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A peer to peer implementation of BitSwap protocol


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

The idea here is to redefine blockchain and its corresponding terms to help implement it in a different format that allows for scalability. Looking at blockchain as a ledger that records the growth of a language(protocol) by its peers helps us build the architecture differently allowing for mass use of blockchains. A token in this context is nothing but a piece of data used by the peers to communicate information amongst each other. Details on how the token is to be used can be found via the protocol housed by the blockchain.


How it's Made

Since most of the project is mainly about building a new architecture for the project, the challenges I ran into were in understanding the inner workings of blockchain and what they actually represent in the real world. Storage can be used as an extension of human memory. Programs can be used as an extension of human computation. Machines can be used as an extension of human capabilities. Thinking of a node as an extension of human capabilities rather than a program that outputs numbers helped me in defining blockchain in a new perspective.

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