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WAO Protocol - Web Archiving Oasis

A web archiving marketplace that backs up your GitHub contributions on the decentralized network without you worrying about it while helping you earn a living out of it!

WAO Protocol - Web Archiving Oasis

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Today, the majority of developer communities and organizations, including DAOs, rely on GitHub for project hosting. However, GitHub, being a centralized platform, has limited support for web3 native values, posing a risk of potential data loss.

The project features a GitHub app that meticulously tracks user contributions and securely backs up this data to decentralized storage. Users have the flexibility of choosing between two storage options: uploading files to IPFS or opting for the paid option of storing files on Filecoin. Filecoin storage provides users with the ability to perpetually store their code online, while IPFS storage is free, albeit with the risk of potential code loss when unpinned.

In addition to these storage options, our platform offers users the opportunity to release their software directly on our web app. This release allows for seamless transactions through decentralized finance (DeFi), enabling users to buy software offerings directly on the platform. Elevate your GitHub experience with enhanced security and streamlined software release capabilities.


How it's Made

We faced alot of difficulties while implementing a zk pipeline to store encrypted code on decentralised storage and emitting snapshots on blockchains

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