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Wallet to Wallet Chat. Web3 users can communicate with each other using a simple browser-based chat interface. Users will authenticate with any wallet enabling a cross-chain chat and will also get message notifications.


Created At


Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Pocket Network — Pool Prize

🥉 Quicknode — Best Use

6️⃣ XMTP — Top 6

Project Description

Wallet to Wallet Chat. Web3 users can communicate with each other using a simple browser-based chat interface. Users will authenticate with any wallet enabling a cross-chain chat and will also get message notifications [V1]

V1.5: Users can trigger automated (and scheduled messages to be sent to their recipients (ie “gm”)

V2: Users can snap a photo and send it in the chat that will be minted as an NFT in the background. It will be fully owned to the person and added to a collection in their wallet

V.2 Enable token gated group chats

+Beyond: Users can submit “@” commands to grab off-chain data from an oracle (like check weather or price data)

How it's Made

This project uses XMTP for cross-wallet messaging, Wallet-connect for authenticating with various types of wallets, Pokt as the decentralized chain infrastructure (node) RPC provider and Quicknode's NFT fetch API's for collections (contract addresses) and wallet-owners' NFT lookup. In this browser based client app: We used React TS to build the client App, integrating with XMTP JS SDK, configuring app endpoints on Pokt infrastructure, using Wallet-connect web3modal SDK for authentication and wallet connection with the client app. We hacked NFT fetch for the logged in wallet-owner using Quicknode's NFTFetch method: qn_fetchNFTs We were specifically aiming for using decentralized node infrastructure (Pokt), decentralized messaging infrastructure (XMTP) to build cross-wallet and cross-chain NFT sharing app with chat as the basic UX

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