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WebPixels OnChain

Bringing web pixel data onchain can help explore new creative ways of marketing to acquire/engage customers for merchants and allow creative collaboration with influencers/creators. More on-chain commerce data can help drive innovative uses of smart contracts

WebPixels OnChain

Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Project Description

I believe that bringing on-chain web pixel data from e-commerce stores can help utilize data that can help increase merchant sales, and creator partnerships. In this hackathon, I use Chainlink functions to bring web pixel data from Shopify stores to smart contracts.

In this project, I showed how QR codes can be used to track the referrer and bring on-chain web pixel data to be used in a smart contract. In particular, I use the below metrics as one of the many that can be used (including emails used on checkout, location, etc.).

  1. the cumulative number of products viewed (i.e. measuring eyeballs)
  2. the cumulative value of orders added to cart (i.e. measuring intent)
  3. the cumulative number of checkouts (i.e. measuring conversions)
  4. the cumulative number of products purchased (i.e. measuring value of conversions)

The data can be used to incentive marketing payments, allow creators to understand what levers of their marketing is working and is not working to drive conversions and/or other marketing objectives, and be used to find new ways of engaging customers (i.e. dynamic NFTs which in this example compared the price of ETH with the sales of checkout).

The goal is to create transparency between e-commerce merchants and creators/influencers on key performance metrics which can be used to measure the impact of their marketing campaigns and align marketing expenditures/effort to unlock more creative ways of marketing so both creators/e-commerce merchants win.

Products used

  • Chainlink Functions for API calls on Shopify Web Pixels
  • Dynamic NFTs that uses Chainlink Data Feeds for retrieving benchmarket data (i.e. ETH price) and comparing it with checkout sales. SVG gets manipulated when checkout sales exceed ETH price. The Dynamic NFTs query the Chainlink Function contract to compare the two values.
  • Chainlink Oracle to allow for payment in ETH and fixing the price in USDC
  • Subgraph deployed on TheGraph on Sepolia to query the Dynamic NFTs (indexing SVG, tokenID and owners)

How it's Made

I used hardhat to deploy the smart contracts, Scaffold Eth-2 to deploy the front-end, and used Chainlink Functions, Oracles to build dynamic NFTs and retrieve real-world data from web pixels.

I also used The Graph to build a subgraph for my dynamic NFTs - using the graph extension on scaffold eth-2.

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