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Introducing Variety.Finance! We defend the interest of Liquidity Providers (LPs) by developing LP Protection features for UniswapV2-like protocols and channeling savings into a treasury fund for LPs. In this way LPs benefit from the long term to offset impermanent loss.


Created At

ETHOnline 2021

Winner of


Polygon - Best DeFi Application


⭐️ ETHOnline 2021 Finalist

Uniswap Foundation

Uniswap Grants Program - Runner up

Project Description

Visit our twitter for updates: Liquidity Providers (LPs) are the backbone of the money legos of the DEFI economy. However time and time again, we have witnessed them abused by impermanent loss despite serving a critical function in DEFI. This is unsustainable and in some cases an outright scam of LPs’ hard earned money. We introduce Variety.Finance. We are creating LP Protection features for UniswapV2-like protocols and channeling savings into a treasury fund for LPs (or a fund towards public goods). In this way LPs benefit from the long term appreciation of their governance token/fund to offset impermanent loss. The fund can be channeled into an treasury fund for LPs.

How it's Made

This project on the backend is using Solidity deployed and verified using Hardhat and Harhat Verify modules. The Contracts are a flavour of Uniswap contracts for the Factory, Router. We introduced a yield farming contract (Distributor) and arbitrage contract. The Contracts are deployed to Polygon(Matic)'s Mumbai Testnet. For frontend, it uses Next.js, React.js. We used Alchemy endpoints for our RPC calls.

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