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project screenshot 3 Transforming object detection using IPFS and blockchain. Secure, decentralized storage with IPFS and Ethereum. Real-time, reliable object detection for a new era of data integrity. #IPFS #blockchain #objectdetection #EthGlobal

Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Winner of

8️⃣ FVM — Top 8

Project Description is an innovative project that revolutionizes the field of object detection by harnessing the power of IPFS (Interplanetary File System) and blockchain technology, with a focus on competing for IPFS prizes at the EthGlobal hackathon.

At its core, addresses the critical challenges surrounding data security, integrity, and real-time object detection. Traditional centralized databases are prone to vulnerabilities, such as data theft and Distributed Denial of Service Attacks (DDoS). Our solution overcomes these limitations by leveraging IPFS, a decentralized file system, for uploading and storing images securely.

Here's how it works: Each image is uploaded to IPFS, generating a unique hash digest. This hash is then stored on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring tamper-proof data integrity and immutability. When object detection is required, the image is retrieved using its hash and processed using the YOLOv3 model, known for its exceptional accuracy and efficiency. The resulting image is then uploaded back to the IPFS system, allowing seamless access on the user interface.

Why use blockchain? Blockchain technology offers unmatched security, data authenticity, and availability. By distributing data across multiple nodes, we significantly enhance system resilience and mitigate the risk of malicious attacks. Furthermore, every transaction on the blockchain is transparent and traceable, providing a reliable audit trail for data authenticity.

Our project aims to showcase the seamless integration of IPFS and blockchain technology to ensure secure, reliable, and efficient object detection. By combining the decentralized storage capabilities of IPFS and the advanced object detection capabilities of YOLOv3, we provide a comprehensive solution that addresses the data security concerns faced in various industries.

With the potential for wide-ranging applications, including surveillance, autonomous vehicles, and any domain requiring secure real-time object detection, presents a forward-looking approach for a future where data security and efficient processing go hand in hand.

How it's Made is a meticulously crafted project that combines various technologies to deliver a robust and seamless solution. Here's how we built it:

  1. Backend: We leveraged Flask, a powerful Python web framework, to handle the backend functionality. Flask allowed us to create a RESTful API for communication between the frontend and the backend components.

  2. Frontend: For the frontend, we used Next.js, a React framework known for its speed and scalability. React enabled us to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces, while Next.js provided server-side rendering capabilities, enhancing performance. We also utilized Tailwind CSS for efficient and responsive styling.

  3. IPFS Integration: To store decentralized files, we employed IPFS, a distributed file system. With the help of the IPFS-Toolkit library, we seamlessly integrated IPFS into our project. When a user uploads an image, we utilize Python to send it to the IPFS decentralized database, generating a unique hash for easy retrieval.

  4. Object Detection: For accurate and efficient object detection, we integrated the renowned YOLOv3 model. Leveraging Python's capabilities, we retrieve the image from IPFS and feed it into the YOLOv3 model. The ultralytics library facilitated the object detection process, allowing us to extract meaningful information from the images.

Noteworthy Hack: To ensure a smooth user experience, we implemented a streamlined approach. When a user requests an image, we run the Python script, retrieving the image from IPFS, performing real-time object detection using YOLOv3, and promptly displaying the results on our frontend. This optimization eliminates unnecessary delays, providing a seamless and efficient user experience.

Overall, the combination of Flask, Next.js, IPFS, YOLOv3, and the associated libraries enabled us to create a powerful system that securely stores and processes object detection data. The technologies seamlessly integrate, forming a cohesive solution that addresses the challenges of data security, decentralization, and real-time object detection.

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