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IMDB Movie Rating Platform on Web3 - deployed on the FEVM blockchain


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Project Description

This project aims to achieve movie rating on web3 via the FEVM. We treat every movie as an ERC721 token minted on the blockchain, allowing anyone to create a token for their creations. Web3 Users can rate those movie NFTs and the platform takes care of maintaining the average rating computed on-chain with various rating checks in-place

How it's Made

Solidity Smart Contract deployed on FEVM at the backend, with ethers.js integration with the deployed contract on the frontend. We used hardhat development environment for testing and debugging the contract(Truffle did not work) with some development done on Remix IDE too. Frontend contains a simple react-bootstrap based demo app for users and for admins. We have also implemented checks within the Smart Contract to make sure that a user only casts his vote once.

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