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Cross Chain one-stop protocol for Yearn yield farmers. Say good bye to manually bridging and forget about the existence of multiple chains and rollups.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


🥈 Connext — Best Crosschain App

Project Description

Yield farming sounds great and is one of the key features that brings DeFi to investors, it makes it possible to earn rewards with unbelievable APYs just by locking assets that you want to hold. There are even more complex strategies in which you interact with multiple protocols to optimize your earnings and although this seems to be hard for end users, yield aggregators like Yearn made it as simple as depositing the token you want to earn yield from into their vaults.

But there still is a concerning UX issue: bridging assets suck. Imagine having 1 WETH in Polygon and wanting to deposit 0.5 WETH in an Arbitrum vault and 0.5 WETH in an Optimism vault. Achieving that would take more than 10 (TEN) transactions counting bridging, swaps, approvals and finally, depositing in the vault you want. This is terrifying, very time-consuming, and definitely not user-friendly. How can we think about massive adoption in this condition? Solution is here fren, and it is free :)

xEarn is a one-stop protocol for managing your yield across multiple chains/rollups. The previously mentioned flow, depositing in multiple vaults and going through a lot of stress, will now be possible with 1 (ONE) transaction. Forget about manually bridging your assets, swapping tokens and all that boring stuff and focus in what really matters: finding the best vaults based on your interests (and not getting ANCHORed in any shitty protocol) :D

How it's Made

The key of xEarn is @Connext xCall which allows devs to asynchronously interact with contracts living on another chain/rollup similarly to how you would call a contract living on the same chain/rollup, using a main contract deployed in Polygon and vault managers deployed in Optimism and Arbitrum rollups. Vault managers integrate with multiple protocols such as Curve and Uniswap to improve the UX as much as possible, and Yearn to deposit in the desired Vaults.

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