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🚀 Introducing WTForm: a revolutionary Web3 anti-sybil form system leveraging DID protocols like World ID, Lens, and EAS. Validate genuine users, not bots, before form submission - ensuring uniqueness in every response!


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

WalletConnect - Innovation Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

WTForm is a cutting-edge, Web3-based form platform, built for the ETHGlobal Istanbul hackathon. It's designed to combat Sybil attacks by ensuring that each form response comes from a unique, verified individual, not a bot. WTForm integrates multiple Decentralized Identity (DID) protocols - World ID, Lens, and Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS) - to authenticate users.

Unlike traditional forms, WTForm leverages blockchain technology to validate the uniqueness of each participant. The process begins with the user proving their individuality through various DID protocols. World ID helps in confirming the user's real-world identity without compromising their privacy. Lens protocol further enhances this by providing a decentralized social graph, ensuring that each response is tied to a legitimate social footprint. Lastly, EAS provides a robust layer of attestation, cementing the user's credibility.

Once a user passes these verification steps, they gain access to the form. This ensures that every submission is genuine, drastically reducing the likelihood of spam or fraudulent entries. WTForm is more than just a form; it's a gateway to a new era of digital interaction where authenticity and trust are paramount.

How it's Made

WTForm is a synergy of blockchain technology and modern web development:

Smart contracts: WTForm uses Solidity smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain (Scroll/Polygon zkEVM), to handle form creation and response tracking.

The frontend is developed using React (Next.js), providing a seamless and intuitive user interface. It communicates with the Ethereum blockchain via wagmi and ethers.js, which facilitates interactions with our smart contracts. For the World ID integration, we use their API to verify the real-world identity of the users in a privacy-preserving manner. Lens protocol's decentralized social graph is tapped to ensure each participant has a legitimate digital presence, while EAS provides an additional layer of attestation.

A key hacky aspect of our project was synchronizing these diverse technologies to work in unison. We had to ensure that the data flow between the DID protocols and our smart contracts was seamless and secure. This required innovative coding solutions and a deep understanding of both blockchain technology and decentralized identity frameworks. The result is a robust, secure, and user-friendly Web3 form system that sets a new standard for digital authenticity.

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