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Secure your server, and empower your community.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

VerifyForRole, powered by Polygon ID, offers enhanced security and trust in identity verification on Discord servers. Leveraging PolygonID's zero-knowledge proof ensures tamper-resistant, privacy-preserving, and decentralized user authentication. The bot streamlines the verification process, automates role assignments, facilitates exclusive channel access, and is designed for seamless integration into any Discord server, offering universal applicability. This solution benefits various Discord communities, events, education servers, and platforms with exclusive content, providing a secure and streamlined verification experience.


How it's Made

Building the Discord bot with PolygonID had some challenges. First, making the app user-friendly was tricky. Then, connecting PolygonID securely with Discord and ensuring only verified users got the right roles posed difficulties. To fix these, I took it step by step, asked for help on StackOverflow and Polygon's Discord, and focused on the most important parts. Even though integrating the Issuer Node wasn't complete, working with the community and staying updated helped create a working and secure Discord bot with PolygonID.

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