NFC and QR Payments!? Tapas makes your life easy by letting you pay in crypto anywhere!
Prize Pool
Prize Pool
Utapia is a Tap-to-Pay solution for crypto! Imagine you pull up to a shop, the merchant hands you a receipt and you tap your fancy ring to pay for your favourite pudgy plushie!
Primarily based on Worldcoin, we are trying to make micro transactions accessible for the "World"!
Utapia utilises NFCs and QR scanners to make contactless payments happen. We also have Coinbase wallet and on-ramp integrations to help with adding extra funds to your spending wallet.
Each user onboarded on Utapia enjoys sponsored and gasless transactions. They each get a smart account and NFCs are used to sign UserOp (more like EIP-712) hashes.
Utapia users can also onboard with their existing crypto wallets leveraging the Coinbase CDP kit!
Utapia's use cases extend beyond micro-transactions at merchant stores. You can also use Worldcoin usernames to send funds to your frens and enjoy a truly on-chain life.
World App -
We loved hacking with the NFC tags and's Halo! Each user has an owner key that controls an ERC-4337 SCW. The NFCs can be set as signers for these SCWs. And this helps us power the crypto payments saga!
We use Worldcoin as our primary on-boarding method. Features used are as follows:
Alternatively users can also use wallet connections, we use Coinbase CDP kit to make it happen. Utapia works with