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Web3school is a community-driven platform designed for learning web3 smart contract coding through interactive gamification.


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Project Description

Web3School is an innovative and interactive online platform that serves as an educational hub for aspiring blockchain developers. Through a series of engaging lessons and hands-on projects, Web3School empowers you to master the art of coding blockchain Decentralized Applications (DApps) while constructing captivating games.

Our comprehensive curriculum primarily focuses on Ethereum and Solidity development, catering to the growing demand for content covering diverse blockchain networks such as Binance, TRON, and visionary projects like Chainlink.

Web3School's immersive course structure is divided into two essential parts:

Part 1: The Fundamentals - In this phase, you'll acquire a deep understanding of blockchain technology and Solidity programming. By the end of this part, you'll have created your first smart contract, granting you ownership of your very own crypto zombies.

Part 2: Advanced Topics - Elevate your skills by diving into advanced topics such as tokenomics, decentralized finance (DeFi), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). You'll also develop intricate smart contracts, including a decentralized exchange and a groundbreaking crowdfunding platform.

By enrolling in the Web3School course, you'll embark on a transformative journey that offers numerous advantages:

Interactive Learning - Our course is designed to be interactive and immersive, fostering a learn-by-doing approach as you construct your own smart contracts and DApps.

Community-Driven - The vibrant Web3School community is eager to collaborate and assist. Seek answers, receive support, and work together with fellow developers on exciting projects.

Up-to-Date Knowledge - The Web3School curriculum is continuously updated to align with the latest advancements in blockchain technology, ensuring you stay current and well-informed.

Affordable Education - We believe in providing high-value education at an affordable price, making the Web3School course an excellent investment in your future.

For anyone keen on mastering blockchain development, Web3School comes highly recommended. It's the ideal platform to gain a strong foundation in blockchain technology and kickstart your journey into crafting your very own DApps.

How it's Made

  1. Frontend (FE) Development: Use TypeScript to build the frontend for your platform. This includes creating the user interface (UI) where users can submit their code for compilation.

  2. Build a Backend API: Create RESTful or GraphQL endpoints to handle user requests. This API will be responsible for receiving code submissions and returning the results.

  3. Build a Backend Socket: Implement a WebSocket connection to keep the platform live and enable real-time communication between the frontend and backend.

  4. Use Golang to build the backend logic. Golang is efficient for handling concurrent tasks and can be a good choice for a compiler server.

  5. Database Integration: Connect the backend to a MySQL database to store user data, job IDs, and other relevant information.

  6. Code Compilation Flow: When a user submits code: Backend generates a unique Job ID for the submission. This Job ID is used to track the progress and results of the code compilation. The backend sends the code and the Job ID to the compiler server using the

  7. WebSocket connection. The compiler server receives the code, compiles it, and returns the compilation result to the backend.

  8. Display Results: The backend receives the compilation result from the compiler server. The backend associates the result with the corresponding Job ID and stores it in the database. The frontend periodically checks the backend for the results using the Job ID. Once the result is available, the frontend displays the compilation output to the user.

  9. Error Handling and Notifications: Implement proper error handling at each step to ensure smooth user experience. Notify users of compilation errors or successful execution through the frontend.

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