Gnosis wallet with security features like 2FA, location security & device whitelist
Hi! We're Wisteria Labs, a mock Web3 security company dedicated towards making wallets more secure. Our product is Wisteria Safe, an extension of Gnosis Safe with per-device authentication and location based security.
Rather than using EOAs, with the power of account abstraction we're able to use signatures directly from your devices themselves. Add and remove individual devices without worrying about private keys ever again.
Our flagship feature is Location based security. This is an additional layer of authentication, inspired by Web2 apps like Instagram. If we detect you're logging in from an unusual location, we can impose extra security, such as 2fa, and in our case, a timelock.
Technology Description React.js javaScript framework Wagmi wagmi is a collection of React Hooks Vite next generation frontend tooling Gnosis Safe most trusted platform to manage digital assets TypeScript javaScript with syntax for types
wagmi gave us a lot of problems, and was our main roadblock to not finishing this project