Checking your credit score using your email to allow credit delegation from your peers
Unknown Finance is an app that brings real life credit scores into DeFi to open the possibilities of under collateralized loans in certain communities.
Let's imagine you are part of a farmers association, and such association has an active deposit in AAVE to generate some yield on behalf of its members. By using Unknown Finance, any member of this community can prove that his/her wallet address belongs to a real person with a credit score from traditional entities that the community can trust to delegate a credit line for working capital, for example. As a future step we want to integrate this system with an email wallet to reduce the onboarding friction even more and bring traditional communities into DeFi
This project uses zkEmail in its core and an API connected to credit score providers to get a credit score from institution. Once the user receives an email with a credit score, he uploads the .eml file along with his wallet address to the system. The system checks for a valid signature of the email provider to ensure that it's coming from a valid institution and also includes in its body the credit score of a given user. This is done with zkRegex.
Once this is verified, the system generates a zk proof that is sent back to the user and deploys a verification smart contract in Scroll to be publicly verified.
The user can then access to a credit line that has been pre-approved by the community wallet in AAVE Scroll.
We also implemented a smart contract that maps the different credit lines to all the verifier smart contracts deployed by our system.
We benefited from zkEmail and zkRegex mostly, as well as the deployment of AAVE in Scroll.
We are looking to use zk Tech to solve a real world trust issue for communities.