An API-based verification service for the Ethereum ecosystem, including Arbitrum Stylus. By integrating Rust we collaborate with Blockscout to enhance trust and transparency, promoting the universal adoption of smart contract verification.
Prize Pool
This project aims to establish a robust verification culture in the Ethereum ecosystem, with a particular focus on Layer 2 solutions such as Arbitrum Stylus (Rust) and Starknet (Cairo). We have developed an API that simplifies source code uploads, compilation, and smart contract verification, collaborating with Blockscout to share verified contract data. This service enhances transparency and security across various blockchain networks and offers an efficient pipeline for compiling, deploying, and verifying contracts through the Remix IDE plugin for Arbitrum Stylus. This means that once contracts are deployed using this plugin, they are automatically verified, and source code can be immediately accessed on Blockscout.
This project was built using a custom API service based on Nest.js, AWS, and Next.js, alongside cutting-edge Web3 tools. We utilized Arbitrum Stylus to compile and deploy contracts written in Rust, integrating real-time verification endpoints. Blockscout integration enables efficient sharing and visibility of verification data. Integrating non-Solidity languages into web-based verification posed unique challenges, which we addressed with specialized tools, data pipelines, and real-time compilation features.
Notably, we developed an innovative solution that connects the Remix IDE plugin for Arbitrum Stylus with our web-based verifier, enabling a seamless single-step workflow for Rust-based contract verification.