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InterPlanetary Wayback Machine allows the user to go “back in time” and see how ENS linked dApps looked in the past. It also allows to donate in Filecoin to the preservation of those websites.


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Project Description

Even though we are in the information era, most of the information available nowadays will likely not be available in the future. Historians in the future won't have papers to read, but lots of unordered, out-of-date, and sometimes lost digital documents. This is why preserving data properly today is significant.

We present a Data Preservation DAO that helps in the sustainability of the ENS websites, storing their different versions in Filecoin. It is the web3 equivalent to the Wayback Machine, hence the name of this project.

Every accessible version of a web that is stored in IPFS can be visualized with the help of a navigable timeline. In the details modal, you can see if somebody already made a deal with a Filecoin miner to preserve the website and allow you to donate FIL to help sustain the preservation cause.

Although it's not shown in the frontend, and they do not entirely work with the current version of the Fillecoin testnet, we have the following contracts:

  • An ERC-20 token that could be distributed to an initial group of preservationists and will be used to signal which websites are interesting to preserve. The token is called Memento.

  • A ERC-721 NFT for each document the DAO is preserving. The first actor who registers a proof-of-preservation in the smart contract can mint the NFT, granting them 50% of the donations received. The other half is paid as a tribute to the Treasury Contract. The NFTs are called Vestiges.

  • The Treasury Contract receives donations in FIL and allows Memento tokens to be burned in exchange for a proportional part of the treasury. This provides a price floor for the token that is increased with every donation to the treasury and decreased with every token issuance.

New Memento tokens are issued regularly and sent to the NFT contract, which distributes them among the most relevant information signaled by token holders. It is as if token holders were farming in the pools they think will be more profitable based on the likelihood of receiving donations (from which they receive a part).

This DAO fosters collective intelligence to signal and predict which data will be relevant in the future.

How it's Made

We obtain all the times an ENS has changed its contentHash from the ENS subgraph. We need to decode the provided hash using an EIP-1577 library and transform the block number into a timestamp with an Ethereum Mainnet RPC.

After that, we show the website using a gateway that supports CIDv1 sent as subdomains so that the websites can be seen properly. These are two services that allow that: and

We deployed some contracts in Wallaby using hardhat and interacted with them to register fake Deal IDs. If we are visiting a document that has a deal ID, we will be able to donate tFIL to help its preservation.

When you click on the Donate 10 FIL button, you are requested to add or switch to the Wallaby network. This is thanks to implementing EIP-3085 and EIP-3326, respectively.

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