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Wally Wallet - The Game

We are building a solution that enables efficient and effective education of children on the important concepts of Web3, using real-life examples and a simple onboarding process.

Wally Wallet - The Game

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

ur team is excited to present Wally Wallet, a fun and interactive solution that aims to educate children on the important concepts of Web3 using real-life examples and a simple onboarding process. Our project involves developing a game that introduces young kids to the world of Web3, including DAOS, NFTs, Tokenomics, communications, backend DB, Graph, and IPFS.

With Wally Wallet, children can learn about these complex Web3 concepts in a way that is both engaging and approachable. Through our platform, children will gain a better understanding of the future of the internet, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrency.

Our team believes that the younger generations need to be exposed to these important concepts in order to make informed decisions in the future. By introducing children to Web3 at an early age, we hope to help build a more inclusive and decentralized future.

We are confident that our project has the potential to revolutionize the way we educate children about Web3. We look forward to showcasing our progress at the upcoming hackathon and continuing to develop this important solution.

How it's Made

The front end is built using ReactJs/typescript and NextJS.We used Wagmi and Ether.js for web3 integration. This allowed us to interact with our deployed smart contract from our front-end using Wagmi React Hooks.

🎨 We used Chakra UI as the main UI library for a consistent feeling . We overrided some theme with CSS files when needed. We used React audio player for the audio integration.

🌈 Rainbow Kit is used for the wallet integration.

Use IPFS to store images to store images & user data to keep the game as decentralised as possible.

The smart contracts are deployed on Polygon Mumbai Testnet The smart contract stores holds the following functions : Ex - make transactions etc... [ guys you need to fill up here what kind of functions the smart contract have ].

What we learned / the challenges we faced to scale on ethereum: Create, compile & deploy a smart contract to all the L2 listed below👇 . Create, compile and deploy a Subgraph to The Graph's Hosted Service. Query your Subgraph from your front-end using GraphQL to display blockchain & ipfs data. Learned how to translate Web3 requierements into a web2 UI "feels like" so all users can have a great learning experience.

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