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We are building Vortex, a platform for users to launch tokens with lent initial liquidity for free, instantly tradable on Uniswap. Users can also stake to provide liquidity to the platform and earn revenue sharing.


Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Blockscout - Use Blockscout Block Explorer!

Prize Pool

Base - Best apps built for trading on Base

Project Description

We are building Vortex, a platform for users to launch tokens in 2 clicks directly on Uniswap with lent initial liquidity from the platform.

For each token launched Vortex provides 0.5 eth as lent initial liquidity for the first week. As there is no token distribution before launch no one can dump on this lent liquidity making sure we always get it back.

All tokens are fair-launched, rug-proof, have a 5% max wallet.

Token creators can be the first to buy their token if they choose, on the first block of the token being launched.

This liquidity that is lent by the platform comes from users who stake their eth on Vortex to receive a share of all the revenues generated.

The platform supports EVM chains with low gas fees such as Base, OP, Celo, BNB, AVAX, Arbitrum and more.

How it's Made

This project is being developed in a Hardhat environment and we leveraged several technologies:

  • Uniswap V3 for the core back-end functionalities of the platform.

  • For the front-end Node.js, Ethers V6, Alchemy API, WalletConnect API

  • Blockscout for the block explorer and verifying contracts

  • Firestore from Firebase for the database.

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