We provide you with Self Custodial Data Layer by leveraging TlsNotary tech. With ZapDL, you can certify your web2 data on web3.
Prize Pool
With ZapDL you can certify your web2 data on web3. We provide you with Self Custodial Data Layer by leveraging TlsNotary tech.
The problem: In this age of accelerated information, data is digital economy's currency. Worldwide markets are running around the clock to find the best data storages irl (https://www.cbre.com/insights/reports/global-data-center-trends-2023) and end-users are being farmed of their data to large corps and their own interests (https://www.komando.com/news/social-media/facebooks-52000-data-points-on-each-person-reveal-something-shocking-about-its-future/#:~:text=And%20when%20totaled%2C%20Facebook%20can,of%20each%20of%20its%20users.). Officially yes, we own our data, but we give it up as soon as we accept end-user license agreements (https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/01/04/who-owns-your-data-why-your-business-application-data-might-not-be-as-secure-as-you-think/).
Our solution: We provide you with Self Custodial Data Layer by leveraging TlsNotary tech. With ZapDL, you can certify your web2 data on web3.
How does it work:
TlsN leveraged by ZapDL: you can automatically notarize and generate proofs of any data exchanged with a server. For example: generate proof that you have posted on twitter, or that you have joined a discord channel.
Then, users can encrypt and store data (and their proofs) in a decentralised data layer (we're using Avail); For example: following the twitter post proof, you can encrypt it with the notary layer and store it in the decentraliser data layer.
Finally, users can share data + proofs with any dApp or entity of their choice. For example: share your proof of tweet without revealing it. You can even mint an NFT as the on-chain stamp of your successful proof.
Our challenges: There is some work to be done
Our future: We believe that data should be owned by the users, and that we should be able to treat it as a digital asset (such as we do with crypto). The TlsNotary is what we believe to be as cutting edge as ZK, with several use cases. Therefore, we plan to continue building this as a long-term project that gives data' self custodial back to people. Our next step is to build a fully on-chain p2p Data Market.
We built a wallet extension, forked from the tlsn team, but with a lot of changes, both in the UI and in the functionalities. The technologies used were React for the extension and a notary (rust server). We use TLSNotary to get proofs of user's transactions and save them in Avail's data availability blockchain. These proofs are saved encrypted on-chain and the transaction hashes are saved in our database (in a backend in node.js). To get access to user's data, the user is able to sign in using Safe passkey and we get transactions for the user, and decrypt them from Avail.