A seamless marketplace to buy and sell NFT with GHO (or whatever token you choose)
This project leverages ConnectKit to connect user wallet of their choice and implements sign in with ethereum to verify user to be the actual holder of the their wallet. The frontend is built with Next.js and uses alchemy as RPC provider. We leverages Pinata to upload metadata onto IPFS. for the user profile. On the contract side, ERC-1167 is used as the proxy contract to allow user to create their own ERC-721 collection on the website. Collections created by the proxy contract are listed on the website, and the ERC-721 in those collections can be freely traded on the application. The application allows user to mint ERC-721, and also provide ability to sell and buy those ERC-721 tokens with GHO instead of ETH.
The frontend is built with Next.js and uses alchemy as RPC provider. We leverages Pinata to upload metadata onto IPFS. for the user profile.
On the contract side, ERC-1167 is used as the proxy contract to allow user to create their own ERC-721 collection on the website. Collections created by the proxy contract are listed on the website, and the ERC-721 in those collections can be freely traded on the application. Our Trading contract allow users to trade NFTs by using ERC-20 token instead of ETH.