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On-chain event attendance confirmation through NFTs and ENS. A dApp solution for proof of attendance at any kind of event.


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

This project allows event attendees to sign up for events through ENS at which time their attendance status will be pending and minted on an NFT. Event organizers can then change their status to attended which will be reflected in the metadata of the NFT. Otherwise, the NFT will be burned which indicates that the person did not attend the event.

How it's Made

We used Solidity, HTML, CSS, React, Node.js, and JavaScript to build this application. We all worked together to build as much as we could in the given time but ran into many computer issues and connectivity issues. Given more time we would refine our MVP and try to add in more functionality. Our smart contracts and the backend are complete while our frontend needs more work.

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