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Generative art, based on QR codes scanned at live events like music festivals.


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Winner of

🏊 Mode — Prize Pool

Project Description

We're building a platform that enhances IRL experiences focusing on music festivals. A place where event organizers can create a fun collecting experience for attendees who claim tokens via QR codes as they attend different performances. These tokens are used for input in a generative art script, which evolves with the user as they attend more events. We believe WAVES can make the Web3 experience fun, interactive, and engaging, helping to enhance a plethora of IRL experiences.

How it's Made

We're using the new ERC-6551 standard, which enables an NFT to have their own tokenbound account. We're combining this with ERC-1155 tokens and p5.js.

Users begin by minting an ERC-6551 (called a "Synthesizer"). They can then mint additional ERC-1155s (called "Waves"). Other contracts in play are the Synth Registry that organizers interact with to deploy their own Synth generator. The generator is owned by the event organizer and gives them complete control, while the registry is controlled by us to enable updates over time.

The platform is a Progressive Web App, both organizer and event facing. The organizer is able to register an event, receive a Synth generator and then manage certain features like gasless payment (which is covered by the organizer).

Attendees can collect in the app via the QR code scanner, and then view the updated art based on the Waves they collect.

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