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Vitalik's Secret

A world scale puzzle that challenge anyone to find the best solution. It is a NP-hard problem so rife for exploration

Vitalik's Secret

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Scroll - Best on Scroll

Project Description

This project is a world-scale puzzle that lets anyone try to solve it in the minimum moves. Even as creators, we don't have any more clues. A fully permissionless puzzle The person with the best solution gets the prize.

While the project is made with a fun twist, the puzzle is itself an interesting challenge. There are many research papers on the topic and rewarding research with NFT could be an interesting application to this kind of research.

How it's Made

Proving that you played game correctly presents the challenge of itself. You can prove only limited number of moves in naive Solidity implementation. We brielfy considered going with optimistic approach which removes computation cost but had other drawbacks, but we knew we had to stay true to the Vitalik's secret and leverage power of zk moon math. We used Noir to write game circut in which solver plays the moves and generates proof of number moves needed to finish the game. When you verify the proof in smart contract that surpasses best score, unique NFT is minted to you as reward. During your rein as best solver it features special effect.

Technologies used:

  • Noir for snark circuits
  • Solidity for smart contract code
  • DAPP is build with power of JollyRodger ☠️ stack
  • Viem is used for network communication
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