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A trustless sybil-resistant L2, ENS subdomain issuer and resolver built on Polygon.


Created At

ETHGlobal Tokyo

Winner of


đŸĨ‡ Worldcoin — Best Overall


🏊‍♂ī¸ Polygon — Pool Prize

Project Description

Using wallet addresses are hard, they are long, friendly and definitely not human readable. ENS charges 5USD in ETH for a name on L1 mainnet as a primitive sybil-resistance method.

With the rise of EIP-3668, otherwise known as the Cross Chain Interoperability Protocol, CCIP for short, we have unlocked the ability to run ENS resolvers on L2's as well as offchain. This project uses custom smart-contracts on Polygon and the Worldcoin Sybil Resistance Protocol to trustlessly issue `````` subdomains with the advantage of lower gas fees of the Polygon Proof of Stake network.

How it's Made

The project leverages the Cross Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP for short), also known as EIP-3668, to link ETH mainnet and the Polygon network to allow for ENS subdomain resolution controlled by a Polygon smart-contract.

This smart-contract uses the onchain Worldcoin Proof of Personhood Protocol to verify users are unique in order to issue them a subdomain.

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