We Bridge Your Wei and Wrap ERC-20 Tokens on EVM Compatiable Chains.
Bridge MSG.VALUE between EVM chains using Solidity smart contracts and Go to read and write between multiple chains.
Website: https://weibridged.on.fleek.co/
GitHub: https://github.com/WeiBridged
YouTube video presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDvfHBMuirQ&ab_channel=Singularity2045
Presentation Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HV73K2lnuzfmi5FZIEtFoYzBK6tn95W-jIeFuBpkRb0/edit#slide=id.g15acccc47ad_3_3
Chains that we deployed to/bridged with deBridge API integration:
Ethereum Goerli Testnet
Optimism Goerli Testnet
Polygon Mumbai Testnet
Aurora Testnet
Oasis Testnet
Cronos Testnet
Shardeum Testnet
Bridge contract communication logic between chains written in Golang for performance.
Prysm (CL) + Geth (EL) nodes were synced locally for Goerli. The local node is accessed with WS and HTTP RPC URL endpoints, so they can be used with the Golang bridge communication scripts.
Quicknode, Alchemy and Infura were used to connect to other chains like Polygon Mumbai and Optimism Goerli.
The website is written in React.js and hosted on IPFS/Filecoin using Fleek.