Decentralised content streaming platform with abilities to rent, subscribe and purchase audio/video content.
W3Flix aims to ramp up the content streaming experience for consumers as well as creators using the Pay-Per-View model [through DataDAOs] to avoid any kind of piracy. Creators can configure different ways for distribution of their content (in form of video/audio streaming) like permanent purchase price, rent price (time-bound access) and subscription price (for batched content) without any intermediatory agent/entity. While users can enjoy their content in a browser-based secure sandbox content player with no buffering delays due to the 'content parts' encryption/decryption methodology.
How content parts will work: Let’s consider a media of 500 seconds in length and if the configuration is set to have 5 parts with 0.02 overlapping, the parts will be as follows: 0 - 102 seconds 98 - 202 seconds 198 - 302 seconds 298 - 402 seconds 398 - 502 seconds [Overlapping Factor OF = 0.02 x 500 / 5 = 2 Parts’ lengths: {(range1 - OF) to (range2 + OF)}]
The main contracts (deployed on FVM testnet) are developed in Solidity, the frontend developed in React while the client-side backend is developed in Node.js/JS and Lighthouse SDKs.
Backend flow for Creators:
Backend flow for Consumers: