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🔐 Protect your crypto assets on 10 major blockchains with our Telegram bot! We scan, analyze, and safeguard your addresses against security threats. Powered by QuickNode RPC nodes. 🚀


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Winner of

🥈 Mask — RelationService Best Use

Project Description

Our project is a Telegram chatbot designed to enhance the security of cryptocurrency assets on 10 major blockchains, including Polygon, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and more. Users input the addresses they want to protect, and our bot constantly scans newly mined blocks on these blockchains. Here's how it works:

Real-Time Monitoring: The bot continuously monitors newly mined blocks on supported blockchains using QuickNode RPC nodes. These nodes provide access to real-time blockchain data, ensuring timely responses.

Contract Detection: It scans transactions within these blocks to identify newly created contracts. This is a crucial step because malicious contracts are often the source of security threats.

Contract Bytecode Analysis: Our bot performs bytecode analysis on these newly created contracts. It checks for specific patterns and dependencies on known contracts that might indicate a security risk.

GPT-Powered Security Checks: In a later phase, we plan to integrate GPT (or similar AI) to perform more in-depth security checks. This includes assessing contract code and deployers' addresses for safety and potential associations with known malicious activities.

User-Friendly Interface: Users interact with the bot through Telegram, where they input their addresses and receive alerts or reports about potential security threats. We prioritize a user-friendly experience to ensure easy adoption.

How it's Made

We built this project using a combination of technologies and strategies to ensure efficiency and effectiveness:

QuickNode RPC Nodes: We depend on QuickNode's RPC nodes to access real-time blockchain data from the 10 supported blockchains. Thanks to their generous free plan, we can afford a crazy single endpoint for mainnet. Of course, we'd love to support more, but I no money. 😅💰

JavaScript: The core of our bot is developed in JavaScript, using various JavaScript libraries and modules to facilitate blockchain data retrieval and analysis.

Telegram API: We integrate with the Telegram API to create a user-friendly interface for users to interact with the bot. This integration allows for secure communication between users and the bot.

JSON Databases: To manage data efficiently, especially at the small scale we currently operate, we utilize JSON databases to store user inputs, addresses to monitor, and potential security threat information.

Efficiency Optimization: Given the constant flow of blockchain data, we've implemented optimization techniques like caching and parallel processing to speed up data retrieval and analysis, ensuring timely alerts to users.

Scalability: We have a plan in place to scale the project as it gains more users and demands on our system increase. This includes strategies for handling a larger user base and managing additional blockchain networks.

Security and Compliance: We prioritize compliance with legal and ethical considerations, including data privacy and security regulations relevant to blockchain monitoring.

In summary, our Telegram chatbot, powered by QuickNode RPC nodes, offers a proactive security solution for cryptocurrency assets by monitoring, analyzing, and safeguarding addresses on major blockchains, ensuring users' peace of mind in an ever-evolving crypto landscape.

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