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UStore is a perpetual storage DAO for communities of DIY enthusiasts


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Libriarians and computer scientist shared goal is to organize information and make it accessible. Simple protocols like html and inventions like the hyperlinks are prone to problems like link rot.

UStore is a service framework for sustained storage of data. It organizes communities around their data. Using our Dapp files can be uploaded to filecoin access can be organized using control policies.

How it's Made


We deployed a SimpleCoin contract to the FEVM to later be used to provide or restrict access to data stored on filecoin. We also deployed all filecoin actors as smart contract (wrappers) to Hyperspace testnet:

Storage deals and actors

  • storage deals existed in Filecoin chain before FEVM;
  • storage deals are agreements between storage providers and customers
  • currency is FIL; deals are bought in chunks of 16G
  • actors are implemented as smart contracts (written in Solidity)
  • all filecoin activities can be wrapped in a smart contact


The Frontend is a React App that implements the following functions:

  • Upload
  • Upload Encrypted
  • Decrypt File (using a CID managed by Lighthouse UI)
  • decryptviewFile -> check access control
  • Apply Access Conditions
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