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Web3 Cyber-Muyu

Web3 Muyu (Wooden Fish) Meditation DApp allows users accumulate Gongde (virtue) by clicking on the Muyu icon. When enough gongde is acquired, users can mint NFTs representing their spiritual journey and cultural engagement.

Web3 Cyber-Muyu

Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

The Web3 Muyu Meditation DApp is a remarkable project that seamlessly merges cultural traditions with the power of blockchain technology.Inspired by the Muyu (Wooden Fish) used in Chinese culture, especially among Gen-Z, this DApp a transformative experience for users.

Cultural Significance: In Chinese culture, the Muyu is a traditional wooden percussion instrument used in Buddhist practices. It's worth noting that Muyu for Gongde has gone viral among people in China these years. Beyond being a mechanism for accumulating Gongde, this DApp revitalizes the Muyu's role as a meditative tool. Clicking on the Muyu icon isn't merely an act of accumulating virtue (gongde); it's a digital sanctuary for students and new professionals to find solace, relieve stress, and harness emotional balance. It becomes a modern vehicle for embracing mindfulness and spirituality, transcending cultural boundaries.

Blockchain Integration: Developed with Hardhat for ETH smart contract development, React for the user interface, and NEON EVM for smart contract deployment, this DApp employs smart contracts to manage Gongde accumulation and NFT minting and viewing. Each click on the Muyu increases the user's Gongde, and when a specific Fongde threshold is reached, the user can mint a unique NFT that represents their spiritual journey and engagement with the app.

NFT Collection: Users can view and treasure their collection of NFTs. Each NFT symbolizes their commitment to meditation, stress relief, and the pursuit of positive karma. The digital assets can serve as a reminder of their commitment to meditation, stress relief, and positive karma. These digital artifacts, once confined to wooden instruments and ancient rituals, now exist in a digital realm, making them easily accessible and cherished.

The Web3 Muyu Gongde Meditation DApp offers an unprecedented fusion of technology and culture. It welcomes users on a digital pilgrimage where they can cultivate mindfulness, accumulate virtue, and embrace the cultural richness of the Muyu—a journey that not only soothes the soul but also fuels blockchain adoption among the next generation.

How it's Made

Smart Contract: Smart contracts are deployed on the NEON EVM TestNet. The contract handleS the logic for accumulating Gongde and minting NFTs when specific conditions are met.

Blockchain Integration: Hardhat, a development environment for Ethereum smart contracts, is utilized to build and deploy the smart contracts that power gongde accumulation and NFT minting. It ensures the security and reliability of the blockchain interactions within the DApp.

Front-end: React is used to build the user interface (UI) of the DApp. It provides a responsive and interactive platform for users to engage with the Muyu icon, track their Gongde, and manage their NFT collections.

//TODO IPFS for NFT Storage: NFT metadata and assets are stored on IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) for decentralized and efficient storage.

Partner Technologies: The DApp may partner with NFT marketplaces for users to trade or showcase their NFTs to a broader audience, enhancing the cultural and spiritual impact of the project.

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