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A decentralized platform that enables secure file storage and sharing with access control, built with Reactjs, Solidity smart contract, LightHouse SDK, and deployed on the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM).


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Warp is a decentralized platform for access control of files. It enables users to securely upload, share, and chat about their files with specific people. The platform is built using ReactJS for frontend and Solidity smart contract for storing all the sharing details. The platform leverages the LightHouse SDK to encrypt and share files with people who have been granted access. The sharing data like the receiver's public wallet address, file name, file cid, and time is stored in the Solidity smart contract, which is deployed on the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM).

The platform allows users to log in using their MetaMask wallet and have complete control over their files and who they share them with. The encrypted files are stored on IPFS, and the use of FVM ensures that the file sharing data is secure and tamper-proof.

The team was able to impress themselves with the creation of a decentralized version of Google Drive, which showcases the potential of decentralized file sharing and access contro

How it's Made

The project Warp is built with Reactjs for frontend and Solidity smart contract for storing all the sharing details to load the history for the user. It uses the LightHouse SDK for encrypting files and sharing them with specific access control by adding the receiver's public wallet address. The sharing data is stored in the smart contract deployed on the FVM. The project benefits from the technology sponsors LightHouse, Spheron, and FVM. It is a unique example of access control of files and how it can be implemented on IPFS. Warp is built using ReactJS for frontend, Solidity for smart contract development and LightHouse SDK for file encryption. The file encryption is done using LightHouse SDK's shareFile feature. ReactJS is used to build the user interface and allow users to interact with the platform, such as uploading and downloading files, and accessing their file history.

The smart contract, which is deployed on the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM), stores the details of all file sharing activities, including the receiver's public wallet address, file name, file cid, and time. This information is used to grant specific access control to the shared files.

The technical sponsor technologies used in the project include LightHouse, Spheron, and the Filecoin Virtual Machine. LightHouse was used for file encryption, Spheron was used to deploy the project on the decentralized network, and the Filecoin Virtual Machine was used to store the smart contract and its associated data.

The use of these technologies has greatly benefited the project by providing robust security and decentralization to the file sharing process. With the help of the FVM, the smart contract is stored on a decentralized network, making it secure and tamper-proof. The use of LightHouse's shareFile feature allowed for easy and secure file encryption and sharing.

The team behind the project was impressed with the ease of use and the robust security provided by the combination of these technologies. The decentralized file sharing and access control system built on the IPFS network represents a new level of privacy and security for online file storage and sharing.

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