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User Incentivized Oracle ( UIO )

Source of Arbitrary Verified Statements about World, available on Chain via user based financial incentive.

User Incentivized Oracle ( UIO )

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Collect and Store Verified Humanity Data. Store Vital history events with social proof backed by financial incentive. Socially Verified Truths about Local / Global events. Users earn via disputing false statements. Users earn commision from the truths they asserted. Use for Verified Social News App Enabling Users invest in their opinions.


How it's Made

Started integrating SafeAuth, then coudn't due to me using wagmi based template. UMA contracts are deployed, hence debugging them required forking. Push protocol uses ether 5.x.x, made it incompatible. The Graph was quick but failed several times due to etherscan issues. Wanted to do a escalation based oracle, to reduce minbond requirement but couldn;t finish.

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