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WEB3 Board

WEB3 Board provide complete interactive option to explore the web3 protocols with download data option.

WEB3 Board

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🥉 Covalent — Best Use

🏊‍♂️ NFTPort — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

WEB3 Board provide complete interactive option to explore the web3 protocols with download data option.

It contains NFT Tracker that able to find the trending NFTS based on collections also a Simple user interface with the feature to explore the NFTs and wallet level analytics. Smart contracts bug scanner with detailed report ( include export option ) and wallet based IPFS data storage / links managements ( All the files are encrypted using AES-256 Algorithm ).

The place to generate unique GEO-art's and mint as a NFT in a minute.

How it's Made


AAVE V3 -- WEB3 Board ensure Accessibility to the Aave v3 protocols

Transactions_Explorer - It ensure the to show all transactions details based on user search that supports Ethereum,Optimism,Arbitrum,Polygon_v3,Polygon_V2,Avalanche_v2,Avalanche_v3,Harmony,Fantom ( Via Subgraph ).

Repay_Deposit_Borrow_Withdrawal_Explorer - Complete interavtive flow to search the any deposit/borrow/withdrawal details on v3 contracts. It supports 1. aave_price 2. Marketcap,Latest Withdrawals 3. Top Assets Withdrawn Today 4. Latest Hourly Withdrawals(charts) 5. Latest Deposits 6. Top Pools 7. Top Borrowed Assets for Today 8. Transaction Explorer 9. User Activity Explorer 10. Historical APY Search (Support all major coins) 11. Lending and Borrow Search.

Polygon_v3_Analytics - Today's Deposits/Borrows volume, Today's Depositors/Borrowers , Today's Deposits/Borrows, AAVE_V3_Polygon_Daily_New_User, AAVE_V3_Polygon_Total_Supplied,AAVE_V3_Polygon_Total Borrowed,AAVE_V3_Polygon_Users_activity,AAVE_V3_Polygon_TotalAvailable,AAVE_V3_Polygon_Active_Users,Aave_V3_Polygon_Depositers,Aave_V3_Polygon_Borrowers,Aave_V3_Polygon_Total_Transactions,Aave_V3_Polygon_Loan_Volume_By_Token_Amount,Aave_V3_Polygon_New_Unique_Wallets,Aave_V3_Polygon_Existing_Wallets.

Optimisim_v3_Analytics - Today's Deposits/Borrows volume, Today's Depositors/Borrowers , Today's Deposits/Borrows, AAVE_V3_Optimism_Users_activity,AAVE_V3_Optimism_Total_Supplied,AAVE_V3_Optimism_Total_Borrowed,AAVE_V3_Optimism_TotalAvailable,AAVE_V3_Optimism_depositors,AAVE_V3_Optimism_loans,Aave_V3_Optimism_Loan_Volume_By_Token_Amount,Aave_V3_Optimism_Active_Wallets,AAVE_V3_Optimism_Total_Supplied,AAVE_V3_Optimism_Borrow_Rates,Aave_V3_Optimism_Borrowers,Aave_V3_Optimism_Depositors,Aave_V3_Optimism_Total_Transactions,Aave_V3_Optimism_Existing_Wallets,Aave_V3_Optimism_New_Unique_Wallets.

Yearn Vaults -- Recent analytics For Yearn vaults

Active users - 24 Hours, Active users - 7 Days, Active users - 30 Days Total Transactions - 24 Hours, Total Transactions - 7 Days, Total Transactions - 30 Days Trending_Vaults_2022, Y_Vault_Correlation Yearn_Vault_Repeated_Users Yearn_Vault_Total_Users Yearn_Vault_UNIQUE_Users Y_Top_Correlated_Vault_Pairs, Y_Top_Correlated_Vault_Pairs_Occurrence_in_Wallets Yearn_yVault_User_Invested_Vaults_Array Yearn_DAI_yVault_TVL, Yearn_stEth_yVault_TVL, Yearn_yvUSDC_yVault_TVL Yearn_WETH_yVault_TVL, Yearn_DAI_yVault_Avg_deposits, Yearn_DAI_yVault_Avg_withdraw Yearn_yVault_Yearly_Returns Yearn_Vault_First_Deposit_Time, iearn_v2_Deployments

Skale - Integrated With THE GRAPH Protocol

SKL DashBoard - Waallets > 0, Wallets with >1,000, Wallets with >10,000, Wallets with >100,000, Wallets with >1,000,000, SKL_Price, SKL_users, SKL_transactions, SKL_active_users_old, SKL_average_users_per_day, SKL_active_users_new, SKL_buys_on_dex_unique_wallets, SKL_buys_on_dex_price_per_trade,SKL_on_dex.

SKALE Manager Explorer - Skale integated with The Graph protocol to get the UI for skale manager analysis ( via Subgraph )

Top_Validators - Grab the top validator details on the network with extensive filter options. Validator - search particular validator details Top_Delegators - Get the delegators details with filter options. Delegator - search particular delegator details Top_Delegations - List of top delegations with filters Delegation - get particular delegation detail.


ENS_Analysis -

Total ENS names created, All ENS participating addresses, Primary names registered, .ETH_Total_Growth, .ETH_New_Users_Growth, Ens_Avatar_Record_Growth, Ens_daily_registration_cost, Ens_daily_registration_count, Ens_name_trading_volume, Ens_name_trading_count, ETH_Renewal_Ratio_Percentage, Ens_trading_volume_by_platform.

ENS_Governance - Simple UI for ENS_Governance with downalod options(via Subgraph)

Top_Delegates - Top delegates details with filter options Delegate - get the delegate data Top_tokenHolders - Major token holders with filter options TokenHolder - Seach for token holder Governances - Get the governances data with filter options Domain_Check - Check domain avilablity

ENS_Status - Get the domain all important details and status.

Ens_Top_Level_Domains - Simple UI for ENS domains subgraph (via Subgraph)

Top_Level_Domains_By_Cost - Get all top domain by current cost's with filtering option Top_Level_Domain - check particular domain stats


Transactions_Explorer - wallet balance, Historical_Portfoilo, Transactions, User Analytics

Captital_DEX_Aurora Analytics - Simple UI for Captial_DEX_Aurora Datas (via Subgraph)

Capital_DEX_Aurora_Mints - Gets the details about all mints with filters. Capital_DEX_Aurora_PairDayDatas - PairdayDates list with filters. Capital_Dex_Aurora_Token - Search for any particular token stats. Capital_Dex_Aurora_Swaps - Swaps stats with filters Capital_Dex_Aurora_Swap - particular swap details Capital_Dex_Aurora_Pairs - Paris details with filters Capital_Dex_Aurora_Day_Datas - Day wise stats datas with filters.

Superfluid Explorer

Superfluid_streams_Dashboard - (CFA) Active Flow / 30 Days Polygon, (CFA) Circular / 30 Days Polygon, Total Accounts, superfluid_active_streams,superfluid_flow_per_stream,superfluid_all_sum_flowrate,Superfluid_CFA_Active_Streams_by_User_Polygon,Superfluid_CFA_Active_Streams_by_User_Polygon,superfluid_Recent_active_streamers,Superfluid_Share_of_Streams_by_Age_Polygon.

Superfluid_xdai Analytics (via Subgraph) - Accounts,MintedEvents,Top_flowUpdatedEvents,Top_tokenStatistics,TransferEvents,Streams,SuperTokenCreatedEvents

Superfluid_matic Analytics (via Subgraph) - Accounts,MintedEvents,Top_flowUpdatedEvents,Top_tokenStatistics,TransferEvents,Streams,SuperTokenCreatedEvents

Superfluid_avalanche Analytics (via Subgraph) - Accounts,MintedEvents,Top_flowUpdatedEvents,Top_tokenStatistics,TransferEvents,Streams,SuperTokenCreatedEvents

Superfluid_Arbitrum Analytics (via Subgraph) - Accounts,MintedEvents,Top_flowUpdatedEvents,Top_tokenStatistics,TransferEvents,Streams,SuperTokenCreatedEvents

Superfluid_Optimism Analytics (via Subgraph) - Accounts,MintedEvents,Top_flowUpdatedEvents,Top_tokenStatistics,TransferEvents,Streams,SuperTokenCreatedEvents

Application Programming Interface Integrated (APIs)

THE GRAPH - Number Of Subgraph Integrated

Aave_Explorer -,,,,,,,, Aurora -, ENS -,, Skale - SuperFluid -,,,,

QUICKNODE - NFT and TOKEN APIs integrated

w3.provider.make_request( qn_getTokenMetadataByContractAddress ) w3.provider.make_request(qn_fetchNFTCollectionDetails) w3.provider.make_request(qn_fetchNFTsByCollection) w3.provider.make_request( qn_getTransfersByNFT ) w3.provider.make_request(qn_verifyNFTsOwner) w3.provider.make_request(qn_getWalletTokenBalance) w3.provider.make_request(qn_getWalletTokenTransactions) w3.eth.get_transaction(hash)

COVALENT - Wallet_Transactions, Portfolio, Token_Transactions, Hash_Transactions ,Topic_Hash APIs Integrated{chain_id}/address/{address}/balances_v2/{chain_id}/address/{address}/portfolio_v2/{chain_id}/address/{address}/transactions_v2/{wallet}/transfers_v2/?contract-address={contract}{address}/balances_v2/?quote-currency=USD&format=JSON&nft=false&no-nft-fetch=false{address}/nft_transactions/{token}/?quote-currency=USD{hash}{hash}/?starting-block=12500000&ending-block=12500100&sender-address={wallet}

NFTPORT - NFT Recommendations, wallet NFT deatils, NFT details, easy minting APIs Integratred{address}{address}{address}/{token}{address}/{token}{address}{address}{address} IPFS Integration - NFT.Storage, Web3.Storage, Pinata, NFTPORT IPFS APIs

FLOWMAP - Generative GEO-ART NFT Collection [ under Wallet TAB ]

People can generate the GEO-ART accroding to there interest and mint the NFT. Mainnet minting starting from 1st oct 2022, now the collection deployed on mumbai testnet. Each nft metadata and files stored to NFT STORAGE and the collection directory stored via NFTPORT metadata directory IPFS API.

Personalized IPFS Storage_Management - Upload and maintain the IPFS data and URL of the File

Connect your web3 wallet (Metamask) to WEB3 Board Upload - Upload the collection metadata or any file you wanna maintain. It uses pinata service to upload the data. check - once you click check TAB its retrive the all upload you made to IPFS in a table structure with the IPFS URL link of the each item with downlaod option.

Core focus is to make it personalized way, just connect your wallet, check or upload your data's, if you wish to share any IPFS URL , you just away with one step.

Special Bonus -

WEB3 Scanner - Paste your contract address and get your BUG report. It analysis the whole code and notify any Major bug on your contract.

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