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Crunchy Bites Cinematic Delights ... Eth The Biscuits. A decentralized OTT plateform


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Traditional subscription models often leave users frustrated, as they are forced to pay a fixed fee for a plethora of content, much of which goes unwatched. This not only results in financial waste but also limits the user's control over their viewing preferences. WatchFlow addresses this issue by introducing a dynamic pricing mechanism based on watch time and popularity, ensuring users only pay for what they consume.

  1. Financial Waste in Subscriptions: Traditional subscription models require users to pay a fixed fee, often monthly, regardless of how much content they actually consume.

  2. Lack of Personalization: Subscription models typically provide a one-size-fits-all approach, offering a bundle of content irrespective of individual preferences.

  3. Limited Control Over Spending: Users have limited control over their spending in subscription models, as they are committed to a fixed fee regardless of actual usage.

  4. Unfair Compensation for Content Creators: Content creators often receive a flat rate or a share of the subscription revenue, irrespective of the popularity or engagement of their specific content piece.

  5. Need for Transparency: Users and content creators often lack transparency in how subscription fees are distributed among various content providers or how revenue is allocated based on individual content popularity.


How it's Made

Challenges :

Existing Market Challenges :

Users end up paying for a vast array of content, a significant portion of which may go unwatched. Users may feel frustrated by the lack of personalization, as they are forced to pay for content that does not align with their interests or viewing habits. Lack of control can lead to dissatisfaction, especially when users realize they are paying for content they rarely or never watch. This model fails to reward creators adequately for the popularity of their content, discouraging the production of high-quality and engaging videos. Lack of transparency can lead to mistrust and dissatisfaction within the content creation and consumption ecosystem.

Challenges While Making the new Model :

  1. Popularity Factor: We had to come up with a popularity factor to decide the popularity of the video. Currenty the formula we came with is as follows :

Popularity = 1 + (Likes/Views)

However some other factor can also be included in this formula such as Time Period from Upload Date.

  1. Liquidity Pool // DeEx Currently the model uses custom tokens that can be minted infinitely as and when required by the user. However intitial plan was to create a Liquidity pool of tokens with other crypto Currency. Then Exchange the Token for other crypto as payment. However, this was not possible because of lack for mainnet tokens.
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