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Xirva (pronounced Kirva) is the decentralized version of Arxiv. Publish, store and share your scientific papers using IPFS.


Created At

HackFS 2021

Winner of


⭐️ HackFS Finalist

Protocol Labs

Protocol Labs Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description is a major player in the scientific publishing community with over 1.2M unique visitors a day, 3.3M impressions a day and ranking at top 2300th website in the world.

However it has multiple problems. The servers are centralized, the review process is long, non transparent with concerns about censorship. Last but not least the interface has not been updated since the 90s.

We present, a modern scientific publishing platform with an open and transparent community based reviewing process.

All papers are stored on IPFS, guaranteeing security and redondance for humanity scientific papers.

How it's Made

Frontend is made using nextjs.
 CSS framework used Tailwind.

Hosted on IPFS using fleek.

Experimental feature to mint NFTs on Polygon using Metamask, contracts written using hardhat.

Metadata of 1.9M+ papers uploaded to IPFS using

Uploading script made with Node.js.

Parsing the papers using custom Python scripts. Note : all data harvesting was made responsibly following recommended best practices.

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