zeppelinOracle: 0x9715576a50056E83fbf16845A670BdfF739f364A affiliatePayout: 0x5C8CBD4DB05e82E72c4ac0624Bac126ADB88A8a2

We use tableland to store created Nft policies; that table was created in tableland studio, populated through the tableland CLI, and written to by one of our contracts (NftPolicyFactory). This table stores already-created policies, so that we don't need to continually create the same ones multiple times. Tableland Studio team name: Zeppelin Finance Tableland Studio dev address: 0x8bA35513C3F5ac659907D222e3DaB38b20f8F52A table on sepolia: table: nft_policies_2_80001_7877 creator: 0x8bA35513C3F5ac659907D222e3DaB38b20f8F52A owner: 0xBC67c5D89906eE0E0C4A9F4926Ca26690bD4F804

We've partially implemented and plan to continue a Safe login (stub for it can be seen in our demo code), but sadly it was not finished in time for submission.

The frontend for our demo was done in next.js using ethers.js and deployed to vercel.

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