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Verification Station

Verification Station: A network of AI agents on the Autonolas stack, providing decentralized verification for Oracles and DeFi systems to enhance security and democratize profits.

Verification Station

Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Chronicle Protocol - Innovation Track 1st place

Project Description

The Watchers are Agents implemented as a network of nodes through the OLAS stack that operates the independent checking of the validity of signatures in Oracle Networks and could also query AMM price feeds to then potentially operate other economic actions such as arbitrages and extract IL out of AMM pools. By functioning as an Oracle of Oracles, Watchers ensures robust security without compromising efficiency.

The Verification Station Framework, allows the capturing of Oracle extractable value (OEV) by Watchers continuously checking that the on-chain prices reported by the Oracle are precise in regards to the methodology utilized by the Oracle itself. Our initial MVP involves checking the Chronicle's Price Oracle through signature verification. Chronicle signers are currently verified at a 1/13 signature threshold. Hence, the distributed network of Watchers can verify the remaining signatures beyond the first on a block-by-block basis, enhancing the reliability of the Oracle service and collecting slashing rewards whenever an invalid signature gets detected. Our Framework, ultimately helps the Oracle to achieve a higher degree of robustness through the expansion of its network of validators.

The VStation Framework empowers individuals to operate nodes, participate in slashing opportunities, or passively collect a share of profits through liquidity provision.

How it's Made

Our Tech Stack:

  • Hardhat Foundry and Remix: Used for smart contract development, testing, and deployment.
  • Autonolas' Open Autonomy Framework: Utilized to run decentralized autonomous agents.
  • Gnosis.Safe: Managed to secure wallet operations for contract interactions.
  • Chronicle/ Pyth: Checking the Chronicle's Price Oracle through signature verification. Chronicle signers are currently verified at a 1/13 signature threshold. The VS network of Watchers can verify the remaining signatures beyond the first on a block-by-block basis, enhancing the reliability of the Oracle service and collecting slashing rewards whenever an invalid signature gets detected. We will expand to Pyth as the next Oracle in the pipeline.
  • the Graph: utilized to query on-chain data and AMM Prices to identify spreads and arbitrage opportunities that could potentially be captured with future implementations along the roadmap.
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